06-183Council File # Q�-��1' GreenSheet# ��.��0.J PRESENTED BY 12EFERRED TO RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA COMNIITTEE: DATE i WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, City Attorneys Office, wishes to apply for a grant from the z U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women and partner with the Minnesota s Network on Abuse in Later Life, the Saint Paul Police Department, Saint Paul Intervention 4 Proj ect, and Elder Caze Rights Alliance to receive and provide training to individuals within the s criminal and civil justice system in the City of Saint Paul to assist in eliminating abuse and s sexual assault against older individuals or individuals with disabilities; and s WIiEREAS, as part of the grant application process the Saint Paul City Attomeys Office wishes s to enter into a memorandum of understanding and letter of commihnent as part of the grant io application process; and u iz WHEREAS, we recognize that elder abuse victims face unique obstacles in seeking assistance ia because they are often dependent on their abuser and may not have the option to move or i4 otherwise end the abusive relationship and we understand it is critical for those in the criminal is and civil jusrice system to recognize indicators that an older individual is being abused and is understand the unique challenges they face to access the services they need; and 17 is WHEREAS, we understand that the U.S. Bureau of the Census predicts that by 2030, the is population over age 65 will double to more than 70 million and older people will make up almost zo 20 percent of the population (up from 12.4 percent in 2000); and 21 zz WHEREAS, we understand that the City Attorney's Office has no on-going financial zs commitment as part of this grant opportunity and has proposed the following commitment to the z4 project: zs zs The Criminal Deputy will attend the New Grantee Orientation; it is understood that the 2v grant will pay for the travel expenses of this employee and that the City will not be as required to provide food, lodging or airfare in conjunction with this three day meeting if it zs is outside the City of St. Paul; the City will pay the employees salary during the training; ao The Criminal Deputy will participate in project development and implementation; she ai will participate in the Train the Trainer national conference which is the five day training; az It is understood that the grant will pay for the travel expenses of this employee and that ss the City will not be required to provide food, lodging or airfare in conjunction with this 34 training if it occurs outside the City of St. Paul; the City will pay the employees salary 3s during the training; as The City Attorney's Office will commit to sending between three and five Criminal sv Division Prosecutors to the Prosecutors Training; it is understood that the grant will pay �� _/�3 i for the travel expenses of these employees and that the City will not be required to z provide food, lodging or airfare in conjuncrion with this training workshop if it occurs a outside the City of St. Paul; the City will pay the employees salary during the training; 4 The Criminal Deputy will participate in the Wrap up Meeting; it is understood that the s grant wiil pay for the travel expenses of this employee and that the City will not be s required to provide food, lodging or airfaze in conjunction with this two day training if it ^r occurs outside the City of St. Paul; the City will pay the employees salary during the s trainiug, s The City Attorneys Office will assign prosecutors with training experience to serve on the io training team, assist with adding local statutes and training material to curriculum and u work with MOU partners to review develop and implement policies and protocols; the iz City Attorney's office will commit to have a prosecutor present during all training; we are is requesting reunbursement at an hourly rate of $50.00 for these activities; it is understood i4 that all training referred to in this paragraph will occur within the City of St. Paul; the is City will pay the employees salary during the training; is The City Attorneys office will assist with finding space for training using resources iv available within the Ramsey County Courthouse; and is THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorized the City of Saint is Paul to apply for and City Attorney John Choi and his designees to participate in the application ao process and enter into a memorandum of understanding and letter of commitment. af : By: ' S�iL� py � Approved by M r.: Date �����C.CJ By: / By: Form Approved by City Attorney Bv �.�4n elJR_ ApprovE by ayo for Submission to Council By: �. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �/ —/� DepartmenUoffice7council: Date I�itiated: ca �;tyA�� ,o-FE�6 Green Sheet NO: 3029685 Contact Person & Phone: ���eM SeM 7o Person InitiaVDate Therese Skarda � 0 ' Attorne 266-8740 p��9n 1 ' Attom De artmentDirector Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number Z m , A �� e For RouGng 3 a or's Office Ma or/Assistant Order 4 ouncil 5 i lerk Ci Clerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Authority to submit gant applicarion. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? . Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, issues, Opportunily (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � Abuse and sexual assault against older individuals or individuals with disabilities. Advantages If Approved: � Awarness of the problem of abuse and sesual assualt against older individuals or individuals with disabiliries. DisadvantageslfApproved: � None. DisadvahWges If Not Approved: - Lack of awarness of problem Total Amount of Cost/Revenue Budgeted: � Trensaction: - FundinA Source: Activib Number: Financial Information: � (Explain) 0�° � �� 11.5. Department of Jusuce O�ce a.r, �oience Aaainst ��, - x 3_ �:. f.=. � ; Y C' � � r 3N F l�r�ir�i�� �r�n�� �� ���p �b��e ar�d ��xu�l �0����alt �g�i��t t�lc��r I�di�i���l� c�r ��d���d���� �vi�I� �i���il�t��� i �� �i -���� ���������-��� ��������: J r��� � 2 ��I�����T�C)� L���I�In.���: ���r��r� � g 2 Please note: If your program was impacted by the recent hurricanes in a way that hinders your ability to submit your application for this grant program, you may be eligible for an extension of the application deadline. If you wish to apply for such an extension, please contact the Office on Violence Against Women at202-307-6026. 1 ��¢ T �� U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women 800 K Street, NW, Suite 920 Washington, DC 20530 Alberto R. Gonzales Attorney General U.S. Department of Justice Diane M. Stuart Director Office on Violence Against Women Department of Justice Response Center 1-800-421-6770 TTY 202-307-2277 Office on Violence Against Women www.usdoj.eaovlovw Training Grants to Stop Abuse and Sexual Assault Against Older Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities wv�w.oip. usdai.c3ovlfunda�ps.htrn Grants.gov Customer Support Hotline 1-800-518-4726 2 ��° �.�� About the Office on Violence Against Women The Office on �olence Against Women (OVVV) is a component of the U.S. Department of Justice. Created in 1995, OVW implements the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and subsequent legislation and provides national leadership against domestic violence, sexuai assautt, and stalking. Since its inception, the Office has launched a multifaceted approach to responding to these crimes. By forging state, local and tribal partnerships among police, prosecutors, thejudiciary, victim advocates, health care providers, faith leaders, and others, OVW grants help provide victims with the protection and services they need to pursue safe and healthy lives while aiso enabling communities to hold offenders accountable. About the Training Grants to Stop Abuse and Sexual Assault Against Older Individuals or Individuals with Disabilities Program Recognizing that older individuals or individuals with disabilities who are victims of abuse and sexual assault face unique barriers Yo receiving assistance, Congress created the Training Grants to Stop Abuse and Sexual Assault Against Older Individuals or Individuals with Disabilities Program (Training Grants Program). In FY 2006, OVW wiil fund 8 to 10 projects to focus on addressing elder abuse, neglect and exploitation in their communities. In FY 2007, OVW will expand the Program's focus to address violence against individuals with disabilities. Elder Abuse Elder abuse is the willful infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation, or cruel punishment with resulting physical harm, pain, or mental anguish on an older individual (defined as age 60 or older); or deprivation by a person, including a caregiver, of goods or services that are necessary to avoid physical harm, mental anguish, or mental illness of an older individuaf. The U.S. Bureau of the Census predicts that by 2030, the population over age 65 will double to more than 70 million people and older people will make up almost 20 percent of the population (up from 12.4 percent in 2000). Elder abuse victims face unique obstacles in seeking assistance because they often are dependent on the abuser and may not have the option to move or otherwise end the abusive relationship. It is critical for those in the criminal and civil justice system to recognize indicators that an older individual is being abused. These indicators may include unexplained physical injuries or contradictory explanation of injuries; unusual behavior such as withdrawal, increased agitation or depression; malnutrition, substandard care or poor physical hygiene in spite of seemingly adequate financial resources; or sudden trans4ers of assets to fami{y members, caregivers, or other persons. Older Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Domestic violence and sexual assault affect victims in all age groups. However, older individuals who are victims of domestic violence and/or sexual assault also face additional challenges in accessing services they need to enhance their safety. Appropriate interventions may be compromised by misconceptions that older persons � � � � Gn are incapable of inflicting serious harm on their intimate partner, that the abuse is an expression of stress associated with caring for an aging partner, or that older people are not battered. Age or disability may increase the isolation of victims of domestic violence and sexuai assault and their dependence on abusers for care or housing. Also, these cases may go unnoticed because criminal justice system personnei may perceive a victim's injuries as arising from aging, illness, or disability instead of recognizing that the injuries may be attributed to violence in the home. Myths about sexual assault coupled with a failure to see older individuals as sexual beings can hinder criminal justice professionals from recognizing indicators of sexual assault when dealing with older victims. Cases of sexual assault may be explained away by claims that the older person is confused or just imagining the assault due to dementia. Age or