223314 r �� `='. _ `�l,OIINCI FILE NU. � ������ � BY In the ma'tter of condemni nQ and taki nct an easement i n the 1 and necessary for the sl opes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes, in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material MACALESTER STREET from Highland Parkway to Pinehurst Avenue. under Preliminary Order ��1 ti�� � , sppTOVe� .1 a n u a r v 2], 1 A6 S _� Intermediary Order 2226�� , approver.] March 23, 1965 � A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons,• objections and recommendatione relative thereto, and having fully coneidered the eame; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the G�ty of 8aint Paul that , ��- � ovement to be mdde by the eaid City 's ndemning and taking an easeme in the land necessary for t slopes, cuts and fi s, including right of removal f lateral support from subje t land or remainder ther f, occasioned by excavations ereof or construction of slo s, in the grading and sur cing with bituminous materia ACALESTER STREET from Highl nd Parkway to Pi nehurst nue. p�� orders in the abova m tter be and the same are }�ereby caneelled, annuffed ,. _ �nd rescinded and _all proceedings in said matter be discontinued, and the Coun ' hereby orders eaid improvements to be m de." RF�OLVED URTHER, that the following land, lande or eaeemente therein be e,nd the ame are hereby ordered to b taken, appropriated and condemned for the urpose of malang eaid improveme�te, via.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land n cessary for the slopes, c s and , fills, includin right of removai of lateral sup ort from subject land or emainder thereof, occasio ed by excavations thereof or con truction of slopes, in t grading and surfacing wit bituminous material MACALESTER TREET from Hig hland Par way to Pinehurst Avenue. RESOLVED FURTHER, hat the Commiseioner of Public Wor be and is hereby inetructed d directed to prepare plana and ep cifications for eaid improvement, and th roper city officiale are here y authorized and di.rected to procee with the making of eaid improvement in accordance therewith. MAY a 1� Adopted by the Counc>> , 19 519�5 � •ty Clerk. , Approved—_ MAY , 19 � - � � Mayor. - Councilmen: Da 1 g 1 i sh PUBI.fSNED �AY 8 ���� Holland � Loss ' / �— Mo�r n�'s�n— � v � J Pete rson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis .� _ , � /l�'�Q � � ; � �23314 , ,- OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W ORKS �����0 REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE February 3, 19 65 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St . Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works � having had under consideration the pre— li mi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 221662 Januar 27, 65 condemning and takin an easement approved_ y 19 relative to for .the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from subiect land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of sloaes. in the qradinq and surfacing with bituminou's material MACALESTER STREET from Hiahland Parkwav to Pinehurst Avenue and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $� � . � 2. A plan� profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto atta ,, �. and made a part hereof, , 3. Initiated by the Com �,Q��o�m�Q f Public Works � �' 1� �s� 4. Improvement i s a s � "o,,��po�n� p� ' ti on � �,. � M ������ G� �� � ����' ���� � �� � 9 �� � ��628��;�;yr'`""�4'� Commi ssi oner of Public Works �(6'M�1�Jdd OlV d 7H�/H - oo�o � - - - - �o � � i � ------- --- ' oNocv.s'`\�� z•o s'O ��/_ _o.-voa•.s . �p /Ot F'Ot-- � o B'� ` L F � , � � M 9%� ; o•Z t �i � � ti � . '� `� �. '` � h � � � . Q. \ � � � � " `? � °? si�,_ .e n � ' �' \ h � ry � \ � 8'0� SY+' l•, •,, N Jy� � . �1 � � 4 'v- � �V �v � � � � ro � y Q e � � � Q, . s i 6 0 �Q y � '` 80- � 9C+� N � �� � ►�s3-_..-.. � � � " � (���5( , �y� !� � � , � . �z � v �� �� � f��- Q 3 � �� zo- � �� � C, � vi � i� �z+ � � Z Cl , � Q � • � �, � � �- � � " �' � � Q � • �1 . � � o i� yE . 6s � Q �V � '� �'} �•E� �V v l . � � l) 6'£ _�'L �' h e i���z� 8.� � p.� 4� � � _ � � � � �; 'a �;: � 0 '� `� •;a ,�1s, Q �t `' 0 � � n, � � i� d�z - `� Y� \ ` � (�� 9L'�-� � o �1 � � �� � " �, O9 � � � , w Jr'i 190 o•i� ti • �903�Y %, ��' �� "��+,\ -�== • -'�- � — — ONol.�!� i� `� 'ONOGV,9 . , - - - --- --� -------- � „� ' ':� � 5882'r�'� - - ' 'r � �J . ' - • C. �;: ��d 1 sanH�iv�d � � ;� . . '; �:�-.,��4;: . . . ; � �M ���1 . ::.0I 3 ��� � ��t�� �h��. �� . ��° '��,:u", ti ` �e. �h 4'C. � �C': C �� � \,��3� � , �,•�.`�. �`a, o c �•tiF �� t ,° �� 4�p � �I � �y � � .� � a ��� � (1� � ,e�'�• . y ,.,' {J � �v.�`'�_.. �� . � � L Q � lV � � � � � � � '