223367 ORIGINAL�O CITY CLERK ����� ° r CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa `� ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED sY � 5 lCxjS COMMISSIONE DATF � 1�'SOLVED, Tha,t the Co�cil hereby approves the award�of the Contract Comm3.ttee there�f'or and hereby awa.rds contract for furnishing a11 labor, materia]�s, equip- ment and services necessary for or��easona,bly incidental. to the Painting and Plaster Repair at the Main Public Library and Ford Road Bra,nch Library, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to BACFiKE & TIIN� INC. in accord.ance with City plans and � specifications therefor hereto atta.ched and the Formal Bid #1226 of said Bachke & Tein, Inc. �or the contract price of $�+,799.00, such bid being the lawest and . . • _. . said Bachke & Tein, Inc. being a reasonable a.nd reliable bidder, and the Corpora.tion Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form af contract therefor, and the proper City of�icials hereby are authorized to execute said contra.ct on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Formal Bid #1226. :� �Q� � �� . , COUNCILD�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 7 .��c[ Dalglish MAY �� � . , A ved 19— Loss /� � � �. r_': TT� FaVOr 4 .. Meredi'th • Peterson d Mayor ' A gainat Rosen , �.. Mr. President, Vavoulis - . PUBLISNED MAY 8 ��� ions e-ds ' � ` , • w� E.r �� t�.. ��,:.. DU►LICAT[TO MIINT�R �2�3�'� � ` CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COM�MIS�SIONFR DA� j��`'� �� l�� H�OIN�D, Tbat t�e Cowa�cil, her�by agpr4ves the a�rard a� �he Contx�,c-t Co�rtttee th�refor aud here'by awardg cantract �or �`urnishing �.1.1. �,abor� ma,terq.a7�, equ�.p- �n.t art�. �erv3ces n,eceesary �or or raasomably incidenta,]. -tio the Painting a,nd �.aster Repa,ir at the �ain Fub1.3,G Li.bt�axy and Ford �oad Brauch I�i.bx�az�y, 8ain� Pa,u1., I�Linnesota,, to �� Sa T�, �. 3n a�ccordanc� �i.t'h City p].ang and speai�ica,tiong therefor here�o �.t�a,ched and the �'ox�,l. �id ��226 0� said &�chke 8� 'Pe3n, Inc. for the cantraet p�e� o:f �+�799.00, Bu,ch bid t�e3.ng t�e 1o�rest and �aid Be,Ghke & Te�.n, Inc. be3.ng a reascma'�7.� an.d rel3able bidder, and the Corpora�tiou Cotm.s�l be and here'by is dir�cted �p draw up �he prvper �orm dP contxaGt tl�refor, and the proper City o�f3.cis,7.� h�re'by are authoriz�d to execute satd contract on behalY of fi�.e City A� �ai.nt Paul. �'or�,�. Bid �3226. �,� � 1965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish 'r ��0.7 Hariaad APProv� �AY 19— Loss � Tn Favor Meredith Peterson C� Mayor Rosen A g��t Mr. President, Vavoulis iox s�a