223394 + � I 4 .� 223394 ORIGINAL TO CITY GLHRK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL SOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED RY ,r�� COMMISSIONE `'�O"�� DATF WH�REP,S� the City of Saint Paul has heretofore incurred costs in connection with the condemnation and wrecking of a one and one-half story frame dwelling and shed at 1986 Benson 1�venue� described as Lot 2� Block 3, Ma�or�s Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota; and . , � WHEREAS�, said costs were heretofore confirmed by the Coiancil of the City of Saint Paul in Resolution� Council File No. 198406, and a lien therefore was filed by the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul iri the Office of tY�e Register of _ Deeds in and for Ramsey County� Minnesota� on October 5� 1960� _ and recorded in 1704 Ra.msey County Records 533, Document No. 1521107; and WH�REAS� such a lien, as represented by Comptroller' s Registered Bill No, 4-1799, is in the amount of �456.43, which amount was paid and satisfied by Disp lay Fixtures� Inc. , Saint Paul� Minnesota� on May 5� 1965; now� therefore� be:it - ' _ - RESOLVED� That the proper City officers of the City of ' ` Saint Paul are hereby authorized and directed to prepare a satisfaction of the aforesaid lien� execute the sa.me, and deliver the original thereof to Disp lay Fixtures, Inc. 0 " � �AY 11 � COITNCILiu�N . ' Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays -- ----'- - -•- --._____._, ,. ----• Dalglish �A� �� �� Holland � prove 19— Loss Tn F'aVOx' Metedith � Pete rs on (� MByor A gdiIlBt Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ��.�$�� MAY � � � 1on� aas . � DU�LICATC TO MtINTlR �23394 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITI( CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /RESENTED �Y COMMISSIONE� DA*G WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has heretofore incurred cos�s ir� connection with the eondemnation and Wrecking of a one and one-half story frame dwelling and shed at 1986 Benaon. Avenue� describeci as Lot 2� B1ock 3� Ma�or�s Addition� Ramsey County, Minnesota; and WHEREAS� said costs were heretofore confirmed by the Council of the City of Saint Paul in Resolution� Co��nGi1 File No. 198406� and a 11en therefore was filed by the City Clerk of the City of Saint P�ul iri the Ot'fice of the Regi�ter of Deeds in and for Ramsey County� Minnesota� on Oatober 5� 1960� and recorded in 1704 Ramsey County Records 533, Document No. 152110'�; and W�EREA3 such a lien, as represented by Comptroller' s Registered B�11 No. 4-1799, is in the amount of �456.43� whieh amount was paid and satiafied by Displsy Fixtures� Inc.� Saint Paul� Minnesota� on May 5� 1965; now� thesefore� be_it RESOLYED� That th� proper City officers of �he Ci�y of Saint Paul are hereby authorized and direated to prepare � setisfaetion of the aforesaid lien� execute the sames and deliv�er the original the�eof to Displ�y Fixture�� Ina. �AY 111� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays MAY �.�. � Dalglish Holland Appro�� 19— Loss Tn FBVOT Meredith � Peterson MAyOr �� A gainst Rosen '' Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� e