06-203Council File # _�(���
Green Sheet # 3029724
1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul does possess fee simple title to a 60-foot wide right-of-
2 way located south of Arlington Avenue and west of L'Orient Sireet in Saint Paul (PIN
3 and PIN (the "Property"), such possession of title being
4 for benefiYOf the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of SaintPaul (the "Boazd"); and
WHEREAS, Bix Produce Company, LLC, a firm operating a produce wholesale business
adjacent to the Property at 1415 L'Orient Street (`Bax"), desires to expand its operations at
said location, but by doing so would not have adequate employee puking space; and
10 WI3EEREAS, Boazd staff drafted a Pernut Agreement which allows Bix to construct a
11 parking lot within the Property for such employee parking needs in exchange for Bix
12 providing a11 property maintenance required therein, and which provides that all operations
13 of the Board take precedence over Buc operations; and
15 WIIEREAS, the Boazd did adopt Board Resolution No. 5073 which approved said Permit
16 Agreement and requested that the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul, as possessors
17 of tifle to the Property for benefit of the Board, likewise grant approval; now, therefore, be it
19 RESOLVED, that the Pernut Agreement between the Board of Water Commissioners of the
20 City of Saint Paul and Bix Produce Company, LLC, allowing the construction of a parking
21 lot within the Board's Low Service right-of-way south of Arlington Avenue and west of
22 L'Orient Street in Saint �aul is hereby approved, and that the proper officers are hereby —
23 authorized to execute said Pernut Agreement on behalf of the City of 5aint Paul.
Yeas Nays Absent
Benanav '
Bostrom �
Harris ,�
Helgen ,
Lantry `
Montgomexy �
Thune �
Adopted by Council: Date /v/�(��/. �00/__
Adoption Certified by Councfl Secretazy
By: ����T �i��Sisn
Approved by or ate �o
Requested by Deparhnent of:
Saint Paul Re¢ional Water Services
�,��� � �
Form Approved by City Attorney
By: �/�Sc� C�, .F-c.�.✓
Approv y ayo or Su - ssi to Council
By: _
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
. . (�Y _-�d�
Departmentlo�celcouneil: Date Initiated: � �
wA Wa�U�ty 14FEB-O6 Green Sheet NO: 3029724
Contact Person & Phone: Deoartment Sent To Person InitiaVDate
Steve Schneider � 0 ater Ua1i
66274 Assign 1 aterUtili De artmentDirector �
I Must Be on Councii Agenda by (Oate}: Number 2 � �
Routing 3 or'sOff'ce Ma or/Assistant
� ' Order ' 4 ���
5 ' Clerk Ci Clerk
Total # of Signature Pages (Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested: .
Adoption of Council Resln approving a Permit Agant with Bix Produce Co LS.0 to provide for consttuction of a pazking lot within the
Boazd of Water Commissioners Low Service right-of-way located south of Arlington Ave and east of L'Orient St in Saint Paul.
Attachments: 1) Locaption Map 2) Staff Report 3) Proposed Council Resln. 4) Board Resln. No. 5073.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Serviee Contracts Must Answer the Follawing Questions: -
Planning Commission 7, Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department�
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this�personlfirtn ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city empldyee?
Yes No
, Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportuniry(Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Bix needs room for employee paxking if it is to expand its business at its Saint Paul locafion.
i ,�� ( !3f`F ..-.-- y -.�,� � :•,,,_ ,
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AdvantapeslfApproved: �
Local business is able to expand. ��- �� ;, ;��,,,;i
`eu'e'�� 3 f„ ��
_ � ��, � �
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Local business must expand elsewhere. - -
Total Amount of CosilRevenue Budgeted: �
Transaction• .
Fundinp Source: Activity Number: R °��^'� ���'��""Yb �'
hb1'�s ..-.".•�•
Financial I nformatio n:
(Explain) ��� A �
Staff Renort
Febmary 10, 2006
Permit Agreement with Bix Produce Company, LLC to provide for construction of a
parking lot within the Board of Water Commissioners Low Service right-of-way
located south of Arlington Avenue and west of L'Orient Street in Saint Paul.
The Boazd of Water Commissioners is seeking City approval of a long-term pernrit
agreement which will allow Bix to use a portion of the Boazd's I.ow Service right-of-way for
a parking lot. The Pernut Agreement was approved by the Board at its January 10, 2006
Similar to the 2003 pernut agreement with FratYs Land Company (dba Frattalone
Companies) in Little Canada, the proposed permit agreement contains the following pertinent
1. Term is 20 years, and will automatically renew for an additiona120-yeaz term if
Bix is not in default.
