223477 Slopes ,
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co�o��e xo......_..._......___.
Theundereignedhereby proposesthema3cingof thefollowingpubliaimprovemeat by the City of saint Paul,vis.:
Condemning..and._taki.ng_an__easement in_ the 1_and;necessary..for_.the slopesr.,cuts_and_.fil.l.s�___including
ri ght of removal of 1 ateral support__from subj.ect_1 and_ or__remai.nder., ther.eof�_,occasi,oned bx_ex-
cavat i��...�he r.�4f...Pr.._��.n.��r.u��.i.sn..4.f_..�.l.Q;��s---i.n...�b?�,.Sx��a.n�...arui._s ur..f.��i.ns�_���h..b.i.tum:i.nszu�..ma t e ri a 1
�IESTERN AVENUE,_from„Cottage_l�venue_.south__to„the,.cul_�de�sac�,,,,..__,....._....,_.._.......................... ......
Dated thie........14th.......day of...._MaY...................................................�-----•-•-------� 1 °�
. �
.....................................___ .._.....-•---._.......Counoilman.........
WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of tha following improvement, vi$.:
Condemni n�_and taki n�_an_ easement i n the 1 and necessary_.for .the sl opes�_ cuts__and fi 1 1 s,�__.i_ncl udi ng
-----•------ ----- --_------- -•-- . ..-•--•-•- . ----•---------------
right of._removal _of,_1_ateral__suppor�,.frQm ��,b�.���..�aacl..�r....r.�m�.i.nd�r..__�.h�.r.�4f.a...Q�.�a�i.Qn��i...t?�c.ex-
cavati ons thereof or constructi on of s 1 opes i n the gradi nc� and..surfaci ng_wi th bi_tumi nous__materi a 1
.................._............_...------........--•--------...----•-•--•--- ----•-- -
WESTERN �1VENUE from Cottaqe Avenue south to the cul-de-sac .
-- _._; - __ _ - - - - - -- - . _
having been preaented to the Counail of the City of Saint Paul--_-------_---•--------------------•-•-----•---------------:=---........_......_..
therefore, be it
RFSOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Public Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direated:
1. To inveatigate the neceesity for, or desirability of, the making of esid improvement.
2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coet of said improvement� and the total aoat thereof.
3. To furnieh a plan, profile or aketch of eaid improvement.
4. To state whether or not eaid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. . ,
b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the'Commiseioner of �Ynance.
Adopted by the Counoil..------•--•---_..._....��.�_1`��9�................•------- •
Councilman Dalglish
MAY 141965
Ho11 and Approved---------------------------�.-----------------.....---•---•-•-•-•-- .
, �eaa--
� , � Meredith �
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Rosen '
--------------_. .... . .._ ..----•------- --. ...... ............___.
"': Lr„, M8. Paestn�x�r Vavoulis ' Mayor.
. � 5000 7-64'.
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� � pUBLISNED MAY 2� �