223464 E � . � �234�� ORIGINAL 7 CITY CL6RK , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , - - COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM , . _ � COEMM SS�IONE M�-�-ton Rosen� blic Works p�,F Ma.V� 1965 WAE�S� In connection with complete Traffic Con.trol signin.g for the Arch-Pen,nsylvania Highway from Rice Street to Interstate 35 E� the City of Sai.nt Paul. with-its own Forces and Equi�ent ha.ve completed this work� now therefore be it, � - RFSOLVED, That the cost of this work i.n the amount of �1,103.79 be cha.rged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving F'und� Code 6000 and-this same f"u.nd to be reimbursed from Municipal State Aid F�ind 64-1Og-12. � � M AY 13 196� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays t�fAY 13 1965 ' Dalglish - Holland � Approve� 19—_ Loss jn FavOr Meredith � 1� Mayor Peterson a►g'8iri9t u��r--=� ��'���ii�'.s...��Rl: '�°°� �pUBl;ISHED MAY 15 ��� 1VI�• �Vice Pr,esident (Rosen) 1on� e� � DU►LICAT(�TO MIHTtR �(1���� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� �� y ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , COM�MI�NEe raLJ.WU �$�1�, rl;p�Cl WOTgB DAT� '��,�, ,� � �� �t cc�n��,c�► vit�h r�omp�.e� �raff�.a C��,ral �i�ni�g f'oT t� Arc�h�'ea�n�yl�.ts H3gh�a,y f`ro�. l�#,oe S�reet �o Tn.f,ea���t.e 35 g�, tb� G�ty � S�,at Pan3. �ritl� ��s ovn Foraea e�nd Squipment ha�re �qnpla�ed thia worh� z�orr �re�ors � itt 1�sOLYEl;9� �'hat � �oet ot' th�+ we� 3,n the smot�t o� �r1�103.',�9 bo v�arged to � �ba�aeat T=�rove�t�t R�ro],v�ag l+�d�� �ode fi000 and f��,e � f�u�d to be t�f�ux�aed �w�t l�oipa5. 3tat� .4�.d Fund 6�.0$�,12.. . COUNCILI�N . Adopted by the Counci pY 1 3 � I9— Yeas Nays Dalglish MAY 13 1�65 Holland Approv� 19.— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Petersoa � MAyOr A.._.,,.— 'Q Saillst �:��.�:.`:.;°•.g,���'::':� Mr. Vice President (Itosen� 103[ �