223488 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLERK ��34$� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO I,ICENSE COl�'IITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOL TIO —GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED LY May 18, 1965 COMMISSIONE DAT� RESOLVED: That licenses for permit to conduct Bingo Games� applied for by the following organizations, at the addresses stated, for the d ays, dates, and hours indicated on each applicat3.on, be and the same are hereby granted. Alano Society of St. Paul, Inc. 8 "�. Ninth St. &/or 459 Wabasha St. (2nd Floor) 52 Pds. App. 1403 Renewal Sm.i.th�odd Business Men's Associati.on _ 167 w. Seventh St. 26 '� " ]..L�06 Neca Each Appn. InformallY �Proved. b�r Counc3.1 As da.ted on Appn. MAY 1$ � COLJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays %� Dalglish MAY 18 �� Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor • Meredith Peterson � �AyOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis pUBLISHED MAY 2 2 19� � loM 664