disability may increase the isolation of victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Dependence on abusers for care or housing, or threats of institutionalization may prevent victims from seeking help or calling the police. Training for criminal justice system personnel should address these barriers and improve systemic responses to older victims. Program Eligibility Eligible applicants are: . States; . Tribes; • Units of local government; . Nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations, including faith-based and community- based organizations; • State or local government agencies (e.g., prosecutors' offices, sheriffs' offices, courts); . Private, nonprofit victim advocacy organizations; • Public or private nonprofit service organizations for older individuals. For-profit organizations, national organizations, and individuals are not eligible. It is very important that you review this information carefully. Applications that are submitted by non-eligible entities will be screened out of the review process during an initial review process. Types of Applicants In Fiscal Year 2006, OVW will accept applications for the Training Grants Program from both new applicants and current grantees. Consistent with President George W. Bush's Executive Order 13279, dated December 12, 2002, and 28 C.F.R. Part 38, it is OVW policy that faith-based and community organizations that statutorily qualify as eligible applicants under OVW programs are invited and encouraged to apply for assistance awards to fund eligible grant activities. � k n A � � A � G� w �+ A . Faith-based and community organizations wi(I be considered for awards on the same basis as any other eligible applicants and, if they receive assistance awards, will be treated on an equal basis with all other grantees in the administration of such awards. No eligible applicant or grantee will be discriminated for or against on the basis of its religious character or affiliation, religious name, or the religious composition of its board of directors or persons working in the organization. Faith-based organizations receiving OVW assistance awards retain their independence and do not lose or have to modify their religious identity (e.g., removing religious symbols) to receive assistance awards. OVW grant funds, however, may not be used to fund any inherentiy religious activity, such as prayer or worship. Inherently religious activity is permissible, although it cannot occur during an activity funded with OVW grant funds; rather, such religious activity must be separate in time or place from the OVW funded program. Further, participation in such activity by individuals receiving services must be voluntary. Programs funded by OVW are not permitted to discriminate in the provision of services on the basis of a beneficiary's religion. Availability of Funds The ability of OVW to make awards under the Training Grants Program in Fiscal Year 2006 is contingent upon Congressional appropriation of funds for that purpose. Award Period The award period for these grants will be 36 months. Budgets must reflect 36 months of project activity. Award Amounts Applicants should carefully consider the resources needed to successfully implement the project proposed and present a realistic budget that accurately reflects project costs. Applicants for the Training Grants Program may request up to $450,000 to fund their project. Awards may be made for greater or lesser amounts than requested. In addition, OVW may negotiate the scope of work and the budget with applicants prior to granting an award. Application Due Date Piease note that final applications are due by 5:30 pm (EST) February 16, 2006, and will be accepted through Grants.gov, an e-Government initiative that is included in the PresidenYs Management Agenda and through submission of a hard copy original. Please note that Grants.gov is not the Grants Management System (GMS) through which OVW applicants have submitted applications in previous years. Applicants should register with Grants.gov bv Januarv 26. 2006. First-time registering can take several weeks. You will be unable to submit your application if you do not first register. In addition, applicants must send via overniqht deliverv a complete hard-copy original of the application, postmarked bv Februarv 16. 2006 to: OWV c/o Aspen Systems Corporation. � � ` .� :� .� We strongly recommend that you use a trackabie shipping method that will allow you to confirm the delivery of your application. Appiications should retain proof of timely submission. Please refer to the "How to Apply" section on page 20 of this solicitation for further instructions. Program Scope The Training Grants Program was created to provide training to assist law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and relevant officers of Federal, State, tribal, and local courts in recognizing, addressing, investigating, and prosecuting instances of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation, and violence against individuals with disabilities, including domestic violence and sexual assault, against older or disabled individuals. Projects funded through the Training Grants Program will provide training to law enforcement, prosecutors and the judiciary to create a multidisciplinary approach to addressing elder abuse within the criminal justice system in their communities. OVW is working with nationai organizations with expertise in training criminal justice professionals to create curricula for law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges focusing on eider abuse, negiect and exploitation. In FY 2006, OVW will fund 8 to 10 projects to pilot these new curricula focusing on elder abuse. OVW will provide intensive and comprehensive technical assistance to successful applicants as part of this initiative. This technical assistance will include a train-the-trainer component to provide multi- disciplinary training teams with the skilis necessary to provide training to law enforcement on the local level, workshops for prosecutors and a judicial institute focusing on eider abuse, neglect and exploitation. In FY 2007, curricula focusing on violence against individuals with disabilities will be piloted. Program Activities Successful appiicants will be required to implement the following activities: 1) Each applicant must develop a partnership consisting of at least four types of organ izati ons/agencies: a) law enforcement agency, b) prosecutor's office, c) a nonprofit, nongovernmental domestic violence victim services program or nonprofit, nongovernmental sexual assault victim services program, and d) a nonprofit program that serves older individuals. Partnerships may also include additional relevant organizations/agencies including faith- based and community-based organizations. 2) Each partner organization must send one representative to a train-the-trainer national conference to become certified as a trainer for the project and work as part of a multi- disciplinary training team. Each representative will also work to add local information �'�% (statutes, resources, etc.) to the national curriculum, making it relevant for his or her community. 3) Each applicant must commit to having its multi-disciplinary training team provide training to law enforcement in the community. 4) Each applicant must agree to send detectives and/or investigators in its jurisdiction to attend a national advanced law enforcement training on elder abuse, neglect, and exQloitation. 5) Each applicant must agree to send prosecutors in its jurisdiction to attend the national prosecutors training on elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation. 6) Each appiicant will agree to encourage judges in its jurisdiction to attend the national judicial institute on elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation. 7) Each partner must engage in a review of its own policies and protocols and agree to put in place a body of policies and protocols, based on multi-disciplinary collaboration, designed to aid in improving in the identification, investigation, prosecution and adjudication of cases of elder abuse, exploitation and neglect, including domestic violence and sexual assault. 8) Each applicant must agree to fully participate in evaluation of the program. 9) Applicants will report on performance measures through semi-annual progress reports. The intended audience for training funded through the Training Grants Program consists of law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and relevant o�cers of Federal, State, tribal, and local courts. No more than ten percent of individuals invited to attend any training can come from other disciplines (e.g., adult protective services personnel, domestic violence and sexual assault advocates, and geriatric or disability service providers.) Applications that propose providing training to non-criminai justice professionals beyond the ten percent limit will be considered out of scope and will receive up to a 25 point deduction. Activities That Mav Compromise Victim Safetv Ensuring victim safety is the guiding principie underlying this Program. Experience has shown that certain practices may compromise victim safety rather than enhance it. Certain responses by the authorities may have the effect of minimizing or trivializing the offender's criminal behavior. Accordingly, consistent with the goals of ensuring victim safety and holding perpetrators accountable for their criminal conduct, applicants are strongly discouraged from proposing training, policies, or procedures that advocate or include any of the activities listed below: �� �r� • Offering perpetrators the option of entering pre-trial diversion programs; . Mediation or counseling for couples as a systemic response to domestic violence; • Batterer intervention programs that do not meet state standards or do not hold batterers accountabie for their criminal behavior; and • Procedures that would force victims of domestic violence to testify against their abusers or impose other sanctions on them. . Review Process The review process for this program will consist of three stages. In stage one, all applications will be subject to initial internal review by OVW staff. If the application fails to meet the criteria listed below for the initial internal review, the application will not receive further consideration. Criteria for the initial internal review follow: • Whether the application is complete; • Whether the proposed activities are within the scope of the program (see pages 6 and 7); . Whether the application safety (see page 7); proposes significant activities that may compromise victim • Whether the proposed budget is within the established limits (see pages 4 and 5); In addition, current Training Grants Program grantees will be reviewed for prior compliance with Program and Office requirements and the status of current grant- funded activities. (See pages 10 and 11 for further details on criteria for this review.) In stage two, OVW will establish panels of OVW staff to review applications. Each panel will review the information provided in the application against the selection criteria for the program. Following this review, a second internal review wili consider the geographic distribution of the applications for a national and statewide perspective, the ratio of population to services, the existence of underserved communities, and the type of projects already funded within an applicanYs state or community. The total points possible for an application are 100 (55 points for Narrative, 15 points for Budget, 20 points for the MOU, and 10 points for the Letters of Commitment.) In stage three, those communities with top scoring applications will receive site visits from OVW staff. Sites will receive two to four weeks notice to set up the site visit in their community. During the site visits, applicants will be expected to make a presentation about their partnerships, the need for this project in their communities, and their communities' commitment to this project. Presentations will be scored. OVW staff will also be available to discuss the Office's goals and expectations for this project and to answer questions. Applications with the highest combined scores will be eligible to receive funds available under this grant program. Applicants should be aware that awards will be made as cooperative agreements and OVW will play a substantial role in shaping and monitoring the project. ��y Appfication Content Appiicants must compiete each of the foliowing sections as part of their proposals. