06-201Council File # ��a' oiJ _ Green Sheet # 2,�, �. 1 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul seeks to secure Federal funding for major projects. 2 3 WHEREAS, City departments have submitted projects of significant impact that aze in need of 4 Federal funding. 6 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council approves this list for Federal funding of major projects. 7 BE IT RESOLVED, that the following is the City of Saint Paul's FY20071ist of funding priorities from the Federal government for the projects and amounts shown: 10 11 1) National Great River Park 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 The National Great River Park project develops a comprehensive vision for preserving, developing, managing and promoting Saint Paul's entire 17 mile river valley. It is a concept ]inking natural systems and recreational resources with community and economic development. There are three pending TEA 21 Federal Crrants approved for Upper Landing Riverbank Improvements totaling $2,666,800 which require a local match and design and engineering funds of $1,653, 416. We have requested this required portion from the state as part of the 2006 National Great River Park Bonding request. In addition to this local match and design/engineering for the TEA 21 portion of the project, there is $2,200,000 in additional funds needed to complete the project. Background: these TEA 21 grants were submitted in 2001 for the maximum amount of the grant but that amount is not sufficient to cover all project costs which are cunently estimated at $5.4 to $5.8 Million. Amount Requested: $3,400,000 Planning, design and engineering 2) Saint Paul Interoperable Communications Equipment The Minneapolis/Saint Paul metropolitan area has a regiona1800 Mhz trunked radio system available to all emergency response agencies. Saint Paul Police and Fire Departments are making prepazations to join that system in 2006. Saint Paul's Integration with other emergency response agencies in this region will significantly improve regional capabilities in hazardous material, bomb, and collapsed shucture rescue response; Saint Paul operates regional teams for these specialized responses, yet teams do not have radio equipment compatible with the regiona1800 Mhz system. Although significant federal funding has been secured to pay for the "backbone" infrastructure in Ramsey County, the City of Saint Paul will be forced to fund the vast majority of its mobile and portable radio costs. This funding request would procure all necessary mobile and portable radio equipment for a11 Police and Fire response units, including the specialized response teams noted above. This funding request would significantly enhance the City's ability to respond to day-to-day emergencies, WMD events, and mutual aid requests from other jurisdictions in support of regional response, planning, and mitigation efforts. Police and Fire Departments support this as top priority for their departments. Amount Requested: $3,669,840 .� �f cdl�i 47 3) Central Corridor 48 Saint Paui should support Ramsey County's federal request and ask for funding to support Saint Paul in 49 Plamiing and Coordination efforts of the Public Works and Pianning departments. Currently all money has 50 gone to the County or the Metropolitan Council. 51 52 Amount Requested: $2 Million for planning in corridor for PED and PW 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 4) Saint Paul Emergency Operations Center and Joint Public Information Center Equipment This funding request would provide for: satellite phone and data communication capabilities; secure video teleconferencing and secure messaging systems; enhanced waming and notification systems for EOC activarion and communications to EOC workers; significanUy improved amateur radio capabilities in voice, data, and video formats; technology for enhanced informarion display and sharing; and noise reduction materials. This funding request would also allow the City to develop a centralized, co-located Joint Pubiic Information Center (JPIC). This center would be a dual use facility used to brief the media for day-to-day press conferences and media releases or during EOC activarions. Amount Requested: $602,127 5) Warning siren system replacement This fixnding request would replace the warning siren system that is used to warn the public about tornadoes, terrorism, and hazardous material emergencies. There are thirty-seven warning sirens in the field. 