222645 � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK • J• 1• 011i��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. p"�`�" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (� O . OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY • . . COM M I551 O N E DATF � BE SOL , Tha ' aoco��dance W3.th t�d3nance I�o: 11061, Coeancil File 1$3690 appr�Q d d. 26, ].957, ,,as amended by Ordinance No. 12376, Covneil File 210l�76 appr d Jannaxy 4, 1963, '�he, annu,al sever mai�tenance charges to be made in 1965 aga3nst the fo�].awing commercia.l; industr3.a1, and residential �roperties other than single and two-family 'dwellings,�Wh3.ch. are located in the Township of. Woodbnry, Wash3ngton County, a.nd which are cannected to the Saint Paul Sewer S�*stem, be and hereby axe determined to be, the amounts set opposite the location of the co�nections as follaas; ADDRESS IISE .�MOIINT 3�.7�. yowex .Qfton Road Service Station �16.00 3056 Upper �,fton Road Stores 33.60 , - - - - , MAR 2� 1965 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas rrays � INAR 2 41965 Dalglish Holland � - �pproved 19— �gs Tn Favor � , ll�e�sox� �ered3.th Mayor eterson G A gainst r nv�cir Mr. President, Vavoulis �$�111�$�D � 2� '�,� �onz s-s2 = � -- �_ �.x� 3 � ` • .. ;s