06-202Council File # � ' Z�2 Green 5heet # 3�`a, �e RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA IS Presented by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 WHEREAS, Saint Pau1 Pazks and Reciearion, duough it Senior Citizen Progam offecs many events, classes or acrivities during the yeaz; and WHEREAS, the public purpose of these events is for Saint Paul residents to experience educarion, fun, self esteem, self reliance, a sense of social belonging and the eliurination of boredom and loneliness; and WHEREAS, many of these evenu, classes, and acrivities are centered azound the producrion of ineals and/or food as part of the activiry, Saint Paul Pazks and Recrearion request pertnission to purchase food for the events (detailed on attached sheet); and WHEREAS, these Senior Citizen Program events are scheduled Uuough 2006 and require staff to participate working; and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Saint Paul Parks and Recreation is authorized to purchase food for Senior Citizen Pxogiams offeied and authorize staff woildng the events to participate in meals and other food offexed. Requested by Deparhnent of: Adopted by Council: Date �� /, f al/p� Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary By: � Approve�yo�. Date � By: % t.«f� ' � % ���.�.�I ,�'��! __� :, Form Approved by � . �... . Council �__ � Green Sheet Green Sheet G�een Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � DepartmenNofficelcouecil: Dafe Initiated: � — � O � ' 4 PR �P�ksandRecreation 10.FE8-06 Green Sheet NO: 302968'[ Contact Person 8 Phone: Mike F{ahm 266-6444 � Assign Number For Routing Order 0 �ar and Recreafion 1 arkt a¢d Recreatio De a ent irector 2 iri A rne 3 or' Office a or/Assistant 4 ooncil 5 i Cluk Ci Cle k InitiaVDate Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Ciip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approve Council Resolution with Saint Paul Pazks and Recceation authori�;n� City officials to participate in Senior Citizen evenu and classes where food is served. Recommeadafions: ApQmve (Aj or Re}ect (R): Planning Commission CIB� Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Secvice Contracts 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for tfiis department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city empioyee? Yes ` No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normalty possessed by any current city employee? � � Yes No Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When,�Where, Why); - These events or classes aze centered around the producrion of ineals or have food as the activity. Ctiutenfly, theze aze 25 named events or classes wtrich meet mulriple rimes per yeaz. These events and classes aze part of the senior prograzns offered to Saint Paul residents for the purpose of edncation, fun, self esteem, self reliance, a sense of belonging and the elimination of boredom and loneliness. AdvanWges If Approved: Disadvantaqes if Approved: None DisadvanWges If Not Approved: � Total Amount of ' Transaction: ! Fundinp Source: �� � �'... fl �_-. , "" � � .,� �,.� � ��� ��, �`" F" x . . L 4 i , 4. �+'e'w Y �5�� ���6..J'�z���`t ». � P , �„'"'.4 ����� CosURevenue Budgetetl: Activity Number: � Financial lnformation: i - (Explain) . . :. . . . .. _ i . . . .; , . , , :. . . . I 1 I . ' , ,,. � ' �� � , ,i „ i , � , � , �. , ' � ROU;LIDIG ORBER ' � � � � � � � � � , � $elow are cocrect rautmgs for the s� most,frequent,types of documeat� i , , �_ � , ,. ,,, , � � � � ,',f ',� r ' , , "'" , � �� � co�i�zncrs E�es,�r�o�a b�c��` ' ' courrc�; �sor.uzfox <� �a�r�� ��} I Outside Agency� � � � � F Depazf�ent`Ds��oc � ' � � � 2 DepaxfinenxrDuector � � ��� � Z Officr�ofF�nanciaL!Serv3cesDirector � i ,,, . �, i 3. 