223452Original ! city Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Z-2 223452 1 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, tl approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by, striking out the specifications for the following titles: Electrician- Electrician Foreman Lighting Foreman Lighting Repairman and, by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following specifications: • OdSlnal io City Clerk ORDINANCE 223452 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. 6 Yeas Councilmen Nays �DHoll n Loss F Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) Attest: t City Clerk 'i IM 6-62 r Form approved Corporation Counsel Passed by the Council MAY -ff 1965 - In Favor Against r- CITY CLERK 223452 AVL "AA Oft"co 6xft.9 *04U00 AZ4 "Waspa "WbUlUoo a" too r4almolo, qualftoatfotm for the vulto" ow-oot of, ,volsloo" fa W3,014SOUted Sotvtca of the CRyo 0 aptoVed Feb r"ry, "0 1'935* as *martdod# mm CO CM or %W. cm OF SAWT PAIVIO 00V IS *"AM *at Tha Ovdlo"oo )No-* 160slo opprwmdVobvuavy l3o A* tweaAeat bb tudtbo- samo 10 horaby faftbar a-meaded by OrWaS 044tel'COM meetticlan volromon r1v Title of Glass: ELECTRICIAN Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to perform electrical work involved in the construction, 'installation, alteration, maintenance and repair of electrical systems, instruments, apparatus and equipment; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To install, maintain and repair generators, motors, switchboards, control boards, cut - -outs, wall, floor, and.ceiling receptacles, conduits, meters, fuse boxes, lights, fans, heaters, bell and buzzer systems, fire alarm systems, signal systems, and all •electrical equipment and appliances. To do interior, and exterior wiring and overhead and underground line work. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and possession of a certificate evidencing the completion of training as an apprentice electrician, or four years' experience as a journeyman electrician. Must possess a journeyman electrician's license issued by the State of Minnesota. 22214: e Title of class: ELECTRICIAN FOREMAN Duties and responsibilities: Under direction, to supervise a crew of men in the work of installing, maintaining and repairing police and fire alarm apparatus, cables, traffic signals and controls, and similar equipment; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To supervise the work of electricians and other employees engaged in installing and repairing either underground or overhead wires and cables. To supervise a crew in the installation, maintenance and repair of traffic. signals and controls. To see that all police and fire alarm boxes are kept in order and in repair. To oversee the installation of police and fire alarm boxes. To be in charge in the absence of the General Foreman. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and three years' experience as an Electrician, or equivalent experience outside the City service. Must possess a journeyman electrician's license issued by the State of Minnesota. )or Title of class: LIGHTING FOREMAN Duties End responsibilities: Under direction, to supervise a crew and to perform maintenance work in the Lighting Bureau; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To supervise the work of repairmen, inspectors, and street lamp workers. To act as an emergency repairman. To repair high tension cables. To locate trouble on series and multiple street lighting equipment. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and three years' experience as a Lighting Repairman or as a journeyman electrician. Must possess a Class A Journeyman Electrician license or a Shopman Electrician license as issued by the State of Minnesota. 223452 Title of class: LIGHTING REPAIRMAN Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to repair street lighting circuits and fixtures; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To locate trouble on a street lighting circuit and make the necessary repairs. To repair street lighting fixtures, switches and relays which are out of order. To assemble, wire and repair transformers. To repair high tension cables. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and four years' apprenticeship as an electrician, or four years as a Lighting Repairman Helper. Must possess a Class A Journeyman Electrician license or a Shopman Electrician license as issued by the State of Minnesota. n 222462 t,z q q'i"', 5-tolon 2. V?4,r otdiuwo shell tat, egg: tt *udlot IA forto tarty dwyo, Otor its ptsotsgtv apptomgv -aad bti" Obju 6 � S r s452 Title of class: ELECTRICIAN Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to perform electrical work involved in the construction,* installation, alteration, maintenance and repair of electrical systems, instruments, apparatus and equipment; and to perform related. work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To install, maintain and repair generators, motors, switchboards, control boards, cut -outs, wall, floor, and ceiling receptacles, Conduits, meters, fuse boxes, lights, fans, heaters, bell and buzzer systems, fire alarm systems, signal systems] and all electrical equipment and appliances. To do interior and exterior wiring and overhead and underground line work. Minimum qualifications: k I3igh school graduation and possession of a certificate evidencip.g the completion of training as an apprentice electrician, or four years' e:cperience as a journeyman electrician. Must possess a journeyman electrician's license issued by the State of Minnesota. I 2234,52 StOion Zi VUO Otdiaolto Ob-all Ukt, Ofett *uOd 14 tone Wrty,ftp ater Its P*Sssso�v apok-ovat, And vowi"Ooti, 6 Titls of class; ELECTRICIAN Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to perform electrical work involved in the construction, 'installation, alteration, maintenance and repair of electrical systems, instruments, apparatus and equipment; and to perform related. work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To install, maintain and repair generators, motors, switchboards, control boards, cut-outs, wall, floor, and ceiling receptacles, conduits, teeters, fuse boxes, lights, fans, heaters, bell and buzzer systems, fire alarm systems, signal systems, and all electrical equipment and appliances. To do interior and exterior wiring and overhead and underground line work. Minimum qualifications: t High school graduation and possession of a certificate evidencing the completion of training as an apprentice electrician, or four years' experience as a journeyman electrician. Must possess a journeyman electrician's license issued by the State of Minnesota. Y r + Title of class: ELECTRICIAN FOREMAN Duties and responsibilities: Under direction, to supervise a crew of men in the work of installing, maintaining and repairing police and fire alarm apparatus, cables, traffic signals and controls, and similar equipment; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To supervise the work of electricians and other employees engaged in installing and repairing either underground or overhead wires and cables. To supervise a crew in the installation, maintenance and repair of traffic signals and controls. To see that all police and fire alarm boxes are kept in order and in repair. To oversee the installation of police and fire alarm boxes. To be in charge in the absence of the General Foreman. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and three years' experience as an Electrician, or equivalent experience outside the City service. Must possess a journeyman electrician's license issued by the State of Minnesota. 1. I p Title of Glass: _ LIGHTING FOREMAN Duties and responsibilities: Under direction, to supervise a crew and to perform maintenance work in the Lighting Bureau; and to perform related work as assigned, Examples of work performed: To supervise the work of repairmen, inspectors, and street lamp workers. To act as an emergency repairman. To repair high tension cables. To locate trouble on series and multiple street lighting equipment. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and three years' experience as a Lighting Repairman or as a journeyman electrician, Must possess a "Class A Journeyman Electrician license or a Shopman Electrician license as issued by the State of Minnesota. t r Title of class: LIGHTING REPAIRMAN Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to repair street lighting circuits and fixtures; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To locate trouble on a street lighting circuit and make the necessary rep -airs. To repair street lighting fixtures, switches and relays which are out of order. To assemble, wire and repair transformers. To repair high tension cables. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and four years' apprenticeship as an electrician, or four years as a Lighting Repairman ,Helper. Must possess a Class A Journeyman Electrician license or a Shopman Electrician license as issued by the State of Minnesota. A 4V I st � _ 2nd 5 �v Laid over to f /7,/y 3rd and app % — Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays `\ Dalglish 4D� Holland Holland Loss Loss Meredith 223 lq5 \ eredith Peterson \Peterson J Rosen Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis r. President Vavoulis