223466 • ,, _ ORIGIqAL TO CITY CLERK � ` �/,��y E� `" F ST. PAUL couNCa j4� "�, � FILE NO � , OFFI O THE CITY CLERK , COU IL R ION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED SY � 13 1(�5 E:OMMISSIONE DA� � . 1�50LVED, That the Council hereby approves -the awa,rd of the Contract Cammit-tee therefor and hereby awaxds contract for One year Service Contract for �'wrnishing a11 labor, materials, services and supplies for the reinstallation and re-activation of Cathodic Protection System for nine Water Tanks and Standpipes owned by the City . � � _ o� St.- Pau1 Water Department, to EI�CTRO RUST-PROOFING CO1�1'ORATION in accordance with Ci�Ly plans and specifications therefor hereto atta.ched and the Formal Bid #1254 of said Electro Rust-Proofing Corporation �or the contract price of $2,635.00, less �°� . � such bid being the only bid meeting City specifications and saa.d Electro Rust-Proofing Corpora.tion being a reasonable and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and here�by is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the ` �� , proper City official.s hereby axe authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. r.' Formal Bid #]25�+• ��t� COUNCILII�N Adopted by the Counci AY 131965 19— .. Yeas Nays f�AY 13 ?96� Dalglish � Holland ( Approved 19— Loss �� - Tn Fsvor Meredith l � Peterson 1� MaYor " �� : A►$S1Il3t � �;�n�+'.:3:..s�.� �q;� - - � ' .. �. �°�' _•"����..'""'ss��� PUBLISHED MAY 15 1g�5 • � ioM e-a2���id�t (17,osen) ` , , DYrLIGT[TO NtINT[R ����6� � = CITY OF ST. PAUL F,O�UHCIL NO � OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COM�MIS�S�IONE� DATF � �� ��� I�SOL�i$D, �,t t�e eolmegl he�by e�rove� the e�war�. of ttze Co�,tr�.ct co�Ltt�e the�f'or �,n.d he�eby �rd� coa�ract �o� Eh�,� ye�,r Servic� Ca.�-�ra,ct for �u�n.t�hing all la'bor, �,teri�ls� �ex�.�e� a�Yid su�pltes �or the �einsta,l7.�=�3oa an.c� ra-aotivatian o� C�,thodic Pratectior� Syate� �or nin� ���er Tanks a�. St�,nctPipe� v�n.ed by �t�he �ittiy o� St. Pau]. Water 73�p�rt�.t, to �C7.'I�4 Rt�T�� C4R�O�iATIOlf in aCcordana� w3th C3ty p7�ns � sp���Sc�tion� tTa�r��or her�f,o a;t�ach�d, �nd th� P'or�7.. Bid �].254 0�' s�i.d �l�ctro �ts�Proc�#`ir.� Gi�rpor�,tiQn �or the cva�r�,c� �r3.ce� oP �2,&35•OU� less 5% such bid being the vt�r bid �eting City apeG3��cat3c�B �.nd �a3c7. �ctro Rust-Proo�3,ng Lor,�or�tic�aa. t�ing e, r�easc�ble e�nd re.Ltable `6i�,der,, end �the Cozpcira.tiaR Cc��el bs e�ad hereby i� �3r�ec-ted to draw up t�.e pt�aper fdrm o� �ant�a.ct tYisrefor, �. the Broper �i�,y o�`P3.c3a1s hereby ax�e au-thor3zed to executet �d Ccx�,tzmct. on beha�l� o� �he City o� Sa,i.nt Pau].. �'ox�.1. Bid �125�+. � MAY 131965 COUNCILbIEN Adopted by the Council I9— Y`as Nays MAY 13 19� n��glisb � Holland Approved 19._ Loss � Tn Favor Meredith Petersan � M�yOr A gAinst �to� ::�t;x�'Kt��,',13��i@:F°ei����f1�'�"°� :�a::.::::x:�.3:r.-. ::ii::::� 1�.�'t=ca President�(Kusen)