06-186Councii Ffle # A �����V Green Sheet # RESOLUTION � OF S,,�►INT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented WHEREAS, the City has agreed to pay the travel expenses of the finalists in the selection process for Directors of the Saint Paul Library Agency, the Department of Planning and Economic Development, and the Department of Public Works. The Saint Paul Library Agency, the Department of Planuing and Economic Development, and the Department of Public Works have agreed to reimbursement of travel expenses to finalists not to exceed a total of $1,300 per person per interview; and 10 11 12 13 14 R'HEREAS, the total expenditures for each candidate will not exceed $1,300 per person per 15 interview; and 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 WFIEREAS, the public purpose of reimbursing the travel, meal and overnight expenses of the top candidates is to ensure the City of Saint Paul is able to recruit, attract and hire the best candidate for the Director positions in the Saint Paul Library Agency, the Department of Planning and Economic Development, and the Aepartment of Public Works. Being able to interview the top candidates in person is essential for the interview panel members and the Mayor to choose the best person to meet the needs of the City of Saint Paul; and WAEREAS, the per diem reimbursement will not exceed the Rimzheimer scale for such expenses; and RESOLVED, The City will reimburse each candidate up to a total of $1,300 per interview far actual travel expenses incurred while traveling to Saint Paul for the interviews. The proper city officials are authorized to approve payment not to exceed $1,300 per person per interview from the account codes GL 349-33450-0251 and 0252 for the Library Agent, GL126-3b075-0259 for the PED Department, GL 255-12300 for the PW Department; and Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the City Council approves the reimbursement of up to a total of $23,400; and Further Resolved the City Council finds that this expenditure is for the public purpose. Benanav Bostrom Harris ✓ r ✓ Requested by Deparnnent of: � � Form Appro�ed by � BY� � I�' Adopted by Council: Date Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary � Form AAp ved � ayor r Su ssion to Council $Y� ` By: Approv�ayo Date Z-Z-`�� ��° By: � Green Sheet Green Sheef Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Gree� Sheet. � f`( _- IgC(� oeaarin,envofficdeounei�: oate�oitiarea_ ""` - - H� -�� � Green Sheet NO: 3029569 Contad Person 8 Phone: �e^� Se`rt To Person initial/Date Ymgiverson � 0 nman orc 266-6516 Auign 1 eman esources De entDirector Must Be on Cou�il Agenda by (Date): Nwnber 2 ' Attoro �. 75-FEB-O6 For Routi�9 3 m ' Servica F ncial �vl)ir p� 4 Offi M or/ isfan 5 oaonl CitvCounc�7 6 e E G5 C erk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Loeations for Signature) Action Requested: For 5nalists for D'uector positions of the St. Paul L'brary Ageirt, Planaing and Economic Development, and Public Works to be reunbursed up to a total of $1,300.00 per person per interview for travel expenses incurred while traveYing to Saint Paul for interviews Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Persorcal Serviee Conhacts Must Answer the Foliowing Questions: Plannirg Comm4ssion 1. Has tfiis person/firm ever worked wWer a contract for this department? GB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a dty employee? Yes No 3. Dces this person/firm possess a skifl not normally possessed by any curre� city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet � Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (WF�o, What, When, Where, Why): The City u-aditionally has paid for travel eacpenses for director-level fmal interviews. City departrnents of the St. Paul Library Agent, Plaiming and Economic Devetopment, aud Public Works have agreed to reimbursement of travel e�cpenses to fmal interviewees, not to , exceed a total of $1,300.00 per person per interview. AdvantageslfApproved: Providing for travel expenses allows the City to interview and hire quality individuals. Disadvantanes NAparoved: None. DisadvaMages M Not ADProved: The City agreed to reimburse the Director-position �inalists for their travet expenses. T'he City wou[d not fulfill iu agreement if it did not reimbw�se this utdividual. I Tohai AmouM of 2�Op ��}/Revenue BudgMed: y Transaction: Fundnn Source; Gl-349-33450-0251 and Activitr Number. GL-126-36Q75-0259 fof PED; GL-255-12300 for PW I Fnra�ias iMormation: 0252 for the Library dept i (ExpMin) , p� pp e P � I ��..y .�i.�l��^Rt!S��'!(;Kr tL:u"��.= ' i g p 9 20D5