223440 ORIfi�1AL j0 CITY CLERK f_�ry� 1 +O CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa E'�'. �� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO_ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONE � FRANK L. L�SS DA� r RESOLVED, that an extra in the amount of $350.00 be allowed under Con.tract No. G 3770 between the City of Saint Paul and the Lingofelt Chimney And Tuck Pointing Company, said con,tract for Caulking Windows and Repointing Stone Joints and Chimney at ' the Public Utilities Building, 100 East Tenth Street, Saint �r Paul, Minnesota, and said extra to cover caulking of the win- dows on the third and fourth floors, this work havin� been requested by the Commissioner of Public Utilities, and agreement made with the Contractor, and a memorandum of said agreement having .been filed with the Comptroller and counter- signed by him. - Approyed ' ty Comptroller -�._ ..,� � ,. , �AY � 21965 COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays MAY 12196� Dalglish Holland pproved 19— Loss - Favor � Meredith � Peterson � �yor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLiSHED MAY 15 196� ioni e-as DUfLi6AT6 TO r111NT[R ���440 CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FQR.N! r�ES�r,r�D.Y Fl�ANK ,L• LOSS COMMISSIONE� DA� RESOL�(ED, that an extra in the amount of $350.00 be a].lowed under �ontract No<. � �'�0 between the City of �aint Paul �nd the Lingofelt Chimney �nd �uck �oi,nti�g Company, �aid con�ra�ct £or G�ulking Windows and Repointinc� $tone .�ointa and �himn�y at the Public Utilities Building, 100 Ea�t Tenth Street, Sai.nt P�U1i Minnesot�, and said ex�ra �o cover caulking of the win- dows on -�he th�.�cd and £ourth floors� this work havin� been request�d by the Commissioner of Public Utilitieg, �and agreement mad� with the �ontractor, �nd � memorandum of �a3d agreement having been £il�d with th� Comptro].ler �nd counter- s�gn�d by him� Approved �i.ty Comptroller �A,� 1� �' COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Dalglish � MpY 12 ���� Holland � Approved 19— Loss Tn FanOr Meredith Peterson r'} , �y�r �L—Ag8lIlst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis - iost � . �I .��` CITY OF SAINT PAU ,�'��� � Capital of Minnesote � '' � _ /� .� - �� , .s � +p _L--� .��— i I� " :OF.�P ���� 1 D�It�Ca�� _ - i� 1, r�L.��� C.I F � J��' _ � ` s ' �^ —y.¢_§�, 'a. F~�F IY� �" _ — � ' � � f. �� � � �1��E��'� `w� �"� -__ --�- 445 Ciiy�' ell��',�.��`-,�,: -`��r i ,Y�::��»�F,;,. .-. . , . ._ �'_, � ., ��_ ,� �' . �`�- `,'-�s� �`` R; �_r--, . ._i ";_, _ -. ,-n; � `�., � . � ` � � � � T��� -- i�irt_:_i-.,'t'+�� ,,._, . . . ,f . , ;. 4+ ' • ' ,. �'` •�.a;�.:? � _ ' , � ' - �y:. ��� ,y - �7:,,.`�.X y�.�,f� (.,h \i _ �,f���'�.=S';,�,�. �I I '�. ,,7'r..�' ����►!'M'!",.a� .�a }�`'� t���A�'y 1 � .� } ,� ' .� �'�� � �� --:r� � � �: � .�� �y •�;.� :r r �..� ��'•,, �a�z�.fi`;"� '�� ���: - � e�1:4 i [�~�;� }1's'l�( 1� ���' ��� BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, Ci+y Archi+ect 445 Ci+y Hall, 55102 • . , May 7, 1965 , , ��.�°��� Hbri. Fr.ank L. .Loss - • Commissioner of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings SUBJECT: Job No. 64-102 Rev. � Dear Sir: . Contract No. G 3770 was awarded to Lingofelt Chimney And Tuck- pointing Co. for Caulking Windows and Repointing Stone Joints and Chimney at the Public Utilities Building, 100 East Tenth Street, Saint Paul. During the course of the work it was found adyisable to caulk the balance of the windows on the third and fourth floors of this building and at the request of the Commissioner of Public Utilities, negotiations have been cionducted with the contractor who proposes to do this work for an extra of $350.00. � This is a reasonable amount for the labor and material involv= ed and you are, therefore, requested to submit a resolution to the Council authorizing this extra. .0 t ul , o er L. A e bJB. .A CI TY ARCHI TECT CC: Comsr. Holland Mr. P"aul Blue Mr. Roth Mr. Bell