223342 .. '1 . _ ` � �2334� OR�INAL TO CITY CLlRK , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � . FICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED DY COMMISSIONE DAT� RESOLVED, That the Profess3onal Service Agreement between the Soil Exploration Company, a Minnesota corpo�ation, therein referred �o as the "Engineer, " and the City of Saint Paul, therein referred to as �he "Owner, " which agreement relates to soil test borings at the site of Lafayette Road Bridge within the City of St . Paul, be and the same hereby � i� in all things approved, and the proper City officers are .hereby authorized to execute said a�reement on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. ' � � � ��'OR . . R(�1/E Asst. Corpora o 'Cnunsel � MAY b 1965 G� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish - �A1� 6196'� Hollaud Approved_ 19— M� Loss Tn FSVOr ~ ^ � Meredith Peterson v �� �YOr A$83II9t +DVSCL� -�� �Y.i:��s�i,��_,'',�',°°_.,rti�;�a°,�:'-.'�''��i:E3 PUBLISHED �IAY H ���� 1�Ir. �ice President (Rosen) 1oM a-64 � s j � DU�4'�G►T[TO rRINT[R �3342 ` CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�NCa N� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM fRESENTED tY COMMISSIONE� DA� RESOLVED, Tha.t the Profeesion$1 Serv3ce Agreement between the Soi1 Exploration Company, a Minne�ota aorpo�ation, therein r�ferred to as the '�Engineer, 't and the City of Saint Paul, therein referred, to as the "Owner, " which agreemen� • relates �o soi7, tee� borings a� the site of I,a�'a,pette Road Bridge within t�e �i�y` of St . Fau�., be a,n�d the same hereby 3e in all thinga approved, and the proper �ity offieers are hereby authori2ed to execute esid agreement on behalF of the City of Saint Paul. R�AY � �5��' COUNCILII�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �AY s �� Holland Approved 19._ Loss / Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � �SyOr ����� A g81II8t �fi�?F.����e4!L�:��voulis�c'se:� �. �ice Yresident (Rosen� 10� sas