223476 _ " " , . � Grading and surfacing G-1728 ,���,���.� � u� CO11II011 F118 N0.�.......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and � PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersignedhereby proposesthemakingofthefollowingpublioimprovement bythe City of Baint Paul,vis.: �,,,Gradi na_and__surfaci na wi th..bi,tumi nous materi al WESTERN AdENUE from Cotta�e�Avenue South to the cul-de-sac. Dated thie.....14th.........daq of.....MaY........................................................... , 19 .d5. � ------..._.�..--•---•.............. - --.....�,,...._..... .. ............... Counailman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: �_Gradi nq and surfaci nq wi th bi tumi nous materi al WESTERN AVENUE from Cotta�e_ Avenue •-•--•-•----•............... -......---•---•--..._ ...------ -----•---•---•--•------..........•-•------•--------------------- South__�to the„cul,-de,-sac,..................:. ____ --.....--- -------__ ..-•----•-----•-•----...-••----•---•-••----._...--•----------------••-------------......--••----•--•---•-------• .........................•--------•--....._......---.............__.....-•------------...------••-•---......---•----•--•--...........------•--•--....:---------.._.....---._._...._...........__ � .................................•--•------•--•-----•--•--•-------�.......- - ----------._._....-•---•-------- . ---------------------•--•----................---••-----•--._ ' ...----•- having been presented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul_._..............�.._....._._._...........__.__.....__.._.___..........._....__._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commiesioner of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveatigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid improvement. ` ' 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total oost thereof. ` 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or aketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commiseioner of �nanae. - , �� _ Y 141965 , Adopted by the CounaiL---------•................ ��_---•--....-------•-----•-------------- t YBSs ,�. Councilman Dalglish , �AY 141965 ' ' � .r Holland Approved----------------- -----------------------_------._.----•---•----_--._ . - ..... �os•s— • -- � _ ' Meredith " � _ � Peterson — - ' -�:� � �M Roaen -----------__..._.... .. .......•---•----- - ... � �._._......_ � Ms. Ps�siD�x�r Vavoulis Mayor. � ,;a � s000 �-a� � �'� 1965 t f:, Pua�isH�o MAY �2 - `r ° ,f i � .