2. In exchange for the permissions granted in the Agreement, Bix will provide all
maintenance of the 1,200-foot long, 60-foot wide I,ow Service right-of-way from
Arlington Avenue to L' Orient Street, as shown on attached Exhibit A, page 2 of
2. This will make it no longer necessary for utility crews to trailer equipment to
that segment of the right-of-way and maintain it.
3. Board activities take precedence over all others.
See the following attachments:
➢ Location Map
➢ Exhibit A, (page 2 of 2)
➢ Permit Agreement
coMMissEO° Zanmiller DATF Januarv 10, 2006
WFIEREAS, for benefit of the Board of Water Commissioners, the City of Saint Paul does posses
tifle to a 60-foot right-of-way lying in the Southeast One-quarter (1/4) of Section 19, Township 29
North, Range 22 South, in Ramsey County, said right-of-way containing the Board's 30-inch Low
Service water main; and
WHEREAS, Bix Produce Company, LLC has requested pemussion to construct and maintain a
pazking lot over a portion of said right-of-way adj acent to its properry located at 1415 L' Orient Street
in Saint Paul, so that it may expand its business at that location; and
WHEREAS, staff has reviewed and approved plans foz said proposed construction, and has prepared
a Pernut Ag� outlining terms and conditions under which the pazking lot may be constructed
and used, including the provision that Bix Produce Company, LLC shall maintain that portion of said
right-of-way situated between Arlington Avenue and L'Orient Street during the term of said Permit
Agreement; and
WE3EREAS, the assistant city attorney has review and approved said Permit Agreement as to form,
and staff does recommend approval of said Permit Agreement; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Permit Agreement between the Boazd of Water Commissioners and Bix
Produce Company, LLC allowing the construction of a parking lot on a portion of the Board's I.ow
Service right-of-way adj acent to property owned by Bix Produce Company, LLC is hereby approved,
and that the proper officers are hereby authorized to execute said Permit Agreement on behalf of
Boazd; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVEA, that the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul is hereby requested
to approve said Pernut Agreement and to authorize the proper officers of the City of Saint Paul to
execute said Permit Agreement on behalf of the City.
Wster Commissioners
Vice President
Anfang Nsys
Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners
January 10, 20 06
In favor 5 Opposed_ � ��
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TffiS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 10`" day of January, 2006, by and between the
corporation ("Boazd"), and BIX PRODUCE COMPANY, LLC, a Delawaze limited liability corporation,
whose address is 1415 L'Orient Street, Saint Paul, Minuesota, 55117 ("Permittee").
WITNESSETH: That the Board, for itself, its successors and assigns, and Permittee, for itself, its
successors, heirs and assigns, do hereby agree as follows:
1. Pemuttee, owner of the property described in E�ibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein
(the "Propert�'), is hereby permitted to consiruct and maintain landscaping and hazd surface pazking lot
improvements upon the Board-owned land described in Exhibit A(the "Premises"), in accordance with Pope
Associates, Inc.'s plans and specifications on file in the o�ce of the Board and Permittee ("West Addition
Plans"), and as shown generally on Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein, and in respect to the
a. No work shall be performed by Pernuttee on the Premises until the Board's Saint Paul
Regional Water Services Engineering Division has provided written approval of all West
Addition Plans pertaining to work within the Premises.
b. Pernuttee shall arrange a pre-conshucrion meeting with the Boazd's Vadnais Supervisor
("Boazd Supervisor") prior to mobi&zafion of conshuction work.
c. Where construcrion of, permitted parking lot requires the removal of more than six (6)
inches of cover within ten (10) feet of the Boazd's 30-inch public water main ("Water
Main"), Pernuttee shall not proceed with said removal until approved by Board Supervisor.
Removal which produces a final cover over the Water Main of less than four (4) feet shall
require the construcrion of a reinforced concrete protecrive mat, as shown on Exlubit C,
attached hereto and incorporated herein.
d. All work performed within the Fremises, including but not limited to, location, materials,
equipment and consirucrion pracrices, shall be subject to approval by Boazd Supervisor.
2. Permittee shall pay to the Boazd the sum of $500 as reimbursement for administrarive and
inspecuon costs.
3. Routine operations of the Boazd shall take precedence over all Permittee acfivity included in this
4. All permitted work, including but not limited to, location, materials and conshucrion practices,
shall be subject to approval by Boazd Supervisor.
