06-192COUNCTL FILE #: OtQ �, q Z GREEN SHEET #: 3029719 Presented By: Referred to: RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA '� — 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is eligible to apply for funding through the Local Trail Connections and the Federal 2 Recreational Trail Programs, both sponsored by the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; and 4 WHEREAS, Pazks and Recreation wishes to apply to these progam for grant funding for the following eligible projects: 5 projects; to wit Lower Phalen Creek Trail - which will connect the Bruce Vento Regional Trail to: Swede Hollow 8 Park, Indian Mounds Pazk, and Lowertown, and in addition, will provide a trail linking the east side of 9 Saint Paul to the Mississippi River and the Samuel H. Morgan Regional Trail. 10 Como Reqional Park Trail S��stem Reconstruction - reconstruction oftrails and completion of 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 connections within the western side of the park. Hi¢hwood Hills Recreation Center - reclaim and repave the bituminous paths to the recreation center entrance and activity facilities. Prosperitv HeiQhts Park - reclaim and repave the bituminous paths through the park, and restore the wood chip woodland trail. Hiehland Park Connections - to construct a series oftrails within Highland Park and to connect the park with the surrounding neighborhood. 19 AND WHEREAS, these projects require a 50% match, and cannot be used for internal costs; and 20 21 WHEREAS, Saint Paul Parks and Recreation has the matching funds available within its adopted Capital Improvement 22 Budget and understands the grant requirements; now 23 24 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul authorizes the proper City officials to submit the 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Lower Phalen Creek Trail (est. $100,000); and Como Regional Park Trail Svstem Reconstruction (est. $] 00,000); and Hi�hwood Hills Recreation Center (est. $12,000); and Prosoerity Hei ts Park (est. $24,000); and Highland Park Connections -(est. $25,000); and be it 33 FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon any said project approval by the State of Minnesota, Department of Natura] 34 Resources, a specific resolution including project budget will be submitted for City Council review and approval; and be it 35 36 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports the projects as previously listed. following grant applications, to wit G:IFMIQTWirkalReso/utions, Page: COUNCIL FILE #: ��Q' �q� GREEN SHEET #: 3029719 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred to: s o a Adopted by Council: Date: � � v�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� /�//ii/c� /s���,�5/��z. Approved by M :, 1'r r^.�.""" �'71�-0� By: U''� � Requested by: Division of Parks and Recreation �� ' � � Form Approved by City Attorney BY: `�� Approve¢'U� a or for Submission to Council /(�� ��/� �( BY� 11 ���ti��"�v�-6� G:IFMI471WirkalReso/utions, AOs, Green SheetslResolutionsl'O6 DNR Trail GrentAuth. Resofution xls Page: 2 of 2 ._ � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PR —P� �d Recreadon Contact Person & Phone: Jason Wirka 266 G317 Must Be on Councilqqeni ContractType: RE-RESOLUiION 14-FEB-06 � , Assign Number For Routing Order Green Sheet NO; 302979�� Deqar6nent SentToPerson Initial/Date 0 r audReereari a 1 ar andRecreati n De a entDirector � 2 " Attome 3 Y Office Ma or/Assistaot 4 oanc� 5 ' Clerk 1 rk TotalpofSignaturePag � ( CIipNlLOCationsforSignature) Action Requested: Approval of attached resolution authorizing Pazks and Recreation to apply for trail grants tluough DNR sponsored programs. rcecommenaanons: appro�e (n) or hte}ect (Ft): Planning Commission CIB Commitfee Cnil Service Commission _� S"C FM-F � Contracks Questions: 1. Has this persoNfirtn e�er worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirtn eeer 6een a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where; Why): AdvantageS�FAPProved: Trail renovation and construction projects will proceed. DisadvanWAeslfApproved: None. Disadvanqges If Not Approved: Trail renovation and conshuction projects will be delayed. fotalAmountof $Q Tronsaction: Funai�g source: DNR Trai1 Grants Financiai Information: (Explain) CosVRevenue Butlgeted: N Activity Number. 3T156 t�.,�„^A:�sa �ne.�,:si^��� �r�'="�.�' ', �.. � � :: � � 1 b° Febniary 14, 200610: 99 AM . Page 1