223498 --�, -
��'��� �23498 � �� � ,
� File No. 16861 �
In the Matter of �
opening, widening, and extending JACKSON STREET to a width of 100 feet from Ninth
Street to Tenth Street by condeming and taking for street purposes, the westerly
44 feet of that part of Lot 2 northerly of a line drawn from a point on the
nl Southwesterly line of said lot 48 feet 8'� inches from the Northwesterly corner
i thereof to a point on the Nort��terly line of said lot 48 feet 7-1/8 inches
� from the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 2, and the Weaterly 44 feet of Lot 3,
all in Hoyt's Subdivision of Morrison's Block of Hoyt's Addition to St. Paul.
Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for the purpose of en-
abling the City or its Agents to enter thereon to wreCk the entire building
occupying the premises located at 510 Jackson Street on (ttie #ol�bwing described
parceTs of land in the City of St. Paul:) that part of Lot 2 Northerly of a line
drawn from a point on the Southwesterly line of said lot 48 feet 8'� inches from
the Northweaterly corner thereof to a point on the Northeasterly line of said
lot 48 feet 7-1/8 iriches fram the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 2 except
the Westerly 44 feet thereof, and Lot 3 except the westerly 44 feet thereof, •
all in Boyt's Subdi�ision of Morrison's Block of Hoyt's Addition to St. Paul
opening, widening, and extending JACKSON STREET to a width of 100 feet from Ninth
Street to Tenth Street by condeming and taking for street purposes, the westerly
44 feet of that part of Lot 2 northerlg of a line drawn from a point on the
Southwesterly line of said lot 48 feet 8� inches from the Northwesterly corner
thereof to a point on the NortM�?��terly line of said lot 48 feet 7-1/8 inches
fram the Northeasterly corner of said I,ot 2, and the Westerly 44 feet of Lot 3,
all in Hoyt's Subdivision of Morrison's Block of Hoyt's Addition to St. Paul.
Also condemning and taking a tempo�ary easement for the purpose of en-
abling the City or its Agenta to enter thereon tb wreck the entire building
occupying the premises located at 510 Jackson Street on (the fol�6wing described
parcels of land in the City of St. Paul:) that part of Lot 2 Northerly of a line
drawn from a point on the Southwesterly line of said 1ot 48 feet 8� inches from
the Northwesterly corner thereof to a point on the Northeasterly line of said
lot 48 feet 7-1/8 inches fram the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 2 except
the Westerly 44 'feet thereof, and I�ot 3 except the westerly 44 feet thereof,
all in Iioyt's Subdi�ision of Morrison's Block of Hoyt' s Addition to St. Paul
.,--.--..._.-_-.._.._.� _.__..Y.,a-,.._-,.,y_. o ,
saicU:meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the� Charter, stating the time and place af '
heaxing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estima,ted.
. �lpY 18 I�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council
Yeas ��ish Nayg Approve MAY 18 �
H�d � �
Coss- . `�
aVleredith � Tn Favor t
�eterson Mayor
, �osen D �ll��� MAY 2 2 19�
Navoulis Against
6-68 2M 8� R-1 '