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��.:• .���;� � COUNCIL FILE NO.
�� CITY O�F ST. P '
R,esdl'ution Ratifying ment •
' F�le No. ���3
In the matter of the asaessment of �n�P���� �o$t� e,nfl e�e�e$ f'or 3m,��ving, �he
�ORTH�Rft RC�1.�E 'by �ur�'QCi.n� �he �z��ea� ��iah�c� zack baae w3th $�pha,l�ic cca�rre�
rrcim �e�.li� Ave.�us �0 55a Yeet ���� tt� �n�1J.�.ng A,�nu�; t�y',pav� 't�.th. coacret.�
bas$ aud �,sp�a�.�i� concx�� �urfaoing �rom�. 55c3 �eet �ae� ,�f'�ie�.3.�,ng Av�ua � t�rrsttt�
�t�e�a �a,c�iug a�d pavira�; :��z��t, �1,.1ey �c� s#�3ve�tay� xe�w�; c���cti� new
�urb �and �id�ra�.k whera �.�tece�sa�r� �qn�i�ru�tiz� n�w $ew�rs� '��r �na rind g�s m�in
w}iere nece�se�r; �c��truc'Gir�g .s��ter; �tater ancZ �� �ertr3.ce Gola��t3c� �'rCma s�z�t
_ mains ta �he �rc�er�Y �9.n�� whe�e n��easa�r; extenc�it�6: e�3,s�_�s�t��r, �q�.t,�r �i� ��
- servf.�e �or�n�e�ioiap t�here nec��s�:r,y in �rrc�er �to c�oxm �Co �the �i,c��ad ��x�e�t an'c�
roadbec�; �radiaag �r�;d �.mprc�v�g bc�u��r� 8rese; cdn��xzic��.ng ae� oxus�n.tsl �S.ghti.r�
snd �r�,fPi� c�t�Lao�. ��'F.eme tirl.tk� �t�c:es�r� cc�ndra�.�� � ����ce�� r�ec�tru��3n�
th� paving, �ur�itlg ar�d eid�ia�.k� �An �a.� �.n't�ersec�ing �tre��$ W�� na� i.x�i- �an�orm�.ty
Wi�Gh said �rovement and do3ng �Z�. c�ther wox�"w�.ch i� �ce8�r' snft ia�i8,�x��l tc�
cor�p�.ete .saia improve�qent..
under Preliminaxy Order ���� ,approve� �o��' �7� �-959 ,
Intermediary Order �-g�l��- ,approve� �Y �-'� 1�
• F`inal Order �975�� ,approvgd �� 1�� �.9�4 .
. � .
A public heaxing having been had upan the assessment for the above improvement, and sa.id assess-
• ment having been further considered bp the Council, a.nd having been considered finally satisfactory, '
be it therefore " •
RESOLVED, That tlie sa.id assessment be and the sa.me is hereby in all respects ratified, and the
same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the I}istrict Court of the County of Ramsey for canfirmation.
BE IT FURTHER R�ESOLVE�D, That the said a�sessment be and it is hereby determined to be
payable in J equal insta,llments. .
caUrrcu,MErr � - � MaR 2 41965
Yeas Nays ' .
iDalglish -Adopted by the Counci]
� �-lolland
� �.osS • �AR 2 41965
t'` �qNeredith .
; �eterson Approv d
lgcserr� , � . , �
:� �(avoulis
_ Tn Favor
. • Mayor����
. - ' �
, Against
Form x-z zM lasa S�
, Jr: ' P����SliED � ��
: . _ . , 1 t
. , _ .
. ��1� _ {___._..._..,_ .
; _ -�S _ �--- -.�
� �. . ,,;>' � CITY OF ST. PA�, - � � 22�630 .�
fteport of Completi,on of Assessment � � � � ` ��'�
. File No. ���� _ �
In the matter.of_the assessment of _����� �� �� �`���� ���`� �� �
�'� _�� �' �341����� � ��� ��`L�B�� �i3Ck ��!'! ',�'�2���.$�� �Cil�i�'�!
�'�'C?I� :�,�.�lg ��8�li1Q � ��.�. ��fi�'r �'� •O�` k�t��,�.�$ .�'{�Bi1'tl�� � �� �� ��2`@'�
�s� e� ���t#.� �an�x?�'� ���'8Q� �� �.� �'e�'� �� � �3�� A�ent�a �Q C��c!'�� ,
�t�e�� .�� � �s�i� ��re�� ��r � �v�s�:��u��� �c�t,�.ta��tg a�
ewrb � �e�� �x'e� ����'� :�c���� �' ���y, �'� �� �nd. �e� ��n;
v1a�� �����;� �t���ng ���; �� �. � �+� ���� � ���
�e�� �a 'Gb� ��r�t �'� �here ����t`� �x��,�s���ig .�r . �E#�� � �a�
��.� ��t�� ��e: ���r,y �.�r�+�'� � �i�v�► tr� #�e ��d�r� ��i �,rt� �
�dbi�,� �ad�g �i �►Fr�xv'� �ta�,�v� �ea��;#. �qts�u�t� � axxt�me��1 ,3���� -
4 �� �iG�ir}� !�Y!�t!iMli/ibi ��'fo'�"'"!'��i� ?MFv_4!�'!1iiT�.� �!ltl��!'4►i�I.�� LKi�.���+L}RiKr.c��� �4!VM��M��
' ,, �� ��� �b�� � �i�G�� � �� ���s����r�g .�'�� ��#r� ?a;o� � cc�c�x�a�.�+'
, . ' �c:� s�� ��v�� �� �c�� ��: a�.�t�� �a�� f� ���r .�.�.� ����t�a�, �
�a��t� �c� ;[m�,'��t.. . -
under Preliminary Order ��� ,approver� - ����"` 2'�`,���rZ�
Intermediaxy Order ���� ,approved �.�` �.��� - ,
Final Order ������ , approve� �� ����� .