'These sirens aze approximately 50 yeazs old. The sirens aze operated through a central computer control system which is almost 15 years old. It costs approximately $20,000 per year to repair and maintain the current system. The current warning siren system is in such disrepair that there is a risk of complete system failure. The City and Ramsey County are exploring the possibility of having an integrated warning siren system to masimize the publids safety. For example, if there is an emergency that originates in Mounds View, the sirens would be activated far the City of Saint Paul as well. The City residents would refer to the media to determine the level of risk to them. 76 AmountRequested: $1,250,000 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 6) Closed Circuit Television Cameras — CCTV This project would place CCTV cameras on a city-wide basis across Saint Paul and the remaining azeas in Minneapolis. Currently, the Minneapolis downtown azea has CCTV in place through a Tazget Safe Cities initiative grant. This project would expand CCTV throughout the remaining areas in Saint Paul and Minneapolis. The City of London relied on their CCTV cameras in the subway system in their response to the subway bombings which resulted in the quick apprehension of the suspected bombers. Amount Requested: $900,000 7) Methamphetamine enforcement and education and funding for Narcotics enforcement to replace Byrne Grant money Methamphetamine has become a national epidemic during the past several years. The costs to our society include enforcement, health, clean-up (meth labs), confinement and treatment. With recent legislative efforts and trafficking methods, local methamphetamine labs have decreased. Over 80% of all methamphetamine comes from outside the United States. Enforcement efforts must be coordinated beiween local, state and federal agencies. The Byrne grant has enabled Saint Paul to combat much of the trafficking into our city. However, more needs to be done and there is an ever present threat that the Byme -Z- O� a�i 97 Grant Funding will be reduced or withdrawn. In addition to better training, equipment and coordinarion, 98 we need to do more to educate the public on the damaging effects of inethamphetamine. Without 99 conrinued and increased funding, we will not be able to maintain an effecrive enforcement and educarional 100 strategy. 101 102 Amount Requested: $250,000 per yeaz 103 104 105 8) Police Car Cameras 106 The City of Saint Paul would purchase video cameras with audio attachments to install in 156 police 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 vehicles that aze used by our police department in normal patrol duties. This technology would cost $500,000 to purchase and install and would assist our officers in a number of ways. 'I'he cameras would provide evidentiary value in cases of reckless driving and drunken driving arrests. The cameras would be invaluable in terms of suspect identification as well as bringing about more convictions. Their use would decrease allegations of police misconduct while at the same time protecting both the officers and the public in such cases. 'I'he cameras would be the reliable witness that is critical in criminal and civil proceedings. 114 Amount Requested: $500,000 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 9) Restore CDBG funding in its entirety The biggest, and most pressing again this year for the City in general, is full funding for the CDBG Program. The PresidenYs Proposed 2007 Budget cuts the program by over a billion dollars, or roughly 25%. A reduction to our program of that magnitude, $2 million plus, may drastically change the way the City funds housing and economic development, neighborhood and community organizations, and the PED department. Amount Requested: $9,069,000 (prior funding level) 10) Harriet Island Lower Harbor Dredging The Army Corp. of Engineers is responsibie for dredging the Lower Harbor neaz Saint Paul's Harriet Island. Due to the Corp.'s budget presswes, they have been unable to finance this responsibility. We request that the Corp. be funded directly to provide this specific service, or in the alternative that an appropriarion be directly awazded to the City of Saint Paul to cover these costs. Amount Requested: $200,000 for coordination, bidding and contract payment 11) Bioscience We have received $1 Million in SAFETEA- LU funding to invest in public infrastructure that we will be using for a traffic study. We have a state bonding request in to construct a short section of Pierce Butler to connect Granary Drive (in Minneapolis) with Westgate. Amount Requested: Appropriation of $2 Million for ROW purchase, remediarion, design and construcrion. -3- D� ��i 149 I50 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 This proiect would fund the construction of an interconnect between the Saint Paul and Minneavolis drinki � water svstems The interconnect would be utilized in the event that one of the svstems is rendered ino�erabie as a result of• contamination of source water natural disasters, terrorist attacks, etc. The interconnect would both add an additionallayer of securitv and reliabilitv of both the Minneanolis and Saint Paul water svstems The interconnect would help ensure that the residents of the Twin Cities would not be affected in the event of these unlikelv events All emplovers located in these cities would be able to continue their business operations in times when the water svstems are compromised. 