223308 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK ����( CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL ND � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-G NERAL FORM � . �RESENTED EY DF�AN N�IDITH M&S �, 1965 COMMISSIONE DATF �. gESOLVIlDt _ , That the Council hereby grant permieaion to the St. Paul Jvnior Chamber of Commerce to use the eaet lane of Cedar Street in front of the Centenn.ial Bv.ilding,for the anrnlal St. Paul. Soap Boa Derby, to be held on Jvly. 24, 7.965, from about noon until approaimately 4t00 P.M. . MAY 4 �965 COUNCILiuIEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish MQ� t� ���� Holland � prove 19— Loss Tn F'SVOI' ' Meredith Peterson V Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ~' PUBLISHED MAY 8 ����r ions e-as