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure the application is complete. OVW will remove the application from consideration prior to internal review, if the application is incomplete. For each section listed below, please note the corresponding maximum point value that may be assigned during the review process. The proposal shouid follow the order below for easy reading. Piease be sure to number each paqe ofi the application. Reviewers will not receive materials submitted beyond those required by this solicitation. Applications must use the following page format requirements: • Double spaced (except for the Summary Data Sheet and Abstract, which should be single spaced) • 8'/=x 11 inch paper • One inch margins • Type no smaller than 12 point, Times New Roman font • No more than one page each for Summary Data Sheet and Abstract • No more than 4 pages for Status of the Project (if applicable) • No more than 14 pages for the Project Narrative Reviewers will not review applications exceeding the page limits, or their equivalent. The following will be submitted online through Grants.gov. (Please refer to Appendix C, the Step-by-Step Guide to Grants.gov.) DUNS Number A Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number must be included in every application for a new award or renewal of an award. The DUNS number will be entered into Grants.gov by the applicant. An application will not be considered complete until a valid DUNS number is provided by the applicant. The number should be nine digits. Individual persons who receive a grant or cooperative agreement from the Federat government are exempt from this requirement. Applicants can receive a DUNS number at no cost by calling the dedicated toll-free DUNS Number request line at 1-800-333-0505. If you have any questions about the DUNS number requirement, please contact the O�ce of the Comptroller's Customer Service Center at 1-800-458-0786, press option #2. ��s�.:�� Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 ° The SF-424 wiil be filled out oniine through Grants.gov. However, it should aiso be printed out and inciuded in the hard copy that is submitted. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number for this program is 16.528 (block 10). Please be sure that the amount requested matches the amount in the submitted budget. Applicants must ensure that the information for the authorizing official and alternate contact is filled out correctly. The authorizing official is the individual authorized to accept grant funds on behalf of the jurisdiction or non-governmental private entity applying. If the individual applying online is not the authorizing official, that individual must list the authorizing official's name and contact information where appropriate. Review the assurances and certification forms. Agreement to these assurances and certifications will be assumed upon receipt of an application received through Grants.gov. NOTE: If the authorizing official is not the individual submitting the application via Grants.gov, be sure the correct authorizing official information has been entered. The following will be submitted as attachments in Grants.gov. Please save your attachments with names that indicate the substance of the attachment. (e.g., save your program narrative as "Program Narrative.") Summarv Data Sheet (not to exceed 1 page): Please identify the following where applicable: • The name and type of agency (e.g., local government, state government, tribal government, nonprofit organization) applying for funding; • The law enforcement agency collaborating on this project; • The prosecutor's office collaborating on this project; • The nonprofit, nongovernmental victim service program collaborating on this project; • The nonprofit program that serves older individuals collaborating on this project; • Whether this project is a local, tribal, multi-jurisdictional, multi-state, or tribal consortium project; • The regional area(s) (city, town, county, or unincorporated area) where this project will be implemented; • The population and square mileage of the region to be served; AbstracUProposal Summarv (not to exceed 1 page): • The proposal abstract, when read separateiy from the rest of the appfication, is meant to serve as a succinct and accurate description of the proposed project 10 ��° J:� and should concisely describe current project goals and objectives. The abstract shouid include a description of the partnership. Summaries of past accomplishments may be included in the abstract. Status of the Current Proiect: (not to exceed 4 pages}: The application may receive a deduction in points based on not meeting the criteria listed below. This section should be provided on a separate page as it is a separate section from the program narrative and does not count toward the page limits of the narrative. State what has been accomplished with previous funding under the Training Grants Program, inciuding the following: . A description of the goals and objectives from the prior grant period and a brief discussion of the status of the existing project: . The status of any project products; • Any unanticipated obstacles to project implementation. This section should be as clear and succinct as possible. Additionally, current projects will be rated by OVW using the following criteria: . Whether progress reports submitted by the applicant, in conjunction with monitoring conducted by OVW, demonstrate the effectiveness of the current project, indicating progress toward meeting project goals and objectives, and demonstrate that the current project has progressed in a timely manner as outlined in the original proposai; . Whether the grantee has demonstrated that past activities supported with the Training Grants Program funds have been limited to program Purpose Areas; • Whether the grantee has complied with all special conditions of its existing grant award from the Department of Justice; . Whether the grantee has adhered to programmatic and financial reporting requirements; . Whether the grantee has demonstrated a commitment to sustaining the project after federal funds are no longer ava+lable; . Whether the grantee appropriately utilized and actively participated in OVW- sponsored workshops and other technical assistance events as required by a special condition of the current award; . Whether the grantee has received financial clearances on all current grants from DOJ; . Whether the grantee has complied with the Office of Management and Budget audit requirement; . Whether there is an excess of funding remaining in the current award. 11 ��m��� Proiect Narrative: The narrative should include the following (totaling 55) Purpose of the Application (not to exceed 2 pages): 5 points This section should briefly: . Identify the particular population to be served by the project (law enforcement officers, prosecutors, or court officers) including the estimated number of individuals who would be trained; . Describe how the intended audience would benefit from the proposed training; . Explain why existing training and/or educational programs, services, or materials do not meet current needs; . Note whether the proposed training enhances current domestic violence and/or sexual assault training programs; and . Describe the communities in which the project would be implemented, including location, population, and demographic information. For multi-county projects, please submit a map that illustrates which counties will be served in relation to the rest of the state in which they are located. What Will be Done: (not to exceed 6 pages) 35 points This section should detail how the proposed project would assist law enforcement agencies, prosecutor's offices, and courts in addressing the need for training. The narrative should identify the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) partners and the ways the partnership would function throughout project. Applicants should also outline the specific tasks to be performed and the timeline for their completion. This section should also detail the following: . How members of the multi-disciplinary training team will be chosen; . Law enforcement: name of agency/ies or department/s that will send sworn officers to receive training, size of department (sworn), number of sworn personnel that wiil receive training, number of hours that agency/ies or department/s will commit to having officers receive training and in what setting (in service, academy); . Prosecutors: name of office/s that will be sending personnel to receive training, size of office (number of prosecutors), number of prosecutors that will be sent to receive training; . Judicial: Number and types of courts in the project area, number of judges that will attend training and the iype of court over which the judges preside; and . Plan for developing and implementing more effective police, court, and prosecution policies, protocols, orders, and services specifically devoted to identifying, investigating, and prosecuting elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation, including domestic violence and sexual assault, against older individuals. Who Will Implement the Project: (Not to exceed 4 pages) 20 points All applicants must identify the agency/ies or office/s responsible for carrying out the project. This section should clearly identify all of the project partners, specifying their respective roles and responsibilities. Applications must demonstrate a strong commitment to real, meaningful collaboration, both in the development and the 12 ��°�� _.