223333 ORIGIl�/1L TO CITY CLERK - 2��33 " �= CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � �� FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO ` � CO IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , — �RESENTED RY COMMISSIONE DA� Re: S-tate Pro�ect 6282-76 (T.H. 9�+=392)• Construction Pla.ns and Specia.l Provisions for the construction of Bridge No. 62839 on St. An.thony Ave. over re-located Fairview Ave. between Fairview Avenue and Beacon Avenue, Highwa,y Bypass a.nd Approaches in the City of St. Paul. Minnesota Pro�ect I 094--3 ��-�-3) 237• W�S, The Coffinissioner of Highways has prepared plans, special provisions and specifications for the itaprovement of a part of Trunk Highway Nwnber 392 renumbered as �nk Highway Number 94 within the corporate limits of the City of St. Pau1' f`rom Fairvie�w Avenue to Beacon Avenue; and WHERF',AS, Sa,id plans are on file in the office of' the Department of Highways, St. Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 6282-76 (�'.H. 94=392); and WHEREAS, Sa,id special provisions a.re on file in the of�i.ce of the Departm�ent of Highways, St. Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 6282-76 �?'•H• 9�+=392) Minnesota Pro�ect I 091+-3 ��3) 237, which, together with the Minnesota • Department of Highways Specifications for Highway Construction, dated January 1, 196�-, on'�ile in the office o� the Co�issioner o� Highways, constitute the specifYcations �or said improvement of 2`ru.nk H3ghway Number 392 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 94; and W�EtEAS, Copiea of said plans a.nd special provisions as so maxked, labeled, and identified are also on �`1.1e in the office o� the Department of Public Works; and ' WHEREl1S, The term "said plans and special prov3sions" as hereina.fter used in the body o� this resolution sha1.1. be deemed a.nd intended to mea.n, refer to, and incorporate the plans and special provisions in the foregoing recitals particularly identified and described; NC)W, THEN, HE IT RESOLVED, That said plans and specia.l provisions for the improvement of �runk Highway Number 392 renumbered as 7.�unk Highway Number 9�+ within the limits of the City of St. Pau1 be and hereby are appraved. HE IT FURT�IER RESOLVED, That the elevations a.nd grades as shown in. said plans and special pravisions be and they are hereby approved, and consent is hereby given to any and a11 changes in grade occasioned by the construction of said Z�unk Highway Number 392 re- numbered as Trunk Highwa,y Number 9�+ in accordsnce with said plans and special provisions. ✓��''�. - - _ __ ..� - - - — - — - s � � COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the CouncilMAY 19— , Yeas Nays 6 � Dalglish ry1�Y Holland Approve 19— Loss � �- Favor Meredith Peterson � �� �AyOr A gainst R��_____p-=—� .