5. During the term of ttus Agreement, Permittee shall maintain the Premises in good condition and
keep the same free from litter or other objectionable matter. Permittee shall also provide landscape and turf
maintenance of the Premises in respect to the following:
a. All such maintenance work shall be performed in accordance with Boazd standards, as
determined and approved by Boazd Supervisor.
b. In the event such maintenance work is determined to be below Board standazds, Boazd
Supervisor shall provide written notice to Permittee of such deficiency and Permittee shall
have seven (7) calendaz days to remedy said deficiency.
c. In the event that Permittee does not sa6sfactorily remedy said deficiency, as determined by
Boazd Supervisor, within seven (7) calendaz days, Boazd Supervisor may direct Boazd
forces to remedy the deficiency and Permittee shall pay the Boazd all costs incurred to
provide said remedy.
6. Permittee shall notify Board Supervisor at least 48 hours in advance of pernutted conshucuon
activity so that water main locarions can be provided and inspection of the construcrion can be performed on
behalf of the Board. Boazd Supervisor may be reached at 651-766-4150 (office) or 651-775-6188 (cell).
7. The Board shall have the option and authoriry of assigning its inspector or mspectors to the site at
any time or times and for such periods of Time as the Boazd or its Board Supervisor deems necessary or
expedient for the safery and protection of employees or works of the Board or of other persons or property
whomsoever or whatsoever because of any condition arising out of said proposed conshucrion or from acts or
operations of Pernuttee in the construction operations within said Premises.
8. It is understood and hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto that any plans or data
supplied by the Boazd or its Boazd Supervisor in respect of but not necessarily limited to works of the Boazd or
of others located within or adjacent to said Premises aze approximations only and that the Board explicidy does
not guazantee any said plans or data to be either complete or correct.
9. Exireme caurion shall be exercised when operating equipment over the Water Main.
10. The use of explosives of any kind or for any purpose whatsoever within and adjacentto the
Premises, including ammunifion in hand-held impact-driven tools, is expressly prohibited.
11. Permittee shall neither make any excavations nor alter any works or improvements within the
Fremises nor install any improvements therein other than as expressly provided for in this Agreement, except
with and according to the Boazd's written consent thereto.
12. Permittee shall plant no trees, hedges or lazge shrubbery within the Premises without prior written
approval of Board Supervisor, and the Board reserves the right to remove same if planted without said prior
p� ��,a3
13. Permittee shall not damage or obsffuct or cause any interference or otherwise damage said
Premises or any improvement or works of the Board or others located therewithin, thereupon or thereunder and
Pemuttee shall pay for or otherwise make good to the sarisfacrion of the Board any damage caused to said
Premises or to any improvement or works of the Boazd by Permittee. Any repair or replacement of works of the
Board which might be damaged, desizoyed or rendered unsuitable to the purpose thereof by any reason arising
out of acts of Permittee shall be accomplished by the Board with its own forces or by its contractor, as the
Boazd may elect, and by use of materials fumished by the Boazd or its contractor as hereinafter provided, all at
the cost and expense of Permittee_
14. The Boazd reserves to itself the right to install additional works within the Premises and to
continue maintenance of existing works located therein. Should it be necessary that the Permittee's works or
improvements be removed or damaged as a result of the Board's operarions, all replacement or modification
costs to restore the Permittee's works or improvements shall be borne solely by Permittee.
15. Permittee shall forever indemnify and save harmless, protect and defend the City of Saint Paul and
the Board, their employees and agents, from any or all liabiliry, suits or demands, including ioss of use, arising
out of the construction, maintenance, repair of Permittee's unprovements permitted by this Agreement. Tlus
provision shall not, however, apply where such bodily injury or property damage is caused by the sole
negligence of the Ciry of Saint Paul or the Boazd, their employees and agents.
16. During pernutted activity, Permittee or Permittee's contractor shall take out and maintaiu
comprehensive public liability (including automobile) insurance for and on behalf of Permittee, the City of
Saint Paul and the Board of Water Commissioners as additional insured, protecting the parties from claims for
damages and bodily injuries, including accidental death, as well as from claims for damage to property owned
by the B oard, which may arise from operations incidental to this Agreement, including coverage for damage to
shuctures of any kind or underground shucture of any ldnd, of whether such operations be by Pemuttee or by
any contractor or subcontractor or by anyone directly or ind'uectly employed by either of them. Such insurance
shall also include contractual liabiliry coverage and shall insure the liability assumed by Permittee under the
indemn�cation clause contained in this Agreement. The minimum amount of such liability insurance shall be
as follows:
a) Bodily injury insurance (including death) in an amount not less than $1,000,000 for all damages
arising out of bodily injuries to or death of one person, and subject to the same limit for each
person in a total of not less than $2,000,000 on account of any one occurrence.
b) Properry damage insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 for all damages to or
destruction of property in any one occurrence, and subject to that limit per occurrence; fiirther
subject to a total of not less than $2,000,000 for all damages to or destruction of property during
the policy period.
