223480 ��� —�� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLlRK , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL R O UTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE DA� WHEREA� the current emergeney carz�ed by the flooding of tY�e Mississipp� River has involv�d the entire City and has required wor�en, eqt�ipment and materials normallp assigned to maintenance a.nd repair of stree� ligMting systems to be assigned to �he flood emergeney duties� to the detriment of � their regular work; and WHEREAS, it is neeessary in the i�terest of the public welfare and safety that the City crews be reassign�d to their normal tasks as soon as possible and it is further ne�e�sary iM the interest of public welfare and safety �hat the flood affected street light conduits be immediately cleaned out ara.d repaired and it is the opinion of this � -Counail that an emergency exists within the meaning of Section 291 of the City Charter� and that failure of t�e City t0 aet i�omptly �rill Work an in�ury to the �ity; now� therefore� be RESOLYED� Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Panl hereby finds that an emergency, exists where failt�re to —�"- , a�t promptlp will work �n in�ury to��the�City- of Saint Paul and �� its �itizens� and this Council therefore au�horizes proper �ity officers to enter into �ontracts for the eleaning out and replacement of tanderg�ound conduit� and eonductors� based upon specifieations drawn by the Public IItilities Depar�ment� said contraEt to be on an informal bid basis without advertise- ment or eompetitive bids� pursuan.t to Seetion 291 of the City C�arter. . , f. VED • . rpofatioc� unse� 41965 MAY 1` COiJNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Dalglish MAY 14 �� Holland � Approved 1'9— 'n°�— Tn Favor Meredith � � Pete rs on u Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis �C��j� P.UBLISHED MAY 2 2 ions e-as