223330 . -, 0111GIN'1�L TO CITY CLEfiK �,t°,�^AO CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� a.�� �, OFFtCE OF THE CITY CLERK � ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��ESENTED EY M I LTON ROSEN COMMISSIONE DA� � In the matter of constructing a sanitary sewer in BERRY STREET from Territorial Road to Pearl Street; construct sanitary lift station r in Territorial Road at Berry Street; also construct force main in Territorial Road from Berry Street to the existing sewer in Territorial Road approximately 650 feet west of Eustis Street under Preliminary Order C.F. 218654, approved June 11 , 1964, and Final Order C.F. 222590, approved March 23, 1965. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved and be it further RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. _ 4 �� MAY 61965 COiTNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �_.�� Dalglish �A�/ s ��7� Holland � Appx'ove 19— Loss /`��L �/� Tn Favor ��r�L,,,, Meredith Pete rs on � AQf�M�' Mayor A g8111St .,._ �eosEII� :.�C9������17� Vice Yresident (Rosen)� �U�LISHED �A� 8 '��� 1oM bfi4 DUrLI�T6 TO �RINT[R � , CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�NCi� NO , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 3 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM t�ESENTED tY Mi�� �tosEM COMMISSIONER DATF tn ths �tt�r of constructiny a aanitary ssw�sr in D�R1tY 3TREET fro� ,Terr f�tor ia l. Roa� to temr. l �tr�st j construct san i tary l.tft stat ion , tn Tsr�ritorial Ro�� at B�r�y Str�t; al�o constr'uct forc� �ain in � 'f�rritorial Roa� froai Bsrry Strest t� ths sxisting sewrr in T�rritorial �oad mpproxi�ately 650 �Eeet w�est of� �usfii;s �tr�st �und�r �rsi.i�inary �rdar C.R. 218654, approvsd Jun• 11, 196�, and Ftna�l Orde� C.F. �22590, approved J1�rch 23, 19b5. � RE�QL,W�D, That tha plans and apecl}'ic�tiona �o� �hs abovs n�ad improv�nt� es aub�ittmd by th• Co�tssianer of ��lic biorks, be mnd th� sa�e ar• hereby approvsd mnd be It �urther RES6LVHD� That the �urchasing Agant be end he ia her�by dirscted to achr�rtiss for bids on this 1�prov�nt. �/) � '' 6 r'� ,( � V �`� MAY 6196� �,,�OiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Y� Nays Dalglish�'�" MAY � ��� ��r�� Holland T Approv� 19— � ` Loss Tn Favor ' Meredith { Peterson MBqOr '� �►gsinSt �asr� • -��?ex�E,,.:?....��.,;�., ,,.,,��5 � �. ���������::.:::� Vice President (I2osen) 1oM 66! •