All insurance shall include the provision that it cannot be altered or canceled except upon thirty (30)
days written notice to the Boazd, and such insurance shall meet with approval of the Ciry Attomey of the City
of Saint Paul.
Acceptable written proof of insurance shall be delivered to the Board well in advance of the time
contemplated for commencing any operarion pursuant to this Agreement and no operations shall be
commenced, carried on, continued or permitted except after the Board has given Permittee its written approval
of said insurance, and said insurance so approved is in force and effect.
17. The obligations of Permittee hereinabove set forth shall not be extinguished or modified in any
respect by reason of the fact of any insurance taken out in pursuance of other pertinent provisions of this
18. The exercise of privIleges granted in this Agreement shall be without cost or expense to the Board
and shall be subject to inspection and approval by Board Supervisor. Any such costs or expenses incurred by
the Board 'm excess of the permit fee amount shall be paid by the Pernuttee.
19. The granting of pemussions contained in this Agreement creates in the Permittee no property
20. If Pemuttee defaults in the performance of any of Permittee's obligations under this Agreement,
the Boazd may, after written notice to the Permittee, suspend performance of its obligations under this
Agreement, and the Boazd may take the following acrions:
a. terminate this Agreement; or
b. initiate a civil action to compel Pernuttee's specific performance of Permittee's obligations
under this Agreement provided that Board commences such acrion within six (6) months of
the date of Permittee's default. In any such action for specific performance, Board may
recover Boazd's attorneys fees and costs; or
c. take whatever acrion at law that may appeaz necessary or desirable to Board; and seek
damages on account of such default together with costs and attorneys fees incurred on
account of such default.
21. Perruittee agrees to abide by all applicable federal, state and local mles and regulations governing
the performance of the acuvity hereby permitted.
22. This Ageement shall expire on December 31, 2023. However, this Agreement shall automaucally
renew for one addifional tv✓enty-year term, unless Permittee is in default of any of the terms or condirions of
this Agreement, or unless Permittee notifies the Boazd of its intention not to renew prior to commencement of
the renewal term.
23. This Agreement may be terminated by eiiher party upon sixty (60) days written nouce to the other
party for the following reasons:
a) By Permittee wiThout cause.
b) By the Board, in the following situauons:
1) Permittee ceases to provide maintenance of the Premises, as described in Section 5
of this Agreement, or
2) L7se of the Property or the Premises by the Permittee changes in such a way that the
Boazd, in its sole discrefion, determines it is no longer in its best interest to grant
the permissions contained in this Agreement.
24. Pernuttee agrees that upon its abandonment of the pernutted parldng lot by either expirarion or
ternunation of this Agreement, Pemuttee shall leave the Premises in a condition equal to or exceeding that
which existed prior to construcuon of pernutted improvements and activiries.
25. It is intended that the permission granted herein and the obligations set forth herein shall run with
the Premises, and shall be binding upon the Pernuttee, its heirs, successors or assigns and upon the Boazd, its
successors or assigns.
[The remainder of this page left intentionally blank.]
o �-�.�
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto caused these presents to be executed the
day and year first written.
Stephen P. Schneider, General Manager
Saint Paul Regional Water Services
cr�t> Di,c��t� G � �r���,q_�_
Tc� G.��O.
Pahick Harris, President
Approved as to form:
Assistant City Attorney
Ciry of Saint Paul
Janet Lindgren, Secretary
City Clerk
Matthew G. Smith, Director
Office of Financial Services
Permittee's Property Description
I,ot 1, Block 1, ARLINGTON BUSINESS PARK, according to the recorded plat thereof on file
at the Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota.
Board's Premises Description
A sixty foot (60-foot) strip of land across Lots 3 through 18 and Lots 23 tYuough 29, J.W. BASS
GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof on file at the Register_ of Deeds, Ramsey
County, Minnesota.
together with
Outlot A, t1RLINGTON BUSINESS PARK, according to the recorded plat thereof on file at the
Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota.
Exhibit A
1 of 2
Exhibit 6
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REttitFoR.GED Coe1C. MAT -
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Exhibit C
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ApF'ROYE6 8 2E1►.!F'OiZ.Gt.D GOl,L,(�,�� MQT � REVISIONS
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