06-181Presented By: Referred to: 1 WHEREAS, Saint Paul Parks and Recreation, through its Adpative Recreation Pro�am offers many events, classes, or activities 2 dwing the yeaz; and 4 WHEREAS, the public purpose of these evenu is for Saint Paul residents to experience education, fun, self esteem, self reliance, 5 a sense of social belonging, and the elimination of boredom and loneliness; and 7 WHEREAS, many of these evenu, classes, and activities aze centered around the production of ineals and/or have food as part 8 of the activity, Saint Paul Parks and Recreation requests permission to purchase food for the events (detailed on attached sheet); 9 and 10 11 WHEREAS, these Adpative Recreation Progam events are scheduled throughout 2006 and require staff to participate 12 working; and 13 14 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Saint Paul Parks and Recreation is authorized to purchase food for Adpative Recreation I S Programs offered and authorize staff working the events to participate in meals and other food offered. 16 17 18 Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date: ' ii��j �,Ooro Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� /!�/�5i ��f����a/ Approved by Ma�: Date: ___ /(� ( / J '. By, `�/�. Division of Pazks and Recreatio� . �� - '° � � Approval Recommended by Financial ', esv�caS JJi✓zc�r- By: Form Approved by City Attorney _�°^��^��-^�'�.'�e: , O6 Adaptrve Recreahon.xls Page. 'i af 1 COUNCIL FILE #: ��p � l D � GREEN SHEET #: �,�— RESOLUTION � lt ' --- --- --- -- ------ � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet N__tSZ1 c I DepartmenUoffice/council: Date Initiafed: �� � � PR P���a�hon 10 � Green Sheet NO: 3029680 � GonYact Person & Phone' Deoartment Sent To Person Ini5a1/Date i . ` q I � , �/ Mike Hahm 0 arks aod Recreation Z66-�444 Assign 1 arks ndRecreation De artmentDirector �.�/ I!/7o Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number z ' Attome For g� or's Office blavo /ASS'stant Routing Order - �4 unci � � 5 i Clerk Ci Clerk � Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) � Action Requested: Approve Council Resolution with Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation authorizing City officials to participate in Adaptive Recreation Program events and classes where food is served. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personai Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departrnent? CtB Committee , Yes No , Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skifl not normalty possessed by any current city employee? Yes No F�cpiain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Probiem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, Wheo, Where, Why): � � These events or classes are centered azound the production of ineals or have food as the acflvity. G7urenfly, there are 16 named events or classes wlrich meet multiple times per year. These acrivities and classes aze part of the Adaptive Recreation programs offered to Saint Paul residents fox the purpose of education, fim, self esteem, self reliance, a sense of social belonging and the eluninarion of ' boxedom and loneliness. Advantages !f Apptaved: . _ � � ��' � � ��� � ��� � � � l� . a,:.8'� }� t- i^ � `e � DisadvantageslfApproved_ �� � None r � �"�"� � �' � � &"� 3� 4 ��' w �aS� � DisadvanWges If Not Approved:' - _ � " ; ty 1 i I � . - - t �rc,��,>x�'' � �'�� A � I Total Amount of ��`��-�'' , j Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Transaction: - ` I � Funding Source: Activitv Number: _ I i Financiai lnformation: I i (Explain) . _ i � . � I I ' '• . . � ,, , � � I I . � �� � � � n , , �, ' , � . . , , , �� ,� �, � � �� � xou�rrG a��> � � � , � �� � , B�Iow are co�ect �rontings for ffizsi�c most fre9ue�t t�s o£d4�'T�e0.� �� � ��� � � �� � _' � , � � ' � , � � � �� � COi1'LRA�TS (ass�mmes auttiorized budget e�stsj � CQLiNCII. &ESOLffCION (mmead bud8ets/eccept gr�anfs) � ' � � 1. ��QrrtsideA�gencp' � � � � � 1 Dep "a�tine�atI7irector I � �, 2.�D'eparFment�irector ' � � � 2. O�ceofE'man¢ial,SeraicesDisecYor� � � � 3: CitpElttoiney� � � � �� � 3- CtEpAYt°rne3 � � � � � � � 4.� Ivfayor%Ass�stant (for�co�tracts ova $25,000) 4.� May�fAssisEant � � ' � , 5. H�mi Rights (for contracts ovec $50,000) S. CiLy Co�cit `, � 6. Offce,ofFfnancisl„$eivice3, Accouuting 6 O�cebfEinaneialSeavices-�Accoimting� , ADMINFSTRAZTVEO1tDERS(BudgetRevision) , COL)NGI�RESOLiITFON"(allothecsandOedwences)' 1.�lctivityManagerorI3eQazfinentAccoimtant ' 1.;DepaiimentDitector; . Z. DepertmentI3irector ' 2. Gi}pAttotney , � � � 3. O�ce o€F'��cial Seivices D'yrebtor ' � � 3- MayoF/�ssistt�t�, '' , � � , � � � 4. � City �Gle�c � � � � � � 4; Cit}r Gotme�l, �� � � � � � 5: Office ofFinsncial Services -Acconnting � � � � � AD2vIINISTRATiVE ORDERS (all others) ,', F.