223388 , 2�33�� �; ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ISCENSE CG1N�'�TTEE COUN L RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY � �� 1965 COMMISSIONE DATE 1��iHEREl�S; The Grand Avenue Motors Co. has made Appla.cation J-1179 for licenses to operate three (3) vehicles as Auto Rental Caxs upon the streets of the C3.ty of Sa�t.nt Paul� described. as follaws: Aiito Renta! Make Seiial Tnsurance 1545 Ford !�'l�.2F206726 Traveler's Tndemnity Co. Policy NSL ].!�].5012� 15l�6 Falcon 1�.K02U101027 expiring 12:01 A.M. ST Dece�aber 31, 1965 , 1547 Falcon !�K].6U112858 " �� _ n n u WHEREAS: � Said applicant has filed. a copy of the insuranoe policy with the City of Saint Paul� and sai.d policy has been approved as to form and execution Yjy t}ie Corporation Counsel� therefore, be it = RESOLVED,:, That licenses to operate sai.d automo�biles as Auto Rent�1 Cars upon the streets ` "�_ �' _ :�/ '1f �' � ._� � • of the City of Sai.nt Paul� be arx� the sams are hereby granted to the ('rrand Avenue Motors �o. �rJ MAY11 � COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , " �,py q q � 1111'10 1 1 Dalglish • Holland Appx'o 19— Loss Tn F'SVOT Meredith Peterson f J �yOr - �___Against � Rosen q/. , � Mr. President, Vavoulis '� � pUBLISHED MAY 15 �� ions e-as �