223332 �i O�GINAL TO CITY CLEWK ^,���o . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� '%;� � . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED RY COMMISSIONE DA� �� In the matter of constructing a storm sewer in WHITE BFAR AVSNUE from East Fourth St. to Fremont Avenue; in FREMONT AVENUE from White Bear Avenue to approximatelq 800 feet east of White Bear Anenue; in an EASEMENT in Lot 5, Block 7, ROBERT L. WARE'S FASTERN HEI(�TS from E. T'hird Street to Fremont Avenue; in a SEWER EASSMffi�iT in Lots 7 and 8, Block 6, ROBERT L. WARE'S EASTERN SEIG1iTS from Fremont Avenue to approximately 260 feet north of Fremont Avenue; in EAST THIRD STREET from Hazel Street to approximately 480 feet west of Sazel Street; in HAZEL STREET from East Third Street to Wilson Avenue, all of which is to be known as the HAZEL-EAST THIRD STREET STORM SEWER SYSTEM, CONTRACT 'B' , under Preliminary Order C. F. 216298, approved January 21, 1964, and Final Order C. F. 223113, approved April 27, 1965. RESOLVED, T'hat the plans and specifications for the above named improvement, as submitted by the Co�issioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved and be it further " RESOLVBD, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. � . MAY 61965 � COiJNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays n 6 �g65 Dalglish �~Y Holland / Appx'ove 19— 4' � �/�� Loss Tn F'SVOP Meredith O Peterson • �ttlB1�'/ 1VIAyOr A gainst 2�K„��i°a••,e`e'`���� .,�:z:� MAY 8 �9� �.�s�,�.�����:: PUBLISNED �.�ce r�esi$en osen) ions e-as • �� � 2233�2 DUrLICATC TO MINTtR � CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�NCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rR�,�o�r COMMISSIONE� �A� �a the a�att�x o! ce+�ts�c:ti� a st�rs s�ar !.� l��! �� A�t i�z� xa�� loar� it, to lrr�t �v�i ta ���A�T A�s � t�it� fetr ��e�s �o approaci�Cal� Sf?0 fwti iss� o# i�t4 isar Aw�sj ia an ?��MT i� �oC 5, fX�lc 7; �� L: �'! � �I� !�e'� �. Zhird Stz�st to ar+�t A�ta�e: is a ��i;t E�S�[�NT i� Lots 7 �d �� �l�c 6, AO�iR'� L. �;'� EAS't�N � fs�va tr�,tt Av�a� t0 s�Prosi.stE���r 26(1 le�t nort� vf l��t Lva�e; ia �AS'�' T� �? fsba ias�l #C�ti t� s�►proxi�C�l� bSQ lies� �rsst o# 1asR1 8tr�atf ia 1M74tL �Tt�R� fxwa �a�t '�itd �trMt t� W�1�on Airas�, aX]� �i i��cb is to br k�a �s t.�� i�I�►� `mI�D � �0�1[ ��R ��TDt, t:�M� '��, ns�rt l�rs�iad�es�► 0rd�r �!. �. 216�9�, a�pro�►�d Jar�az� 21, 19f4►, a�d *i�t� tirdar C. �►. 23�3�.�$s aP�rQrr4d A�ril 37, 19��. �.�, T�at #►� P1aas amd s��ci�°3�a�ic�as for th� a1�o�r utt�d �ro�r�t� as �itt�el b� t�� Cow���s�.o�er ot l�tiii�,iiqrla�. b� ,aad s th• s� ar�t h��� ag�i�'ohr� � b� it f��ir� � � . � . • • � � � ' - ' � : �i�,, l�SaE the �archaii� �rnt � i�d hs f s ��� dirs�t�d t0 adrerti�� f�r bi.dr o� t�ir i�@roa►�at. . . , , � , n, � . ���. . � /� � ti � � , � I b . Mpy 61965 i COUNCILMEN � . Adopted by the Council 19— p Yeas ._ Nays Dalgli�h ry�Y 6196� �nd� Appro�� 19— , •;� Loss � Tn Favor Meredith Peterson �y� � �Againat �_..::�.,_.,.- --• _.. ---�:-a�: ' ��'i'.�,�.xsiden�;Vavo�E� Mr. Vice President (I2osen� � 101[ i�!! i w� � }