223377 �
counoil I+�le 1Vo......................_
Theundersignedhereby proposesthemakingofthefollowingpublioimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,vis.:
-'--_��,�. ...,, • �._-�s..- , --__ � :,� .. . ,- , - . � - -
' � � ���".;,K_�,=!� _`:r` ..'i...� �� h _ ��� � --� ' .,.z'' r�,'f `^- ' " , ay �.�r�. ...., ..::. .....,.,:.... �+' � -
,.�,. 4 .. :o. .s- `R..- �r—r-.-�i...S:w}, ,.. .. .�a--.-.......,w.,t_ ,. � ,��
, ;� ,�� �Open,�widen,"_and�`extend JACKSO��TRF�E.T, to;�r;width_of 100�feet from-Ninth_Street t f•;.,,- -}�.
r,.;�1.�c-Ten.th.,.S.treet...b.y..,condemning.and.,.taking.��or-=.stree�t ;puxposes,•-.�t eh �•�westerly-•44•�-feet•�of�that"�'-'''�
part of Lot 2 northerly of a line drawn from a point on the Southwesterly line of said
lot�°�48�f�eet�-•8���iriches��from•`Che'�N�trtti�ies't�r1y co"r'rier"the'reof"fto`"a'poin�"on'�t�ie"'No"'rtti-�" '
easterly line of said lot 48 feet 7-1/8 inches, fromythe Northeasterly,,,,corner„of sai�i.
_._...... ...... ...... ....... .. ..................w. .._.,... . . .M . . _ . ... . - --. . .. __..
Lot 2, and the Westerly 44 feet of Lot 3, all in Hoyt's Subdivision of Morrison's Block
of Hoy't`_=�:t=�ddi�tion>�.to..,St�ePausl.....Y........................................M..._.........,.............--, 1$� ��
Also condemnin and takin a tem orar easement for the -' ""
8 g p y purpose�of;�enablingr:the City
.... .....,
, or its Agents to enter thereon to wreck the'enti"re"bui'l�irig"occupying tfie p�r."4mis�es�:located
at 510 Jackson Street on (the following described parcels of land in the City of St. Faul:)
that part of Lot 2 Northerly of a line drawn from a point on the Southwesterly line of said
lot-°48�-feet-8�Lri�hes"froi�'rKe No��thwes�erly c`orner the=eof to a point on�he`N'ortheasterly
line of said lot 48 feet 7-1/8 in.ches�f��om�Ahy�,�Not�,l�eas�erly corner of said Lot 2 except
the Westerly 44 feet thereof, and�°Lot 3 excep'���the wes�erly 44 feet thereof, all in Hoytts
_ Subdivi�,�onZOf�Mo�rrison�;s*Block�oft Hoy�t���dri�tgion��ry��t�,`Faul�ent vis.•
-, -- Y-�F�-=== ;� � . - - =-- - ' -
--.� = .z , ,�. , . -;=t _ _ .,_ ,._ ��,- --a-:�-:-- . ti - .. -.,_., -r� . �.
r ... �- : .....' - . . ---' �r,.. ,._ , „����'"-�-- - > < ,. .. '_.� -:�..=�-ri"'',.. _. � ,.�, .... -- .:' �- �� •- ' � - .
�.R _`f':.i, ._..... ... r r-C...-.a:.' rr-+-�r4,...'J..:° t�• '"� •"'�`ai:,.- _�Vr_ 'l.e.... �` � 'i..._ _...... •
�,;�= ' -.-,Qpea+widen;=dnd�-�tead-�JAZI�Sbf��-S'��`'�to�a width of"�.10���eet'"'�om��in`�h Street�;to.--.;�,.,�.�.r-�*
�p�rt of Lot 2 north��rly .¢f�a, linn:.dr�wn from� d point,on �the Sout'hwesterlg lir�e of 'ea3d
ee�terly'line� o� said •.lot 48 �eiet 7=1/S ,in�hes �rom����the`rNo=.ttieasterly' corn'ar;' of sa3c1
, Lot 2,�wand�the Wester.lq"4�r�feet��of�+�,�pt��3,� all��in'�oqt���B"�..Snbd�:yision�'bf'£ltorxIieori�'�"`�lock
� ' o€ �oy,t�s�e,d`dd�itibi��.r�o� 'S:t;.�Fau�°l�.o� �l��City#f�Saaz�E �'��t3..�.:w,.,_��..�:�....,.�:........... ........., ........,..�.._....,.._..
t��A��,o�feondemning=dnd` taking d tea�porary ease�ent ior the purpose� of enal�l.ing the, �ity
or its�� ent�, td�enter thereon �o Wr4ck the entire,�bui�lding occupqing the pre:mises located
at SlOKJack��on"�S�treet�on���`t��ie'��o"I�lo�iia�;�'de"s�'cii'be��pa�c�m�sr�'of'�'afi'ct��'inu�th�ena�:`�ji ot �$t. �auit)
i that p�irt�'of��1�,��`S��fNoxth��l3�t�fc�a ci�ine;rdiaii� ;$]�bp:� alcpoi,�iCr on�th�s��South�eat"crlq line� of said
, .. � � . .
lot..48�2fee����;e�inc�es,��roa��th���Cort��eet�e,,ryl.�q�,c�{ner.s�hn�reof to ,s point��,o��t�he�alloirtheasterly
y, at �V M �.� 4 IiMN.• �4 v Y /�. C V♦ .�,,,�,�'e«.eJ4� .r� �/ �-'�
Sine';�of s�i� iot 48 faet 7� 118 .ine es f�o� �he Northeasterly coxner o£, sQid ,Lot 2 except
the Wes'ter�'y�'44��fee�`�'E�tier Qtf.;ren�tC�o�:�3y1�'�c�'p�Y�"'hen�weste,rly 44, f�et '�l�e�r�o��,, e11 in• Hoyt�s
6ubdiv�:sion��c��t<l�orriBoti��.s3��L'bC�tirofs<Hoytt�ls u�dt�i:t�`ii�n:tot�St�^'rI'�ui;�f three or moreiownere. �
5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattera to t�e,�p�.missioner of Finance.
, ' MAY 'l i�v� � .
Adopted by the CounciL..................................._...----------------._......•-••-------
Councilman Da 1 g 1 i sh �NY � �9�
-Ho•1-laTrd-� Approved-----------------------•------------------------•------------•--------------
�!.-ass— - , !
Peterson ' ;
Rosen -------------� -`____
-•---•----- ----------------------- -........._._.---____
MB. PREBIDENT Vavou 1 i s ' Mayor.
. I
3000 7-bd (
�'j pUBLISHED MAY 15 1965
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