223468 ORIGI?IAL TO CITY CLERK 223468 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO : OFFICE OF TFiE CITY CLERK UNCIL RES UTION-GENERAL FORM , �RESENTED QY COMMISSIONE p�,� �'�Y 13s �65 Resolved, that the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation af the Contract Committee therefor and re3ects all bids received for furnishing all labor, materials and services necesssary to the removal of the top story of the Fire Drill Tawer at the Public Safety BQilding for the reason that prices bid are not within amount alloted for this aork� Formal Bid #�1186�, � ._.' ,,._.___. --. _ -- �- �- -- • - - ---- - _ _� A MAY 13 1965 COiJNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �AY 131965 Dalglish Holland Approve 19— Loss � Tn FAVOr � Meredith '�'1r� ti� Pete rs on � �AyOr A gainst ���g ���— n, �. •'�ic��i:i..oa�.:eeE�?�,.'�� - - e President ($osen) lo� � PUBLISHED MAY 15 1965 DUrLI�,�To�„N.� 22346� CtTY OF ST. PAUL F10EHCIL NO � OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - n���r COMMISSION� o�*F—IS�t3�2��3�.g5 — �e�olved� that tha Couacil h�reb� aoaoUrs in the rQOC�aws»da�tion c� the Cantra�ct Co�ui.tt� �herstor and rt��cte �11 ipidr receivecl tar lurz�ishing a�la. U�bn�r�, ��Qri�le and ee�v3oes necesoasry ta the re��av'�i �st ths top etor� o� tl� �'is� Dri�.2 To�er at th� Public 8�lety �i.1d#ng �or xhe rMS�m �b,at prio�s bid �re aot wil��.n a�wn� allot�d !cr thir rro�lc. l�orme� Hfc� �,�88,� �A MAY 13 196� COUNCILblEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �pY �� 196:5 nalglisb � Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredit6 Petetson � MAyOr ,R�esea— A�Bt °si�:c.�:i5:�'g'�d;ea�eV'.if�ii#.l'l.'u�' y xex: s::.a;:::ase:.:el b1r. �ice Prasident (Rosen) - lo][ MA!