D001471, 33wner: Contractor: :..� � . _ St. Paul, MN 55102 d, PO Box 477. Hue :11 , . - � Date: 7anuai MN 55038 �QI s. MN 554Q2 .�1' CTI`I' OF ST. PAUL — OFFICE OF TE� MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER For CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. _l_ ADMINTTRATIVE ORDER. Whereas, additions wluch proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Red Rock South — T ift 4tation RPCnnctmctinn known as Contract L- 016224 . City Project No. 97-5-1860 � Contractor, is composed of the following: Item No. 1 2 • Descri ption Install one security light on the existing power pole at the Red Rock South Lift Station site. The light fixture to be supplied by the City of St. Paul Transportation Dept. Due to delivery date of control panel, as discussed at the pre-construction meeting a time extension will be approved. Demolition of the existing lift station and site restoration shall be extended to June 1, 1998. TOTAL Change Order No. l Date Co Date By ORDERED, That the City of St. Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoang additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 400.00, said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as contract L- 016224, and which amount is to be financed from: The permanent improvement revolving Fund. Appropriafion Code Number: C97-2T63 1-0784-2603 3. APPROVED AS TO FORM �.!�� , : Assistant city Engi� � Chief Enginee •Director of � �� I: �211 �21154\SPCOFom:. doc I:\Users�2ZA\SPCOForm.doc {Biank Form) —.s � �� �/y�, Date �-� Head of Total i� � 11 11 6 1 11 $ 400.00 S��c> �Cj� Date v '�strat�v� Ass' ant t e Mayo � r� '�1-�- �� r DEPARTMENLOFFlCE/COUNqL r,�bli� worxs H.Lueth 266-6083 ON CAUNpL AGENDA BY (DATE) ���� i °"TE'"'T'"TE°� GREEN,SHEET No �1186 /26/98 INITI DATE INITIAL/OATE_ DEPARTMENT�IRECTOR �CITVCOUNqL ASSIGN lf�. � �JQ � NUMBFRWR � ��� �� CINCLERK ROUTIN6 � FINANCIALSERVICESDIR. � FIN. SERVICE: ORDER � MAYOR (Ofl ASSISTAN'� �� � DNISIO;1 MA C n TOTAL # OFSIGNATURE PAGES 2 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED Approval of Aduunistrative Order for Change Agreement No. 1 ; ��;�� g �� Red Rock Pump Starion City Project No. 97-P-1$60 F�^ contractor: Lametti & sons, �nc. ` � � ���'� RECQMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (Rj PLANNING COMMISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE fOLLOWfNG QUESTIONS: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COMMITtEE YES NO CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO STAFF 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITfATiNG PROHLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR7UNITY �WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WN�: Additional wark not included in the original contract was directed by the Engineer. ADVAMAGES IF APPflOVED: Establish cost and compensate the Contractor for work performed at the direction of the Engineer. e, �� � ""°°�"."„".... � �. r n. _-. �����v�� ` q � DISADVAMAGES IF APPROVED: None !'�l � . � 11� C�TY CLERK F�� v� ;998 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPAOVED: Additional wark performed at the direction of the Engineer not authorized. TOTALAMOUKfOFSRANSACT10N5 $400.00 COSVREVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YE FUNDINGSOURCE S2W2T RP_pa1Y Fllll(IS ACINlTYNUMBER C 9 7-2 T631-0784-2 603 3 PINANCIAL WPoRMATION. (EXPWN) NO d��