223368 ORIGI�iJl�L TO CITY CLE11K � (1 C�-p��f� '� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N����'f `'' ° OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � C CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �Res�reo er �y-� A�aY 7, 1965 COMMISSIONE /1 " DATF � RESOLVED� That the Council herebq concurs,.in the award of the Contract Committee therefor and horeby awards contract for furnishing all l�bor, materials� equipment and services necessary for or reasonably incidental to the Construction of Toilets in rTewell Park, � located at Fairview ,�venue and Pierce But].er R4ad, St, Paul� Bdinnesflta, to KARL DIDOLPH O�I�TRUGTION OOIV�ANY in accordance wita Citq plans t�nd specifications therefor hereto � attached and the Formal Bid �1123 of said Karl Dedolph Construction Company for the � contract price af $7�632.00= such bid being the lowest �nd said Karl Dedolph Construction Company being a reasonable and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel�be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contraat on behalf nf the City af Saint gaul�. Formal Bid #1123, � � MAY 71965 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Dalglish � 196�a � pprov d �AY 19— Loss Favor • Meredith • - Peterson •� Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISH�ED �A�( � 19� - - iont e-as DUrLICATt TO rItINT[R '� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOEHCIL NO � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RF..SOLUTION-C ENERAL FORM OM�MIS�SI NE� DATF ��� 1�� - �OLV�D,, Thet ths Cotmoil �by oououra in th� awqrd o! the Contrao� Coritt� t�rrto� �nd har�b� w�erds oontra�ot ior tu�rni�hi� all libo�r� w�t.�rie�is� �quipwnt �nd �r�rioas n�cs�wiry lc�r o� reas�sbiy i�c=icl�at�l to t� Co�struaticui oi Toii� ia N�11 �r1cy loa�t�d �t �'air�riNr .tArenu� �nd �i�ro� Butlsz� �dy �t• �auZ: li3naosota! tn LI�L D�CDO�Ll� _ ('�DB�UCrldi GMD��,ltY in aaoordance w�tl� E�.ty pl.i�ns �1ad �peaitiatltiod'�s thmr�tor h�z�to attachad and tl� 1�'or�l �3d A�11�3 0! said Retr3 D�iiolph Canatruc��(� Co�n� �'�r ths contraet prias o� #7y.832.00f. such bid b�ing t1� lo�ert aad said �arl D�doiph Construotio� Co�p�n� bei� a reasor�bl4 and roli�ble b3dder�; and ths Carpor�ti� Cou�I bs and hqrebq !s dirsate►d ta dra� up tha prop�r tors oi ao�traat th�retor and tt� prop�r City ostioials brrob� i►re •u�hor�.sed �o �aeoute e�id cQntraat c�a. b�h,al! a! th� City of �aint Paui� �'ort�l �id d�llZ3* MAY 71� COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��glisb 7 �ss� �d Approved �Y 19— Loss Favor Meredith � Peterson �} �AyOr A gAlTlBt Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iox aa