� implementation of the project. The apptication should demonstrate that the partnership is engaged in a working collaboration, or is in the process of developing such a relationship. Applications should include a description of the expertise or experience of key staff. Available position descriptions and resumes shouid be appended to the application. Victim advocacy organizations should meet ali of the following criteria: • Provide services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking as one of their primary purposes; • Address a demonstrated need in their communities by providing services that promote the integrity and self-sufficiency of victims, improve their access to resources, and create options for victims seeking safety from perpetrator violence; and • Abstain from activities that compromise victim safety. Nonprofit programs that serve older individuals should meet all of the following criteria: • Provide services to older individuals as one of their primary purposes; • Demonstrate an understanding of the unique obstacles faced by older individuals in seeking the services they need to obtain safety and participate fully in the criminal justice system; • Address a demonstrated need in their communities by providing services that promote the integrity and self sufificiency of older individuals; and • Abstain from activities that compromise victim safety. Sustainability Plan: (not to exceed 2 pages) 5 points Continuation or supplemental funding for funded projects wi(l not be available. Applicants are required to include a plan describing their commitment and capacity to continue the project when Federal funding through the Training Grants Program is no longer available. The plan should address the institutionalization of training, policies and protocols in order to continue the efforts implemented by this project. The plan will be evaluated on whether it proposes feasible strategies to preserve project activities and objective on a long-term basis. Continuation or supplemental funding will not be available and applicants are always encouraged to seek additional means of support to sustain their projects. Budaet Detail Worksheet and Narrative: 15 Points Each application must include a detailed budget and budget narrative for the project. The budget must be complete, reasonable, and cost-effective in relation to the proposed project. The budget shouid provide the basis for the computation of all project-related costs. lt shouid cover the costs ofi ail components of the project. There must be a clear link betv✓een the proposed activities and the proposed budget items. The budget should include oniy those activities, products, and resources that are necessary for project implementation and discussed in the project narrative. 13 � �� - ; � _ . ,� In developing the budget, applicants should fairly compensate all project partners for their participation in any project-related activities, including but not limited to compensation for time and travel expenses to attend or provide project development, training, and implementation. The budget must include compensation for all services rendered by project partners, including nonprofit, nongovernmental domestic violence and/or sexual assault victim services programs, state and tribal domestic violence and/or sexual assault coalitions, and nonprofit programs that serve older individuals. Ail applicants are required to allocate funds to support travel costs associated with the following technical assistance and capacity-building activities: • New grantee orientation: one representative from each of the four required MOU partners is required to attend this three day meeting; • Train-the-Trainer national conference: one representative with training experience from each of the four required MOU partners is required to attend this five day training; • Advanced law enforcement training: Each applicant must send 2-5 detectives and or investigators to the training workshop; • Prosecutors training: Each appficant must send 2-5 prosecutors to the prosecutors training workshop; • Judicial Institute: Each applicant will agree to encourage 2-5 judges in their jurisdiction to attend the judicial institute and include funding for this purpose. • Wrap up meeting: one representative from each of the four required MOU partners is required to attend this two day meeting. Applicants should refer to the sample budget for guidance regarding travel cost for this project. Applications selected for funding that do not include the sufficient funding for travel will not receive additional funds for this purpose, but wiil be required to adjust their budgets to cover these costs prior to final approval of the proposal. These costs should be included in the "travel" category. Please provide an estimated breakdown for this amount (include the number of trips, number of travelers, airFare or mileage, lodging, per diem, etc.). These funds are to be used only for Training Grants Program designated technical assistance unless otherwise approved by OVW. Any training and TA funds not used by the end of the grant period may not be reprogrammed and must be returned to OVW. Travel funds should be used to support travel by all partners, including nonprofit, nongovernmental victim services providers. Office of Justice Proqrams (OJPI Financial Guide All grantees are required to comply with the regulations and requirements outiined in the OJP Financial Guide. The Financial Guide includes information on aflowabfe costs, methods of payment, audit requirements, accounting systems, and financiai records. Copies are available from the Department of Justice Response Center (1-800-421- 6770) and aiso through the OJP web page: htto:liwww.oi�.usdoi.aovlFinGuide. 14 �� •_�-�; Budget Caps Applicants should carefully consider the resources needed to implement this project and present a realistic budget that accurately reflects the costs involved, for a 36-month budget. Applicants for the Training Grants Program may request up to $450,000 to fund their project. OVW has the discretion to make grants for greater or Iesser amounts than requested and to negotiate the scope of work and budget with applicants prior to award of a grant. Budget Requirements The following is a short list of budget guidelines: . Applicants are strongly discouraged from requesting consultant rates in excess of $450 per day because they require prior approval from the Director of the Office on Violence Against Women. . Appficants may not allocate any funds for building renovations. This includes such seemingly minor activities as painting or carpeting. A contribution of non-Federat dollars ("match") is not required for this program, but applicants are encouraged to maximize the impact of Federal dollars by contributing to the costs of their projects. Supplemental contributions may be cash, in-kind services, or a combination of both. Any non-Federal contributions can be discussed in the project narrative; however, these supplemental contributions should not be included in the budget or budget narrative. Applicants are also encouraged to include funds in their budgets to attend Financial Management Training Seminars sponsored by the Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Office of the Comptroller. These seminars instruct participants in the financial administration of OJP and OVW formula and discretionary grant programs. A schedule listing the financial training seminars is available at .�Ra�.us��i.aovle�clfrr�ts.tcfrea. A Sample Budget Detail Worksheet is included in Appendix A of this solicitation. The budget and budget narrative should be submitted online as one attachment. When preparing these items, piease use the Budget Detail Worksheet as a guide and be sure to include all necessary budget categories. The budget should ciearly describe the proposed amounts and uses of grant funds for the duration of the grant period and how the amounts of the specific budget items were determined. The following must be included in your hard copy. If you have electronic signed copies, they also may be included as attachments on Grants.gov. 15 �� � Memorandum of Understandina (MOUI: 20 points Each applicant must enter into a formal MOU with at least one law enforcement agency; one prosecutors office; one nonprofit, nongovernmentai domestic violence victim services program or nonprofit, nongovernmental sexual assault victim services program; and with at least one nonprofit program that serves older individuals. The role of the programs in this collaboration must be meaningful and ongoing and include compensation for participation. Each application must include, as an attachment, a current (e.g., signed and dated during the development of the proposal) MOU created and signed by the chief executive officers and/or directors of: 1. At least one law enforcement agency participating in project development and implementation; 2. At least one prosecutor's office participating in project development and implementation; 3. At least one nonprofit, nongovernmental domestic violence victim services program or nonprofit, nongovernmental sexual assault victim services program participating in project deveiopment and implementation; and 4. At least one nonprofit program that serves older individuals participating in project development and implementation; Additional MOU partners may include other relevant faith-based and community-based organizations. The MOU must do the following: • Identifij the partners and provide a brief history of the collaborative relationship among those partners, including when and under what circumstances the relationship began and when each partner entered into the relationship; • Specify the e�ent of each party's participation in developing the apptication; • Clearly state the roles and responsibilities each organization or agency would assume to ensure the success of the proposed project; • Identify the representatives of the pianning and development team who will be responsible for developing and implementing project activities and describe how they will work together and with project staff; • Demonstrate a commitment on the part of all project partners to work together to achieve stated project goals; • Indicate approval of the proposed project budget by all signing parties; and • Describe the resources each partner would contribute to the project, either through time, in-kind contributions, or grant funds (e.g., office space, project staff, training). The MOU should be a single document that includes signatures and dates from all partners. 