������:�� �UBLISHED MJAY $ �9� Mr. �ice President (Rosen) ioat e-es ' DU►LICAT[TO M11NTtR �333 � �-' cmr oF s�. PAU�. couNC�� OFflCE OF Tb-IE CI7Y CLERIC F�« NO COUNCIL RESOL!lTION�C ENERAL FORM fRESENTfD�Y COMMISSIONE� DA� �e� �at� Pro41� 6�+7�6 ET�H+ 9�"�9��• Go�ruot�,o� P].e�n,� +Im�d. �a3�i. �'.ro�v�+r�t� iV`4- G[� ��iV1F� Q� '�v'�+�la �♦ `+wJ9 � aMi � �Y � �'��l�:i� �.x'4►� �. b�'tll�'1!II �'d'�.Z'4�.�M' �'f� �ld � �'�.i¢� $��11f+t� � �i'�t1: ��# 3II '`�3! �:3 r�* O� 8�i• ��tl�.. �� �,��tf� +�. �� ����?+ NID�$� ',l� CO■�d.�Mi3i�s� Ot $i�� I� prspea�ed P��� �e3a�. �f�i�s �Dd. rpea�caticw te� � 3�s�ire�e�rnt o�' a � of �Erun]c Hi�r �r �9� ram�z�d ait � � �r g�4 rt'�h9,n `thi o�a� �;i���1 Q� t� C3�,'�jr ttf �t� �w�. f�'d� l�►i.r�tl.a�t A� � �aeor� A��; and. NH�E�y �atd �].an� �t's Caz f3� �aa 't� bt�l.oie ot �e DepiuC�rnt ot Hi.�criyr�r� 8�� �a�.y k�,ma���; t�r�ng a�►rl�, �� a�d 3�n'�3�Y,ed �t �.P. .6�='�5 {�.$. �`39$jf � N�A��, �.d +�ia3- �w'itiaru ar� � �i].e �,a tb� ot�a� 4= t,� �r#�� ot �.�ra�e►� �. F�� #t�n��'Gat 'i�t3�g �b� 11�bt7�d# aad. $.�it�,�od � �.�. 6�?r ��fH. ��� ��o�t ��c# I 49�h� �]�� �,97� �►hiah� to�r 1�.'1� '�e �nnes� , . ��� t�.' H9.� 8,��a�3c3af.�c�ia �ba� �►,t�'o�3oa�� c3at�. ,�� �.,. 1�� oa i`�1�_ 3r� t� t�f�.c#�,�t�t1� �i4�tf*s�o�x,o�' �� �vtitu� �� q�eai�Ya�fi�dus tr�r Aati�1 �pxd� at '�i�xilt Hy,� R� �.iti�ts�3 �It "�rua�€ �.�r �r'9�� srjc�' � W�, �pi�s o! ii�td ]�1r�u a� ��tta]. �ra�r�r�,acu} �4 ,�IMO;�az� .l�btled� #ad �ctii"i�ld aslt s�.�oo e�tn S�J.rt sn 'C� �i".€�ot e� '�t,��ea� Q�' �3� �'�i'o�lc#; �md. , . . , � . � �j � '�t� *�8 �f��11� �T1t� �8�. ��MM � �Z'l�Y1R��' ii�4td '� '�!� � Gf �his zy�v3tx��cn t�.i bs l�M�Q �Wd �n�l, '�O � r�t�tr t0:� �d. tr�co�c�ara'� � �'om� �rii�:��r�sic�li �n '�'t �a�.ng z�L�r �r'�.i.au�.sr�y, �Stit��d and de�tcr3b� �� �'� � �' ��D`� �� ,�i:d ��i'aa�d spto�a�. �►f,s��s t� t'�e � r�v�rit a� �run]r �.fi� � _ran�b�ri�! �s �mlE ��x�y �ar � M��n � ��ai't�t c�t #rh� ��`�y t�f �.,�su7� 'ti� �ad la�by �r11 �� . . � . � � � Ft� �,� �t t1�i ��.�YatiE� tud gra'�r a� s�EO�rn �.0 �I. ]?�� �. �sa3a�, �rcr�i�.� 1a� �ad 'F,�ey ar� �r��.!�pt'q�d�, q�d, c3o�eat is 'h,ex�b� g3.fyra to �xpr smd. s7.1°eb�t�s �n. �ca� boo�3t�u'N�d. by 'hda� �'� ot' �d �roun]¢ � �bs�r � s�- , � � '�ct�nl[ � �iubtr � �'.n �ua� x�,�h �rai.�.p3�saa aa�, s,p�8i�.,�ro�►�sians. . �AY 61�6� � COIJNCILIulEN , � �idopted by the Council 19_ Yeas NayS Dalglish ' � � . . �Y 6 ��5 Holland ' Ap�x'o�I� 19— , Loss � in F�V03` Meredith Peterson � . ' �yo� D Agal r�St --ama�-eu� �"� _'�'a- ._:,"..� ,si.. - ��+t9-; ����'c e��l eri..4>>��.Y�Y�?�.m °---- I�. �I�ce Pr�sident (Ro�ren� iou s� r#'�.