�{ECLyTIfi?E dRDER , 1.-,DefiarmienYD�rectoi-' - ' 1 Deparfine,abIJ6rector � � � �� � � � � � � � �� � � �� 2 � � 2.�C" , � � . C Atiom' � uY� � � '�; � , � � � 3. Office ofFiasnciat Senviices Dirz�ct� 3_ ' AssestauY S lf'�1'a/ „ � � 4: , City Cterk � � 4 , C � Y �� � �� �� � , � . � � � � � � � - E � �TOTAT.NC7MBEROF SIGNATC7REPAG S � � � � �' � � � � � �dicate the # of pages on wlucfi signamres are reqtsed and papemTip ortlag e�ch offfiese psges. , �� , � , � � � � ACITON UESTID , '„ Des�.rtl�ewItatihepmject/�,guestseekstoaccomp}ishmeeher,cLmnolog�caliorderor�oci]etofsmportsnce,wlucliev�u" mostappropriate'fda'theissae. Da Begiueachitemin,yois�sCwrtfi'averb � , �Cp �MIvIEI�IDAIZONS tieen presented before ub � , O � � � �� �� 1 �ssue in queshonl�ss anYbody, P lie ocpnvaYe.' ' � � PERSONfiL SEIt�ICE CO3JTRAGTS: � � � ', � � r �� �� � � � � � � � � This infoimation w11 be usedto deteimine'the city's liabiintyfoevrorkers compensation cla�ms, faYes aud Pr�P� � '' '� seryicehfr'mgtuTes; �' � � � ' � II3iTfATINCrPltOBLIIt� FSSUE OPPORTf7NITY i ' Fscplainfhe situetion or conditions that created a need foryonc pnoject o� req�iest ,� , AD'VAIITAGESIF"APYROVID ' n ' , ' �'dicete wlief3ier this ts simpIy,ensnnnal liudget procedure re4uired by law/charter or whetfier there are specific ways m' � tvhicfi�theCitpo€, �SeintPantendrtscitiienkwillbenefitfromt6ispco�ect/action � �� „ DIS�IJVANfAG�S � �� � �� �� � ��� ' ���, i w,i What negative effects or ma�or cF�gas to ezashn8 or p�PT�$ �8�?t � ProJ��eq� P�a� ¢�'� P�� ' y � C�S-:Tr�edelays,,�Swse,'tmcmaease$�ass�c�ents)7 ToiarhomY Wben2�-Forfiow�p�g2 , � „ �, DZSL�DVANTAGESTFNOTAPPROVID ,, � ' � Wfist will be the ne "ve �the rotn'ssed actron is not � roved. Inabili to deliver secvice? Contmae $ah wnse4uences . ,P 8 PP � � � � � � � �.. �� . � �, , � � Itighfraflie,�oxse,�acctdentrate? Lassbfteqe,nue ,�� � , �� '� � � — , FIDIANCIAI: Fttv�?.CT Atthougfi youmusttailorthe mfotma�onyou provide here to the �issue you,aie addcessm& an gen'eral'yoa must az�swer ' ' � �� two�qaestioas_'Howmticl�isit�8owgtolcost? Whoas�B�B�PaY� „ � . � � � � � , , � �� � � . . �� i � � � � , � � � � � � . � . � � � � � l� � � � � �„ �, � � � � � � � � � � i �� � �, � � , � , � I , � �, , � _ � I , , � ; ���5� ; �,��..��..,,., , ;� �,.�. ��' .,,.:.`�.i it.. � ,,, .�����;, I � I , � i � . ' - � , .� ��,i , �o ��N��.�� � �.�il � nM1 � �i ,� II iB„tl' rl � ,'7�1� li i� 9inl�'idu .d ,�.�� oca- ��� Adaptive Recreation Activities Where Food is Prepazed and/or Served Projected for 2006 4 Weekend Caznping Trips (48 hours long) 5 meals and various snacks prepped and served. i fast food meal on return trip home. Staff eats with clients, after they have been served. 4 End of Season Bowling Banquets. throughout the yeaz 1 End of Season Basketball Banquet 1 End of Season Softball Team Picnic Sweetheart Dance Halloween Dance Build, Bake and Eat Pizza End of Suimner Dance No-Cook Cooking Class (# o£ tnnes vary per yeaz) Bowling Classic Tournament (1 to 2 times per year) Teen Program (1 rime per month) Cookie Bake & Take (2 times a year) Walking Club (8 - 10 times a srnmner) Catered meal. Staff eats only after all clients have been served Catered meal. Staff eats with ciients. Prep and Serve Food, staff eats with ciients Serve Cookies & Apple Cider (staffmay occasionally eat oniy after all clients have been served) Serve Cookies & Apple Cider (staff may occasionally eat, only after all clients have been served). Eat what has been prepped, only after all ciients have been served Serve Lemonade & Cookies (stafF inay occasionally eat only after all clients have been served.) Eat what has been prepped, only after all clients have been served Catered meal. Staff eats only after clients have been served Occasionally the activity may include cooking or food may be offered, staff eats with clients Cookies prepped and baked at the activity and clients take home. Clients may also sample a cookie of their choice at the acrivity, occasionally staff wili also sample a cookie too. Juice after the walk. Staff may also haue juice, after all clients have been served. cx�-t�t Adaptive Recreation Activities Where Food is Prepared and/or Served Hay Ride & Bonfire (1 time per year) S'mores and beverage prepped, staff may have, after a11 clients have been served. Boat Trip Lunch is included in the entry fee of the activity, (1 time per year) which is paid by us to cover the staffing of the activity -- staff still do not eat until all clients have been served Bingo (# of times offered vary throughoutthe year) Pop and popcorn are provided during this activity. Occasionally, there may be other programs added to our calendar of activities which include food. As aiways, staff do not eat until all clients have been served.