16 � `�` � Letter(s) of Commitment (each letter not to exceed 2 pages): 10 points The application must include a letter(s) of commitment from the specific law enforcement agency(ies), prosecutors' office(s) and/or Federal, State, tribal and locai court(s) whose officers, prosecutors, judges, and other relevant employees wouid be trained. The letters must include: . The name of the agency sending appropriate personnel to receive training; . A clear and absolute statement that the agency is committed to sending its personnel to receive training. . The type of personnel (law enforcement offcers, prosecutors, judges) that wili attend training; . An estimate of the number of personnel that wil� be sent to receive training; . Law enforcement agency/(ies) must include the number of hours of training that officers would receive from the projects' multi-disciplinary training team; and • A statement as to whether the proposed training would enhance current domestic violence and/or sexual assault training. Letters of support may not be submitted in lieu of the letter(s) of commitment and wiil not be reviewed by reviewers. Letter of Nonsupplantinp Applicants must submit a letter to OVW's Director, Diane M. Stuart, certifying that Federal funds will not be used to supplant State or local funds should a grant award be made. Please refer to Appendix B for a sample letter. Financial Capabilitv Questionnaire All nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations that apply for funding with OVW that have not previously (or within the Iast 3 years) received funding from OVW or OJP must complete a Financial Capability Questionnaire. The form can be found at htto:Fiwww,oip.usdoi.qovloc. You should also include the cognizant Federal audit agency and fiscal year on the first page. in addition, be sure to submit your current year's audit report with the Financial Capability Questionnaire. Indirect Cost Rate Aqreement If your organization is requesting indirect costs for this project, please include a copy of your current Federally approved, signed indirect cost rate agreement. If you need additional information on this requirement, please go to hftp:fl�,rvww.ojp.us�oi.qavt�inG�sidetpart3ehaq17 htm. 17 � �� � F� Additionai Program Requirements Technical Assistance Award recipients are required to work collaboratively with staff from OVW and OVW designated technical assistance providers. Award recipients will be asked to identify grant supported personnel and project partner representatives to participate in technical assistance events. Participation in technical assistance events will often involve out-of- state travel, therefore applicants are required to include $5,000 in the project budget to support travei costs associated with these ac6vities. Technical Assistance set-aside funds are only to be used to cover travel costs to attend trainings provided by OVW designated technical assistance providers. These providers offer a full range of training opportunities throughout the year. Pertormance Measurement There are two statutory requirements that require OVW grantees to collect and maintain data that measures the effectiveness of the funded projects. First, the Govemment Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA) requires agencies to report on the results of govemment programs and activifies. Second, the Vioience Against Women Act of 2000 mandates that all OVW grant recipients report on the effectiveness of their programs. To address these statutory requirements, OVW has developed a Training Grants Program semi-annual Progress Report that requests specific data on grantee activities. Information that grantees must collect for this progress report includes: • The number of trainings heid for law enforcement officers, prosecutors or relevant officers of Federal, State, tribal or iocal courts; • The number of people attending trainings and the disciplines they represent (e.g., law enforcement officers, prosecutors, relevant officers of federal, state, tribal or local courts). Reportinq Requirements Grantees will be required to submit quarterly Financial Status Reports and semi-annual Progress Reports. In addition, grant recipients who expend $500,OOQ or more in Federal funds during their fiscal year are required to submit a single organization-wide audit. Additional information on these reporting requirements will be provided to successful applicants in the award package. Susaension or Termination of Fundina OVW may suspend funding in who4e or in part, terminate funding, or impose another sanction on a recipient who has failed to comply substantially with the fol�owing: • The requirements of VAWA and statutory objectives of the Training Grants Program; • Timely submission of quarterly Financial Status Reports; . Timely submission of semi-annual Progress Reports; . The regulations and/or guidelines issued for the Training Grants Program and any other regulations applicable to OVW grantees; or 18 ��� � . The application submitted in accordance with the provisions of VAWA or any other applicable Federal Act. OWV will provide reasonable notice ofi its intent to impose sanctions and will attempt informally to resolve the problem. Hearing and appeal procedures will follow those in the Department of Justice regulations at 28 CFR Part 18. References to the Oifice of Justice Programs and its components are deemed to refer to the Office on Violence Against Women. The responsible agency official, as defined by 28 CFR § 18.3(h), is the Director, Office on Violence Against Women. Sinale Point of Contact Review Executive Order 12372 requires applicants from State and local units of government or other organizations providing services within a State to submit a copy of the application to the State Single Point of Contact (SPOC) if one exists, and if this program has been selected for review of the State. Applicants must contact the State SPOC to determine if the program has been selected for State review. The date that the application was sent to the SPOC or the reason such submission is not required should be indicated on the Form SF-424. The list of SPOCs can be found at: httct:dd .m�thitehoaas�.qov/omblarants/sp�c.htm@. Civil Riahts Compliance Ali recipients of Federaf grant funds are required to comply with nondiscrimination requirements contained in various Federal laws. In the event that a court or administrative agency makes a finding of discrimination on grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, disability, or age against a recipient of funds after a due process hearing, the recipient must agree to forward a copy of the finding to the Office for Civil Rights of OJP. All applicants should consult the Assurances required with the application funds to understand the applicab{e Vegal and administrative requirements. Services to Limited-English-Proficient (LEP) Persons: National origin discrimination includes discrimination on the basis of limited English proficiency (LEP). To ensure compliance with Titie VI of the Civil Rights Act and the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act, recipients are required to take reasonable steps to ensure that LEP persons have meaningful access to their programs. Meaningful access may entail providing language assistance services, including interpretation and translation services, where necessary. Grantees are encouraged to consider the need for language services for LEP persons served or encountered both in developing their proposals and budgets and in conducting their programs and activities. Reasonable costs associated with providing meaningfui access for LEP individuals are considered allowable program costs. The U.S. Department of Justice has issued guidance for grantees to assist them in complying with fitle Vf requirements. The guidance document can be accessed on the Intemet at .lep.ea�w or by contacting � �� - a �; , the OJP's Office for Civil Rights at (202) 307-0690, or by writing to the following address: Office for Civil Rights Office of Justice Programs U.S. Department of Justice 810 7'" Street, N.W., 8 Floor Washington, DC 20531 Anti-Lobbvinq Act In 2002, the Anti-Lobbying Act, 18 U.S.C. § 1913, was amended to expand significantly the restriction on use of appropriated funding for lobbying. This expansion aiso makes the anti-lobbying restrictions enforceable via large civil penalties, with civil fines between $10,000 and $100,000 per each individual occurrence of lobbying activity. These restrictions are in addition to the anti-lobbying and lobbying disclosure restrictions imposed by 31 U.S.C. § 1352. Ali applicants must understand that no federally- appropriated funding made available under this grant program may be used, either directly or indirectiy, to support the enactment, repeal, modification or adoption of any law, regulation, or policy, at any level of government, without the express approval of OVW. Any violation of this prohibition is subject to a minimum $10,000 fine for each occurrence. This prohibition applies to all activity, even if currently allowed within the parameters of the existing OMB circulars. How To Apply Applicants must submit a fully executed application to OVW via overnight delivery, including all required supporting documentation. Appiications will not be accepted via facsimile. Although most parts of the application need to be submitted through grants.gov as well as in hard copy form, it is the hard copy that will be reviewed. Applications submitted via Grants.gov must be in the following work processing formats: Microsoft Word (.doc), PDF files, (.pd� or Text Documents (.txt). (Please refer to Appendix C, the Step-by-Step Guide to Grants.gov.) A complete application should include the following: • The SF-424; • Standard Assurances and Certifications Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; and Drug Free Workplace Requirements; • The project abstract, project narrative, and for current grantees, the status of the current project; and • The budget, budget summary, and budget narrative. • Letter of nonsupplanting • An MOU 20 � �: `� __ �_ W. • A current Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (if applicable) • Letters of Commitment The following documents must be submitted via Grants.gov: • The SF-424; • Standard Assurances and Certifications Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; and Drug Free Workplace Requirements; . The project abstract, project narrative, and for current grantees, the status of the current project; and • The budget, budget summary, and budget narrative. Note: The Catalog of Federat Domestic Assistance number for the Training Grants Program is 16.528. Detailed instructions on how to use the Grants.gov system to submit your application online are available at OVW's web page, vwvw.oip.usdoi.csov/vawo. Also, a toll-free telephone number has been estabiished for you to receive technical assistance as you work through the online application process, 1-800-518-4726. To help expedite the review process, applicants must send via overnight delivery a complete hard-copy original of the application, postmarked by February 16, 2006 to: The Office on Violence Against Women c/o Aspen Systems Corporation OVW [Insert program name] Mail Stop 2K 2277 Research Boulevard Rockville, MD 20850 (301)519-5000 For overnight delivery services, please provide the following telephone number: 301- 519-5535. We strongly recommend that you use a trackable shipping method that will allow you to confirm the delivery of your application. Applications should retain proof of timely submission. Private metered postmarks and non-dated mail receipts from the U.S. Postai Service are not acceptable. A complete application must include the following: • SF 424 • Standard Assurances and Certifications Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibilifij Matters; and Drug Free Workplace Requirements; • the project abstract, project narrative, and for current Training Grants grantees, the status of the project; 21 � �: � .. > • the budget, budget summary, and budget narrative. • Letter of nonsupplanting • An MOU • A current Federaliy Approved Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (if applicable) • Letters of Commitment Appiicants that fail to submit the required hard copy original will not be considered for funding. Application Due Date Application must be electronically received by the close of business (5:30 p.m. EST) on February 16, 2006. The application attachments (e.g., MOU, Letter of Non- Suppianting, etc) must be included in the hard copy original. The hard copy original must be sent to OVW c/o Aspen Systems Corporation at the address provided above via overnight delivery not later than February 16, 2006. Applicants should retain proof of timely submission. We recommend that you register through Grants.gov at least three weeks before the application due date, or no later than January 26, 2006. All appiicants must receive confirmation of eligibility that they are eligible to submit an application through Grants.gov prior to completing the application submission process. For additional information, please contact the Office on Violence Against Women at (202) 307-6026 and reference the Training Grants Program. 