158 AmountRequested: $10,000,000 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 13) 21� Centurv Crime Lab The establishment of a 21 Centurv Crime Lab in Saint Paul would allow for timeiv results on DNA tests, resulring in faster chazgeable cases far investigators and attorne� DNA testine is the most accurate scientific method to posirivelv identifv or exclude susvects The current testin� facilities are overwhelmed with requests from around the state Currently we must wait three to four months for a rane case and six to nine months on proverty crime cases. Amount Requested� $2 miliion for Crime Lab for start un $740,000 in annual costs BE IT F[JRTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports the following FederaI funding requests made by Ramsey County in 2006: COUNTY'S REOUEST 1) Central Corridor $10 million Ramsey County is requesting $10 million doliazs from the federal government for conshuction of "park and ride" facilities, or street improvements, to encourage ridership along the Central Corridor. Source of request: Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority 2) Union Depot $8 million Engineering, property acquisition, construction, to facilitate the implementation of the multi-modal transit hub. Source of request: Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority 188 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports the following Federal funding 189 190 191 192 193 requests made by Saint Louis County: St. Louis County request for Depot renovation in Duluth, $13 million Environmental work on the Duluth/Saint Paul transit corridor, $13 million -4- 0� �i Benanav Bostrom Hazris Yeas Nays Absent I Requested by Department of: � � Adopted by Council: Date �/ Form Approved by City Attomey � $ Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary v Form Appr e Mayo f�r Sub �ssion to Council By: By: Approved by Ma � Date Z- —Z-'"'� — �� B -5- J�-a�i �oio�o 0 E-� o v�o �, r W��, o oi; o c� o p;o o,':ol,.-. °sp+v `°;°Ic�i N y [ � I M M' N O W ���'�� fA O .� � � � 0 .� 0 � I I � �i a l k E-� 'i a O � �i� � �' � U ' a, L7 ���I ��� ���� , I I � �i I I � � bA � I o /� y � �^� � � I .y .� FY � � � I I I I � � ! y �i QI � cC I �i I•ti�I 0.� N 4 s�. I U� �� O � ,� � ; �, � �. ,-,,'� p' C� O V] % s. �' m ��w�ti' �I i � W' pl �' , `� \ '�r��j;� - o''�'i „ �1�.yI�I V I�' i. �' YI �' y�iC/�:Hj.� yi�� O I ^C �� I �'i I ..�"", C.� P7. s'' I� � �� I ' � ;.,, � '? «+ I � C �°� � I I `n 'I . � i a. � Q �n _����?���� W � L� 1 i � I�� 0{ ' � i��� H z I I ° vi�. � b91b9 O � b � �i� Q �. Q U cC ..'�"i � ti � ❑ � O s.�., •� � � O � .�". �, � Py �, t+ � � a � U �: � CL Q � Q � �i"I O � y � � ^� � � � � 3 �� U � � Y � �I,� � F ! ; � O .� O � � W'� Q� � O� a�� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DeparhreMloffice/councd: Dafelnitiated: Mo -�y�s� �-�� Green Sheet NO: 3029774 Confact Person 8 Phone: L1¢ M. Frias Zfi68517 Fl�st Be on Counal A�em ContractType: RE-RESOLUiION -, Deoarhnent Sent7oPerson 0 0 's Assign 1 nt " Number 2 For Routing 3 � � Ordef 4 util 5 ' Cler C' Cle Total # ot Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requesfed: Supporting Federal funding for Saint Paul, Ramsey Coimty and Saint Louis Co�mty for 2006. Recommentlatiais: Appm�e (A) w R Planning Commission CIB Committee _ .. CiMI Sertice Commission (R): 1. Has this persorJfinn e�er wwked under a contract forthis departmeM? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm eeer been a city employee? Yes No° 3. Does this persailfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curterR city employee? Yes No ExpfaGf aN yes answers on separate sheet a�xl aVach to green sheet Initiafing Problem, Issues, Opportunily (Who, Whaq When, Where, Why): � The City of Saint Paul needs to submit a list of its requests for federal funding to our Congessionial members. AdvanWges M Approved: � Our Congressional members will receive our list of federal requests in a timely manner wlilch will enable them to submit the requests the Appropriations Committee. � DisadvaMages IfApproved: None. Disadvantages If NotApproved: The City's deadline is Februazy 27, 2006. Any delays would jeopardize our opportunities for seeking these federal funding requests. iotal Amount of Trensac6on: Funding Source: Financial lnformation: (Explain) CosHRevenue Badgeted: Activity Number: Fe6ruary 22, 2006 9:52 qM Page 1