223369 OAIfi1NAL TO CITY CL6RK ������ � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO ,,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '' NCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � �°� �- IRESENTED EY COMMISSIONE p�r� Ma.y 6i�,9(5 �SOLUED, That the Council hereby approves the awaxd of the Purchasing Commdttee therefor and hereby awa'rd.s contract for i"urnishing for the Ci-Ly of Saint Paul, Various Departments, Various Locations, Saint Paul, Nlinnesota,, approximate],y 2000 Cubic Yard.s, more or less according to requi.rements, Reac3yy Mixed Cement for �_�----- � period from date of City Comptroller's countersignature on contract to Ma,rch 31, 1966, to COI�IJING-DONOHIIE� INCORPORATED in accordance with City specifications there�or hereto atta.ched and the Formal Bid #1212 of said Corning-Donohue, Incorporated at a cost of approxima.tely $33,100.00 (at unit prices bid), such bid being the laFrest and said Corning-Donohue, Incorpora.ted being a reasona;ble and reliable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and here'by is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor and the proper City officials hereby axe authorized to execute said contract on behal-f of the City of Saint Paul. , Formal Bid #1212. - •, w:�i.. � - --- - ._._... , MA,� � 19�65 COiTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �AY '7 �� �o�� �f A proved 19_ Loss Tn FaVOr . � Meredith Peterson d MByOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis _ ions a� PUBLISHED MAY 8 �9� � D+rLICATt TO r111NT[R CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO.�_.���9 , OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co� M�DOr�ie• o�,� �y 6i 1A65 _ �SOTJ�D, Tha,'� �he Couaicil hereby �ppm�v�s t1�e aw�rd o� the P�u�cl�ing Ca�tttee there�or and I�e�eby ar�a�cds can��cact �or �urr�.3shing for the City o:� Sa�nt Paul, Variaus D�ep�.rtr�en.ts, Y�riovs Ir�c�.tians, S�,in� PauZ, �inn��of,a,, a�proa�im�,tely 2000 Cubi.c Ya,rds, more or le�s �ccox�3.ng to requir�nts� Rea�y �+L�xed Cerosnt for per9.od �'x�wa. c7s,te of C3t�r Comptrol].er's counter�ignature► an c�ntra.c� �t,� l�ax�ch 31, 1966� t,d COF�G-DOliO�� I�CO� i.n ac�orc7�nee vSth C3ty specif3c�,�ioa� tb,er�Par 2�r�to a,tte,ched �,nd the �'or�. Sid �1?� ae gai�. �orri�ng-D;�i,ahue, Incorpara�ed at �, cost o� ap�roadm�,t�1y $33,I00.00 (a�t imj.t pric�s l�id), s�ch bid being � ].ai�est �nnd s�,id Corning-�nohu�e, Incorporated be�ng a reta�o�able antd re�..tablre b3c7.d�er an.d the Corpor�.�io�t Cowzsel t� �,nd hereb� 3s d3�c�te8 to axaw ta� th� proper form o� contx�,at there�or and the proper Ciftiy o�fici.als l�reby ar� e�u.�t,hor3zed to �cute se3d Cbatract on laeha,73 0�' the, Cit3r oP �ai.nt Paul. Fox�s1. Bid �J 272. MAY 7 �' COUNCILII�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �lglisb MAY 71965 �. Approved 19— Loss � Favor Meredith Pecerson d MAyor Rosen - Ag��t Mr. President, Vavonlis 1ox s�a