223295 t � ',y yI � � ������ ' t,._ `�� ORIGINAL TC CITY CLHHK '' � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa "� -� OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK F��E NO ' UNCIL R LUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY � �' COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED� That for the improvement o�' Jackson Street� the proper City officers are hereby authorized to accept a quit claim deed, dated April 12, 1g65, from the United States of �merica� acting by and through the Administrator of General Services � �Tashington� D. C. , conveying to the City of Saint Pa�.l the following described property: "An irregularly shaped pieee of land being that part of L'ot 5� Block 30, City of St. Paul� bounded by the � following described lines: - ' � Comm.encing at the intersection of the Southwesterly line of said Lot 5 and the Southeasterly line of widened Third Street (r�ow Kellogg Boulevard) � con- firmed July 28� 1872 by the Board of Public Works� ti City of St. Paul; thence Southeasterly on the , Southwesterly line of said Lot 5� a distance of 88.77 feet to a point; thence Northeasterly on a , " strai�ht line that makes an angle to the left � - - of 7$ 33•5' with the aforesaid Southwesterly__line_ __ � _ - � • - � .` Qf Lot 5 a distance of 10.74 feet to a point;`thence ` ' in a Northwester�ly direction on a straight line � ' t that makes,�an angle to the left of 90°Ot a distance �:� = of' 18.0 feet to a point; thenee in� a Northwesterly � - . direction on a straight line that makes an angle to�i , the left of 9°30� a distan.ce of 61.81 feet to a poi��t.; • � , � : thence on a curve to the right; whose radius is five `,-j.) feet and central angle is 99°23•5-� a distance of 8.67 feet to a point; thence in a Northwesterly direction on a straight line that makes an angle of 90°0' with the tangent of aforesaid curve� a distance of 2.27 �eet � to a point on the Southeasterly line of Kellogg Boulevard; thence in a Southwesterly direction on the F.��M 0 said Southeaster�y line of Kello�gy�Boulevard a distance of 23.06 feet to the point of beginning� exeept that part of said Lot 5,previously deecle"d to the City of sst. Cor•por on Counsat S t. Paul.} � • COUNCILMEN . Adopted by"the Councii 19— Yeas Nays � " Dalglish } Holland Approvec�'" 19— Los s ' Tn Favor Meredith . Peterson � M�yOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ' PUBLISHED MAY 8 �96J ions e�s � �, dRIGIHAL TO CITY CLERK ��� /�� r A ° � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO ¢ �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONEQ DATF Page 2. Subject to the rights of the United States� of America � for the continued occu ancy of an areaway located on the Southeasterly 2� feet of said described parcel." , Mp,� 41965 COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �A� 4�� . Hollaad Appro e� 19— Loss � Tn F'SVOr Meredith , I Peterson V �yOr A gBinSt Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED IVIAY 8 �96� . ions e-as � DUrLICC�T[TO r�INT[R � T�- CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�NCa NO � i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��� COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM �RESENTED�Y COMMISSIONE� DA� RESOLYED� The�t for the iffiproveaent of Jackson 3t�ee� the prop�r Cit� of�'3.c�r� �re hsr�b�r �uthoriaed to eeaep� a qu�t al�im d���i� da�ecl April 1?� 19b�� from the United Stat�a of Affi�riaa, a�cting by an.d through th� Acl�aini�taator of Qeneral 5�rvice�� Waahington� D. C. , conveySng to the City o�' S�int P�a,tl �he f'ollo�ring dssaribea propertys , "An irregularly shdped pie�e of ls►nd being �hat part , of Lot 5� Hlo�k 3� Ci�y of St. �'aul� boundecl by the �'ollowing d�aar�.bs�d line�s Comffiencing at the inter��ation of �he Sou�hxeaterly line of aaid Lot � and the 3outhessterly linm of �riden�d Third �tre�t (now Kellogg Boulevard) � eon- firm�d J'uly 28, 18�� by the Board of Publie Worka� City ot' St. Paul; thenae �outhea�t�rly on th� SouthWesterly 7.ine of' �e�id Lot �� a diatan�e of 88.�� i'eet to a point; th�nae Northe�aterly on a s�rai�ht line �hat makes en ein.gle to the l�ft of �8 33.5� with the afores��.d Scu�hw�a��rly line o� Zot 5 a� di�tance of 30.74 Peet to a► point th�n�s 3n a Northwe�terly diree�ion on � stroight 3.�e the►t makea �an an�le to �he left ot' 90 4 a diatanae � of 18.0 faet tq � poi.nt; th�nc� in s North�re�terly direation on � �trai�ht iine that makea an s�ngle to the left of 9°j0' a c1lst�nce ot 6i.81 femt to a point thence on a curv� to the right; whose r�dius ia t�v ��) ie�t �nd een�ral angle is 99�23.�� a diat�nc• of 8.67 t'�et to a� point th�na• in a Nor�hxeaterly dir�at�.on oa a straight l�ne tha� m�k�s �an �ng 1• of 90°0' wi�h the tangent of afore�aid Qurve� n di�tsnae of 2.2� fe�t � . to a point on the Southe�st�rly 1�.ne of Kellogg Boulevard; thene� �n a Sou�hwesteriy d�.reetion on �he �aid Southe�aterly lin� of I�ellogg Bou.levard �t dist�na• o� 23.Ob feet to the po3.nt of beginning� �acept thmt p�rt of ��id Lot 5 previou�ly deeded to the City of St. Paul. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland ApprovP�1 19— Loss Tn FAV02' Meredith Pete rs on �y°Y A$S1I19t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iont e�a DUrLICiAT[TO rRHNT6R � � '- CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�NCIL N���`�, �,,�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IRESENTED�Y COMMISSIONE� , DA� Page 2, Sub�ect to the rights of the United States of Ameria� for �he con�inued oecu ancy of an areaway lacated on �he Southeasterly 2� feet o� sa�.d desaribed parcel." MA,� 41965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 4,�Sc� Dalglis6 �A� C� Holland Approv� 19— Los s T*� Favor Meredith Peterson MsyOr A g$inBt Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� sas