To the Council of the City of St. Paul: �
The Commissioner of Finance hereby reparts to the Council the following as a statement o� the ex-
penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: '
Total construction costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6 8
Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . 1� '��t�. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ �
Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�V�,�ff. . .. . . ... . .. . . . . . . . $ 6
Postal� caxds. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . $ l�+ 0
� Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . � 147
Collection costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . $_
- Court costs for canfirmation . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ l�
" ' TOTAL EXP�NDITUR,ES . : . . . . . . . . . . . $ 408;1�+0 i0
Charge to . . . . . . . . . .$4�ds,'�00-ST-�.O . . . . . .. . . . � 18,497 0 -
• � �. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .���,�A�. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . $ �15 l, 55 �
• Net Aasessment . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $
� Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, to-wit: the sum of $ 7�•�7•u upon each and every lot, part or parcel af land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the ca.se of each lot,paxt or parcel of land in accordance with �
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signatur.e of the said Co�mmiasioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as
� com,pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be
considered proper.
Dated �cember 29, 1964 • ommissio r of Fin
. , :
Form Fi.2 2M 10.68 8��
� � - � �� �EIVED
br.t',i �'-�u�. n.�v;�.
In MAYOr�'S OF�10E
� 785 Pierce Butler Route � F E B 2 31965 '�
February�20,n1965� 55104 •�I�i`�I��lul�lil`�1��4���g
The Honorable George Vavoulis
Mayor of the City oP St. Paul
City Hall
St. Paul, Minneeota
Dear. Sir:
- Aeaessmente: Pierce Butler Route -•
As property owners residing on thie route, we are concerned
ov�er�the proposed asaesement for the building of this thorough-
fare. Had the work that hae been done been a normal atreet im-
provement, the reaidente, I am sure, would expect to aesuma a
coat of the improvement. In thie inatance, the etreet, which was
• adequate for the needa oP the area, was replaced by thie heavy
truck route. We actually derive no benefit Prom the change. In
fact we are inconveniencied in that we ere prohibited from parking
in Pront of, or near our homee.
The conetruction oP thie truck route as stated "to relieve
Univeraity Avenue of' lheavy truck traf'fic" hae actually eegregated
the reeidents of our area (Avon to Grotto). We are no longer a
part of the community, but isolated between the truck route and
the railroad tracka. No coneideration was giv en to the reeidents
prior to the building of this highway. We cannot undo what has
been done, but we do wish to go on record as etrenuously objecting
to any aeaesement for coeta of this highway.
It is reasonable to expect that in a city the size of St. Paul,
and with its departmental organization, a project o� this eize would
never be undertaken without aesurance of ample funds for its con-
etruction coets. Should thie coat not be aeaumed by all of the tax
payere, eince it is a suppoeed improvement for the city? �
The residente of the area would be moet grateful for your con-
eideration of their intereste when thie matter comee before the City
Council on February 24th. Z�ank you.
Respectfully, . �
�.����. ��
Eet,her M. Rein e (Mrs. Lloyd E. )
- � .e�. �.���.��
Llo 'E Reineke
ELTO.R A. DEHN, - 224-46�2
•1—�airation Engineer
Assistan+ Valua+ion Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS
Valuation Technician
Saint Paul, Minnesota b5102
� February 23, 1965
Commissioner James J. Dalglish
Depaxtment of.Finance .
Building .
Dear Sir:
The matter of confirming the assessment for improving the
Northern Route, now kno�n as P�ierce Butler Route, vas laid over
to February 21�, 1965, With the uriderstanding tha.t representatives
of the �ublic Works Department and the Finance :Department �would
meet with the various property otianers ob,jecting, in the Co�nty
Board Room on February 10. _ -
The principal ob,jections to the assessment followed the same
lines as those filed in connection with the improving of Otto Ave-
nue and relate to the parking ban and the increased traffic ress�7.t-
ing from the highway construction in what was primarily a resi-
dential area. Vaxious rezonings have been granted by the Council.
to permit industrial or ��C�� residential usage of lands abutting
this imprcroement, a�d we_believe that the vacant lands remaining
which are zoned for nA� or ��B�+ residential use will be rezoned
before they are developed.
The present rates for ��Cn residential aad commercial pro-
perties are �7.91� to �11.16 pex foot, dependent upon the type of
paving and curbing installed and the location of the property
with reference to the ornamental lighting where a differential
was established because the lights were constructed on the northerly
edge of the roadway. We believe that the assessment against these
properties is fully ,justified.
The problem still remains as to those proper�ties which were
already developed for residential purposes prior to the roadway
construction. Ovr present assessment roll results in rates total-
ing �1�.75 or �5.00 per foot for these properties and includes an
assessment for lights at the rate of ��.75 or �1.00 per foot, de-
pendiag upon which side of the street, the property is located.
The Otto Avenue assessment was finalized at �3•50 per foot for
residential properties, and it is our feeling that becanse of the
lighting improvement, a rate slightly higher is ,justified and
are suggesting a final rate of �4.00 per foot. This would result
in a reduction of approximately �1,600 to the reSidential proper-
ties aad would make the net assessment comparable to the Otto �ve-
nue pro�ject. .
•-.� �
� G �
February 23, 1965
rf you �,pprove, we would recommend that the Council direct
that we re-extend the assessment roll in line with the above recom-
mendations �nd that the matter be laid over to March 2l�, 1965, with
notices only to those owners whose assessment is reduced.
Very truly _ �
• � �
J. William Donovan
Asst. Valuation �ngfneer