22 �� F � � 4 �.. � APPENDIX� Sample Budget Detail Work Sheet 23 �.��° .,.... OMB Approval No. 1121-0788 Expires 5-98 (Rev. 10/02) Budget Detail Worksheet SAMPLE Purpose: The Budget Detail Worksheet may be used as a guide to assist you in the preparation of the budget and budget narrative. You may submit the budget and budget narrative using this form or in the format of your choice (plain sheets, your own form, or a variation of this form). However, all required information (including the budget narrative) must be provided. Any category of expense not applicable to your budget may be deleted. (Example assumes a 36 month budget period) A. Personnel - List each position by title and name of employee, if available. Show the annual salary rate and the percentage of time to be devoted to the project. Compensation paid for employees engaged in grant activities must be consistent with that paid for similar work within the applicant organization. Name/Position Ellen Smith, Project Coordinator John Jones, Trainer (Law enforcement) Cost of living increase Cost of living increase TOTAL Cost $120,000 $33,000 $153,000 $1,900 $1,938 156 838 Program Coordinator will coordinate efforts of project partners, schedule trainings, and assist with policy and protocol development. The trainer will attend the train-the-trainer event, work with MOU partners to add Iocal material to the curriculum and conduct training as part of the multidisciplinary training team. A 2% cost of living adjustment is scheduled for alI personnel for years 2& 3 of the grant. Computation ($40,QOO/yr x 100% x 3yr) ($55,000/yr x 20% x 3yr) Subtotal ($95,000 x 2% x 1 yr.) ($96,900 x 2% x 1 yr.) 24 �s �� � �,.. B. Fringe Benefits - Fringe benefits should be based on actual known costs or an established formula. Fringe benefits are for the personnel listed in budget category (A) and only for the percentage of time devoted to the project. Fringe benefits on overtime hours are limited to FICA, Workman's Compensation, and Unemployment Compensation. Name/Position Coordinator 8� Trainer Employer's FICA Retirement Health Insurance Workman's Compensation Comautation $156,838 x 7.65% $156,838 x 6% $156,838 X 12% $156,838 x 1% Cost $11,998 $ 9,410 $18,821 $ 1,568 TOTAL 41797 C. Travel - Itemize travel expenses of project personnel by purpose (e.g., staff to training, field interviews, advisory group meeting, etc.). Show the basis of computation (e.g., six people to 3- day training at $X airfare, $X lodging, $X subsistence). In training projects, travel and meals for trainees should be listed separately, Show the number of trainees and unit costs involved. ldentify the location of travel, if known. Indicate source of Travel Policies applied, Applicant or Federal Travel Regulations. Purpose of Travel Location Item New Grantee To be Airfare Orientation & Determined Hotel Wrap up Meeting Train-The- Trainer Advanced L.E. Training Meals To be Airfare Determined Hotel Meals To be Airfare Determined Hotel Computation ($700 x 4 people x 2 trips) ($150/night x 3 nights x 4 people x 2 trips) ($50/day x 4 days x 4 people x 2 trips) ($700 x 4 people) ($150/night x 5 nights x 4 people) ($50/day x 6 days x 4 people) ($700 x 3 people) ($150/night x 2 nights x 3 people) Cost $ 5,600 $ 3,600 $ 1,600 $ 2,800 $ 3,000 $ 1,200 $ 2,100 $ 900 25 � k� ne Meals Prosecutors Training To be Airfare Determined Hotel Meals Judicial Institute To be Airfare Determined Hotel Meals OC Training To be Airfare Determined Hotel Meals OVW Technical Assistance To be Airfare Determined Hotel Meals ($50/day x 3 days x 3 people) ($700 x 4 people) ($150/night x 3 nights x 4 people) ($50/day x 4 days x 4 people) ($700 x 3 people) ($150/night x 4 nights x 3 people) ($50/day x 5 days x 3 people) ($700 x 2 people) ($150/night x 2 nights x 2 people) ($50/day x 3 days x 2 people) ($600 x 2 people x 2 trips) ($150/night x 3 nights x 2 people x 2 trips) ($50/day x 4 days x 2 people x 2 trips) Total $ 450 $ 2,800 $ 1,800 $ 800 $ 2,100 $ 1,800 $ 750 $ 1,400 $ 600 $ 300 $2,400 $1,800 $ 800 $38,600 D. Equipment -List non-expendable items that are to be purchased. (Note: Organization's own capitalization policy for classification of equipment should be used). Expendable items should be included in the "Supplies" category. Applicants should analyze the cost benefits of purchasing versus leasing equipment, especially high cost items and those subject to rapid technical advances. Rented or leased equipment costs should be listed in the "Contractual" category. Explain how the equipment is necessary for the success of the project. Attach a narrative describing the procurement method to be used. Item 1 - Pentium laptop computer Computation ($2,000) Cost $2,000 26 Vd F � T ` �•� V, � �� 1- Projector ��2�000) $2,000 The computer and projector will be used by the trainers to prepare training materials and conduct law enforcement training. TOTAL $4.000 E. Supplies - List items by type (office supplies, postage, training materials, copying paper, and expendable items such as books, hand held tape recorders) and show the basis for computation. Generally, supplies include any materials that are expendable or consumed during the course of the project. Supplv Items Computation Cost Office Supplies Postage Training Materials Office supplies and postage are needed for general operation of the program. Training materials will be developed and used by the trainers. ($50/mo x 36 mo) ($20/mo x 36 mo) ($2/set x 500 sets) $ 1,800 $ 720 $1,000 TOTAL 3 520 F. Construction - As a rule, construction costs are not allowable. In some cases, minor repairs or renovations may be allowable, Consult with the program office before budgeting funds in this category. Purpose Descriqtion of Work Cost TOTAL 0 G. Consultants/Contracts - Indicate whether applicant's formal, written Procurement Policy or the Federal Acquisition Regulations are followed. Consultant Fees: For each consultant enter the name, if known, service to be provided, hourly or daily fee (8-hour day), and estimated time on the project. Consultant fees in excess of $450 per day require additional justification and prior approval from OVW. 27 ���`�` � Name of Consultant Sexual Assault Program Service Provided Trainer Computation See Text Cost $24,483 Advocate with training experience to serve as part of the training team, assist by identifying local resources to curriculum and work with MOU partners to review, develop and implement policies and protocols. Sum based on salary of $40,000 x 20°/a of time. 2% cost of living increase included for years 2& 3. Name of Consultant Service Provided Computation Cost Prosecutor's Office Trainer See text $27,544 Prosecutors Office will assign a prosecutor with training experience to serve as part of the training team, assist with adding local statutes to curriculum and work with MOU partners to review, develop and implement policies and protocols. Sum based on salary of $60,000 x 15% of time. 2% cost of living increase included for years 2& 3. Elder Issues Organization Jatte Doe Trainer ($350lday x 60 days) $21,000 Jane Doe, trainer, will be hired to serve as part of the multi-disciplinary training team to train local law enforcement officers. Subtotal: $73,027 Consultant Expenses: List all expenses to be paid from the grant to the individual consultant in addition to their fees (e.g., travel, meals, lodging etc.) Item Mileage Location local Computation 1000 miles X .365/mile Cost $365 Mileage for project partners to attend meetings and travel to police departments and academy to provide training. Subtotal $365 Contracts: Provide a description of the product or services to be procured by contract and an estimate of the cost, Applicants are encouraged to promote free and open competition in awarding contracts. A separate justification must be provided for sole source contracts in excess of $100,000. � � �,, -. =r: � ° .� �. Item Not applicable Cost Subtotal 0 TOTAL 73392 H. Other Costs - List items (e.g,, rent, reproduction, telephone, janitorial services) by major type and the basis of the computation. For example, provide the square footage and the cost per square foot for rent, and provide a monthly rental cost and how many months to rent. Descriqtion Computation Cost Rent (550 sq. ft. x$1/sq. ft./month) $19,800 ($550 mo. x 36 mo.) This rent will pay for office space for the project coordinator. No space is currently available. Telephone ($100/mo, x 36) $3,600 Printing/Reproduction ($150/mo. x 36) $5,400 TOTAL 28 800 I. Indirect Costs - Indirect costs are allowed only if the applicant has a current Federally approved indirect cost rate. A copy of the rate approval (a fully executed, negotiated agreement) must be attached. If the appticant does not have an approved rate, one can be requested by contacting the applicant's cognizant Federal agency, which will review all documentation and approve a rate for the applicant organization, or if the applicanYs accounting system permits, costs may be allocated in the direct costs categories. Descriation Computation Cost TOTAL 0 29 � �. �. .., .. Budget Summary - When you have completed the budget worksheet, transfer the totals for each category to the spaces below. Compute the total direct costs and the total project costs. Indicate the amount of Federal requested and the amount of non-Federal funds that will support the project. Budqet Cateqorv A. Personnei B. Fringe Benefits C. Travel D. Equipment E. Supplies F. Construction G. Consultants/Contracts H. Other Total Direct Costs I. Indirect Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Federal Request Non-Federal Amount Amount 156 838 41 797 38 600 4 000 3 520 � 73 392 28 800 346 947 �� 346 947 346 947 � 30 �� „ u�.� APPENDIX B Sample Letter of Nonsupplanting 31 ? 