'CityAtromeg ,, 3 �ityAttamep � � r 4 IvlayoT�Assistant„(forconfractcover'$25;000)'� 4 MayexlASStstant � �� � � � ,�� � � s z�r�ro�Rights�(forcon�actcover$so;(iov> , � s crtycouuc�' r , � " � � l0 b='O�ccofFinadcnetServcces-Accoutifing 6 Offcao�F�n�cialServices Acco�mUng,'°' anlvIINfszRATIVE ORDERS (BpegetRe�sion) ,'„ courTGIT.RESQLtiital�T (att;qrhers ana ,ora�ancesj „ I., ActivitylvFanagerorDepa�Sment'AccounYant " ,1 �DepactmenfDsec'tor . , ' , � � � 2 �DepaztmeaYD?re�t� ��^ ; ; � � � 2 C:ty�Aitornep � � � � � � ,_ � � 3: Offica qfFinsncial Seivices➢uector �';�,, � � 3 Iv�9o���stant ` � � � � �� � � � 4: CiLy`Cleik� �' � � � � � 4. ,Ciiy Council � � � � � � � " i 5. Office ofFin�ciai Se�viices - tYcconntin �' ev „ 8, „ � „ � ElDMI23t8-TRAITVE ORI?ERS (all dtiieis) E%ECT31T'VE, ORDIIt � �, .� � �� ��, ' �P ...� ,� i n �„� � � �� � 1 •DeparimentI�ffecmr � � I atfm�t�edos ' �� � 2. Crig AtEOmey , : ' ' 3, 3 Mag�Lrss�staati� � i, 4. City Cl� � 4. C'dp'Cle�lc � � � . „ , � � � ` � , � ,� � � TD AL N[TMSEIt � � � � � OFSIGI3 �A�QES �, � T ATURE P � indicate.tfie # o£pages on which sigia � are Eequire3 andpaperdip oY� flsg,eacTt oftliese pages. `' � ,�, � � � ;� � � � � � AC'TIONREQTIES� � �� � � ; � � f � � �' �� � � `; Des¢ebewhatthe'Pr°lectlheque�sceksto,accomp ' � niost� ° aPpropr�ate''ftS�tfieissue.,"Donotwritecomplete,sen4ences. �egineack�,itemin�Four,lrsk�tti�a"vecb � ' � � , � � � � � � „�'. � '' � RECO1WIIvSENDATSONS � � � , ��� � � � � � ��� � � �� , ���� ��� � . Co �• -' resentedbefore nbhc 1` " onhasbeen' oc ate, , , �f$be ' v P Pn TS�infotmatioa�wil2 be used to detecmine the ci 's 1iab� � wotkecs , cl ; � P 71TRACTS'., � � �Y� , t9 ., comPensaho� a�ms, �ta�es �and � sezvicc'lunng.mles. � � �� ' � � ' , � �� � � � �� � �� �� � � , INIT7ATATGPROBI.F,Iv� ISSCIE QPPORT[3NTFY - i "' E" lain the sitnation orcon "tions that cze9ted a need for ois or re4u�st � XP dF Y Pco}ect . � l�DV ' AGESIFAPPROV�ED � � � � � �,� � � � '� � Snckcefe�ufietherthis u simpt3r an anuual budget procedvre regmzed by Iaw/ebacter or s�hethtr tfiere a�e s�eeific ways m which the City,of Saint Paul �d its ci6zenc w�7I bedefiYfrom tb s'PioJecf6achon. o, � � DISABV�NTAC�S FF"APPR�� ' , �,. �'� � � � � �� � � � , �'�; � � `; � � �� ' What�'negahveeffectsormaj�;chsngesta,ewstmgorpastprocessesffig�httivsp� ,ect9requcstprodacb�x�rt�spassed (e &; tisffic delays; notse mcrease,s,oi essessmeuts)7 Ta ,wfiom2 a?fien?��Sia�Nlo�gt � � � i y DISAD�ANTAGFS IE NQT"APPROVID " , ' , ,'' � � ,, � � Whattivil� be tfie uegatcve consequences fftfie pcomiscd actiaa is;noE' approved? Tnabilitp;to'deBvec service7 Cqp4nae liightiaffiq��se;accident�ta(e?,�Lossofrebenue7 , , I � �� � FII�IA2+1CL9LATPACT r � , i '',��, fathe,�ssae are m otimust 'answer Alfli anmilsttaS tfiem�offiaEion rovide'fieee ss , . or Y�P � . Y� , ��g. , SenaSalX, � , 61 1 �6�, Y. � � � � two qaeshons: How mucfi isit B��B ��? �;�,��8 � P$S'? �' � � � ., � � � � � ,, ' . „ � � � � '� � � , ,"' � , ,,, r , � � „ � I ,, � � � i i i il' I ��� � ���� iii�l�l I:��� ��II II��F �ILI i� ti � � � � i r�f I ti Il � i'ql �I I �� I� �il I � i� I� j i �� �� i ii v, i .If �� � � �, . .�'r� , ,_ . a �f ,t$. . � �,ar!" . ����i�"�.l�r� r, tilidi�iha I`"t � �I� �.rro.'�'.Iki fk�r;id�u'�ttir,?UG.r�n.rrtmhh'y �rid.�kYi� � dn� SY�4� � � ercm'�r � �._:�, t.�:�?:=�w:`;" . ' _ . , � i ' ' _ -. . . �-�Z List of events where food is served that may include staff: Senior Royalty Luncheon Senior Royatty Jud�in� _ Senior Royal Courts Dinner Brunch Club - 24 Card Tournaments - 2 Hiking Club Winter Trek & Pot Luck Tours - 20 Music Eh2rava�anza Cooking Classes - 3 Volunteer Banquet City wide Picnic & Cruise Golf Tournament Hiker's Pot Luck Chorus Picnic Senior Royalty Picnic Senior Royalty - Nlinneapolis-St. Paul Get togethers - 2 Bi� Band Spectacular Hiker's Bonfire Advisory Group Meetings - 15 Health Fairs or Presentations - 6 � - Bawlin� Pot Luck & Holiday Party Chorus Holiday Party Hiker's Holiday Party — New Year's Celebration