9 F,j � az 'a��i / El SAMPLE [Applicant Letterhead] [date] Diane M. Stuart Office on Violence Against Women 810 7th Street, NW Washington, DC 20531 [Applicant] certifies that any funds awarded through the Training Grants to Stop Abuse and Sexual Assault Against Older Individuals or Individuals with Disabilities Program will be used to supplement e�sting funds for program activities and will not replace (supplant) nonfederal funds that have been appropriated far the purpose of providing services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. The [name of applicant] understands that supplanting violations can result in a range of penalties, including suspension of future funds under this progam, suspension or debarment from federal g�ants, recoupment of monies provided under this grant, and civil and/or criminal penalties. Sincerely, [Applicant's Authorizing Official] 32 � "m.: �� � . �: APPENDIX C Step-by-Step Guide to Grants.gov 33 � `� � - - ``' .� , How to Apply OV W is participatin� in the e-Government initiative, one of 25 initiatives included in the President's Management Agenda. Grants.gov, part of this initiative, is a"storefront" that provides a unified process for all customers of federal grants to find funding opporiuniries and apply for funding. This fiscal year, OV W is requiring that all discretionary, competifive grant programs be administered through Grants.gov. Application attachments submitted via Grants.gov must be in one of the following formau: Microsoft Word (M.doc), PDF (*.pdfl, or text (*.�t). If you experience difficulries at any point during this process, please call the Grants.gov customer support hotline at 1-800-518-4726. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number for this solicitation 16.529, titled "Education and Technical Assistance Grant to End Violence Against Women with Disabilities." Step 1: Registering Note: Registering with Grants.gov is a one-time process; however, if you are a first time registrant it could take 3-5 business days to have your registration validated, confirmed, and receive your user name and password. It is highly recommended you start the registration process as early as possible to prevent delays in submitting your application package to our agency by the deadline specified. While your registration is pending, you may continue with steps 2, 3, and 4 of these instructions. Registration must be complete for you to be able to submit (step 5) and uack (step 6) an application. e-Business Point of Contact: Grants.gov requires an organization to first be registered in the Central Conhact Registry (CCR) before beginning the Grants.gov registration process. If you plan to authorize representatives of your organization to submit grant applications through Grants.gov, proceed with the following steps. If you plan to submit a grant applicarion yourself and sign grant applicarions and provide the required certifications and/or assurances necessary to fulfill the requirements of the application process, proceed to DiJNS Number and then skip to the Authorized Organization Representative and Individuals section. • Go to www.arants.gov, and click on the "Get Started" tab at the top of the screen. • Click the "e-Business Point of Contact (POC)" option and click the "GO" button on the bottom right ofthe screen. If you have already registered with Grants.gov, you may log in and update your profile from this screen. • To begin the registration process, click the "Register your Organization [Required]" or "Complete Registration Process [Required]" links. You may print a registration checklist by accessing tk�G�i .grants.�ovi �setsr'Oraanization[2e�Check.pd£ � T m, ,.., e� =e _ �, � DiTNS Number: • You must first request a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number. Click "Step 1. Request a DIJNS Number." If you aze applying as an individual, please skip to "Authorized Organization Representative and Individuals." If you aze applying on behalf of an organi�arion that already has a DIJNS number, please proceed to "Step 2. Register with Central Contractor Registry (CCR):' You may obtain a DiJNS number at no cost by calling the dedicated toll-free DiJNS number request line at 1-866-705-5711. Central Contractor Registry (CCR): Note: Registering with the CCR, updating or changing your profile could take up to 24 hours to be confirmed and validated. This delay could prevent your application from being submitted by the deadline specified, so you should register or make changes to your profile as eazly in the process as possible Once you have a DLJNS number, click on "Step 2. Register with Central Contractor Regishy (CCR): ' Here you are required to designate an individual as a point of contact. This point of contact is the sole authority for the organization and has the capability of issuing or revoking another individuaPs authority to submit grant applications through Grants.gov. A registration worksheet is provided to assist in the CCR registration process at wwtiv.ccr.toro:%CCRRe �#,Template.�df. It is recommended you review the "Tips for registering with the CCR" at the bottom of this template. Go to ��-ww.ccr.eov or click on the CCR icon in the middle of the screen to begin the regishation process. To see if your organization is already registered, click "Search CCR" at the top left side of the screen. Seazch entries must be exact to accurately seazch the database. If your organization is already registered, you can scroll down and see who the e-Business POC is for your agency. If your organization is not already registered, return to the CCR home page and click "Start New Registration" at the top left of the screen. • If you have problems or questions about the CCR registration process, please contact the CCR Assistance Center at 1-888-227-2423. • Once your registration is complete, you will receive an e-mail with a Trading Partner ldentification Number (TPIN) and Marketing Partner ldentification Number (MPII� nuxnber. You will need the MPIN number to register with Grants.gov. If your organization is already registered with the CCR, you will need to obtain the MPIN number from your e-Business POC. Authorize your Organization Representative: • Click "Step 3. Authorize your Organization Representative." Follow steps 1-4. You will need your DiINS + 4 digit number and the MPIN number CCR e-mailed to you. Log in as e-Business Point of Contact: • You may now go to "Step 4. Log in as e-Business Point of Contact:' Here you may authorize or revoke the authority of the Authorized Organizarion Representative (AOR). • Once you aze logged in, go to Step 2. Downloading the Application Viewer, below. 35 �, a _ ¢,� '+- .� 4 .� Authorized Oreani�arion Reoresentative and Individuals: If you plan to submit a grant application as an individual or an Authorized Organization Representative, with authority to sign grant applications and the required certificarions and/or assurances necessary to fulfill the requirements of the application process, proceed with the following steps. • Go to �nvtii .�rants.Qoc and click on the "Get Started" tab at the top of the screen. • Click the "Authorized Organization Representative (AOR)" option and click the "GO" button to the bottom right of the screen. If you are applying as an individual, click the "Individuals" option and click the "GO" button to the bottom right of the screen. • If you have previously registered as an AOR, you may start searching for this grant opportunity from this page. Otherwise, you must complete the first-time registration by clicking "Complete First-Time Registration [Required]:' You also may click on `Beview Registration ChecklisP' and print a checklist for the following steps (see ww�v.erants.eov/assets%AORKeeCheck.od�. • Individuals may click the "registration checklisP' for help in walking through the registration process. Credential Provider: Once you have entered the registration process, you must register with the credential provider, to safeguazd the security of your electronic information. You must have your agency's or individual DUNS + 4 digit number to complete this process. Now, click on "Step 1. Register with a Credential Provider." Enter your DiJNS number and click "Register." Oace you have entered the required information, click the "SubmiP' button. • If you should need help with this process, please contact the Credential Provider Customer Service at 1-800-386-b820. • It can take up to 24 hours for your credential provider information to synchronize with Grants.gov. Attempting to register with Grants.gov before the synchronization is complete may be unsuccessful. Grants.gov: • Afrer completing the credential provider steps above, click "Step 2. Register with Grants.gov." Enter the same user name and password used when registering with the credential providev You will then be asked to provide identifying information and your organization's DLJNS number. After you have completed the registration process, Grants.gov will notify the e-Business POC for assignment of user privileges. • Complete the "Authorized Organization Representative User Profile" screen and click "Submit." Note: Individuals do not need to continue to the "Organizational Approval" step below. Organization Approval: • Prior to submitting a grant application package, you must receive approval to submit on behalf of your organization. This requirement prevents individuals from submitting grant application packages without permission. A norice is automatically sent to your organization's e-Business POC. Then, youx e-Business POC approves your request to become an AOR. You may go to �vww.ccr.eov to seazch for your organization and retrieve your e-Business POC contact information. • Once organization approval is complete, you will be able to submit an application and track its status. 36 � �, ._ , .: Step 2: Downloading the Application Viewer Note: You may download the PureEdge Viewer while your regisfrarion is in process. You also may download and start completing the application forms in steps 3 and 4 below. This applicarion viewer opens the application package needed to fill out the required forms. The download process can be lengthy if you are accessing the Intemet using a dial-up connection. • From the Gzants.gov home page, select the "Apply for Grants" tab at the top of the sczeen. • Under "Apply Step l: Dov✓nload a Grant Application Package and Applicarions Instructions," click the link forthe PureEdge Viewer (Gi�1�w.prants.�ov:DawnloadViewer). This window includes information about computer system requirements and instructions for downloading and installation. • If you are a Macintosh user, please read the PureEdge Support for Macintosh white paper available at www.�rants.govlGrantsGov UST Granteei:SSL7iV✓ebHelp/1�FacSupponforPureEdee.pdf. • Scroll down and click on the link to download the PureEdge Viewer (www.�rants.eov/I'IiVieeverilCSVicwerb02 �>rauLS.exe). • You will be prompted to save the application. Click the "Save° button and the "Save As" window opens. Select the location where you would like to save PureEdge Viewer and click the "Save" button. • A window appears to show the progress of the download. When the downloading is complete, click to close the dialog box. • To install the PureEdge Viewer, locate the file on your computer and click to open it. When you are prompted to run the file, click "RiJN :' Click "Yes" to the prompt to continue with the installation. The ICS InstallShield Wizard extracts the necessary files and takes you to the "Welcome" page. • Click "NexY' to continue. • Read the license agreement and click "Yes" to accept the agreement and continue the installation process. This takes you to the "CusYOmer Information" scxeen. • Enter a User Name and a Company Name in the designated fields and click "Next" • The "Choose Destination Location" window prompts you to select the folder in which PureEdge Viewer will be installed. To save the program in the default folder, click "Next" To select a different folder, click `Browse." Select the folder in which you would like to save the program, click on "OK," then click "Next" • The next window prompts you to select a program folder. To save program icons in the default folder, click "Next" To select a different program folder, type a new folder name or select one from the list of existing folders, then click "Next° Installation will begin. 37 ��'° w.� • When installation is complete, the "InstallShield Wizazd Complete" screen will appear. Click "Finish." This will launch the "ICS Viewer Help Information" window. Review the informarion and close the window. Step 3: Downloading an Application Package • Once you have downloaded the PureEdge Viewer, you may download and view this application package and solicitation instrucrions. • From the Grants.gov home page, select the "Apply for Grants" tab at the top of the screen. • Click "Apply Step I: Download a Grant Application Package and Application Instructions." • Enter either the CFDA number for this announcement, 16.529, or this solicitation's Funding Opportunity Number, OVW-2006-1200. Then click "Download Package." This will take you to the "Selected Granu Application for pownload" results page. • To download an application package and its instructions, click the corresponding download link below the "Instructions and Application" column. • Once you select a grant application, you will be taken to a"Download Opportunity Inslructions and Application" screen to confirm that you are downloading the correct application. If you would like to be notified of any changes to this funding opporiunity, enter your e-mail address in the corresponding field, then click the "SubmiY' button. • After verifying that you have downloaded the correct opportunity information, click the "Download Application Inshuctions" button. This will open a PDF of this grant solicitarion. You may print the solicitation or save it to youL computer by clicking either the print icon at the top tool baz or the "File" button on the top tool bar. If you choose to save the file, click on "Save As" and save to the location of your choice. • Click the `Back" Navigation button to return to the "Download Opportunity Instrucrions and Application" page. Click the "Download Application Package" button. The applicarion package will open in the PureEdge Viewer. • Click the "Save" button to save the package on your computer. Because the form is not yet complete, you will see a prompt that one or more fields may be invalid. You will complete these fields in step 4, but for now, select "Yes" to continue. After you click "Yes," the "Save Form" window will open. • Save the application package to your desktop until after submission. Select a name and enter it in the "Application Filing Name" field. Once you have submitted the application through Grants.gov, you may then move your completed application package to the file location of your choice. • Click the "Save" button. If you choose, you may now close your Internet browser and complete your application package offline by double clicking the icon on your desktop. You do not have to be connected to the Internet to complete the applicarion package in step 4 below. 38 6 � � _ �ti � .� � Step 4: Completing the Application Package Note: This application can be completed entuely offline; however, you will need to log in to Grants.gov to submit the application in step 5. • Locate the application package you saved on your computer. When you open the package, it will be in PureEdge Viewer. You may save your application at any time by clicking on the "Save" button at the top of the screen. • Enter a name for your application package in the "Application Filing Name" field. This can be a name of your choice. • Open and complete all the mandatory and optional forms or documents. To complete a form, click to select the forzn, and then click the "Open" button. When you open a required form, the mandatory fields will be highlighted in yellow. If you enter incomplete information in a mandatory field, you will receive an error message or the field will turn red, indicaring a change needs to be made. • Mandatory forms include the [Here, insert the list of forms in your Grants.gov template as listed in the layout below] (1) Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424); (2) Assurances for Non- Construction Programs (SF424B); and (3) Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF-LLL). These forms can also be viewed at w�w.ajp.usdaj.¢ov; torms.htm. Other Mandatory forms are the (1) Project Nazrative Attachment Form; and (2) Other Attachments Form. Opfional forms required for this solicitation include the Survey on Ensuring Equal Opportunity for Applicants. 39 ��°-�r `: • When you have completed a form or document, click the "Close Form" button at the top of the page. Your information will automatically be saved. • Next, click to select the document in the left box entitled "Mandatory Documents:' Click the "_>" button to move the form or document to the "Mandatory Completed Documents for Submission" box to the right. Some mandatory documents will require you to upload files from your computer. To attach a documem, select the corresponding form and click "Open." Click the "Add Mandatory AttachmenY' button to the left. The "Attach File" box will open. Browse your computer to find where your file is located and click "Open." The name of that file will appear in the yellow field. Once.this is complete, if you would like to attach additional files, click on the "Add Optional AttachmenP' button below the "Add Mandatory AttachmenP' button. • An "Attachments" window will open. Click the "Attach" button. Locate the file on your computer that you would like to attach and click the "Open" button. You will retum to the "Attach" window. Continue this process until you have attached all the necessary documents. You may attach as many documents as necessary. • Once you have finished, click the "Done" button. The box next to the "Attach at Least One Optional Other AttachmenP' will now appear as checked. • Note: the name of these buttons will vary depending on the name of the form you have opened at that time; i.e., Budget Nazrative, Other Attachment, and Project Narrative File. • To exit a form, click the "Close" button. Your information will automatically be saved. Step 5: Submitting the Application • Note: Once you have completed all the yellow fields on all the forms and saved the application on your desktop, check the application package for errors. This can be done any time throughout step 4 above and as often as you like. • When you aze ready to submit your final application package, the "SubmiY' button at the top of your screen will be enabled. This button will not be activated unless all mandatory data fields have been completed. When you aze ready to submit your application, click on "Submit." This will take you to a "Summary" screen. • If your "SubmiY' button is not activated, then click the "Check Package for Errors" button at the top of the "Grant Application Package" screen. PureEdge Viewer will start with the first form and scan all the yellow fields to make sure they are complete. The program will prompt you to fix one enor at a time as it goes through the scan. Once there aze no more errors, the system will allow you to submit your application to Grants.gov. • Review Yhe applicarion summazy. If you wish to make changes at this time, click "Exit Application" to return to the application package, where you can make changes to the forms. To submit the application, click the "Sign and Submit Application" button. �� ->v..� � �� • This will take you to a"Login" screen where you will need to enter the user name and password that you used to register with Grants.gov in "Step I: Registering:' Enter your user name and password in the corresponding fields and click "Login." • Once authenticarion is complete, your application will be submitted. Print this confirmation screen for your records. You will receive an e-mail message to confirm that the application has been successfully uploaded into Grants.gov. The confirmation e-mail will give you a Grants.gov tracking number, which you will need to track the status of your applicarion. The confirmation e-mail will go to the e-Business POC; therefore, if you aze submitting on behalf of someone else, be sure the e- Business POC is awaze of the submission and that a confirmation e-mail will be sent. • When finished, click the "Close" button. Step 6: Tracking the Application • After your application is submitted, you may track its status through Grants.gov. To do this, go to the Grants.gov home page at ti�w«.�rants.o-ov. At the very top ofthe screen, click on the "Applicants" link. Scroll down the "For Applicants" page and click the "Login Here" button. Proceed to login with your user name and password that was used to submit your application package. • Click the "Check Application Status" link to the top lefr of the screen. A list of all the applications you have submitted through Grants.gov is produced. There aze one of four status messages your application can receive in the system: 1. Validated: This means your application has been scanned for errors. If no errors were found, it validates that your application has successfully been submitted to Grants.gov and is ready for the agency to download your application. 2. Received by Agency: This means our agency has downloaded your application into our electronic Grants Management System (GMS) and your application is going through our vafidation process to be suceessfully received on our end. 3. Agency Tracking Number Assigned: This means our GMS did not find any errors with your package and successfully downloaded your application into our system. 4. Rejected With Errors: This means your application was either rejected by Grants.gov or GMS due to errors. You will receive an e-mail from Grants.gov customer support, providing details of the results and the next steps required. Most applications are rejected because: (1) a virus was detected; (2) you are using a user name and password that has not yet been authorized by the organization's e-Business POC; or (3) the DLINS number you entered on the SF-424 form does not match the DIJNS number that was registered in the CCR for this organizarion. 41