223266 Slopes
G-�696 Council Ftile No...�,2��66
� Theundersignedhereby proposesthemakingofthefollowingpublicimprovement bythe City of Saint Paul,via.:
Condemninq and takinc�_an_easement in the land necessarY for the slopes, cuts and fills, includ-
.....................•--........---- ---•-•----...........-----------------.........................---•--............----•-----------------....----------•-------•-•---.....
ing right„of.__remo,v„al of lateral support..from subj.ect_,_l,and or remainder thereof� occasi_oned by
..------ ----- -•--. ..........-•---•-•----------------•----------....._.
excay.,�:�j.4l1�...�h�r�o�_or.,�on�,�ructi on of sl.opes_,i n_,the,__gradi ng__and__surfaci n_g_.wi,th..bi tuminous
material EAST WINONA STREET from Brown Rvenue to Andrew Street.
Dated thie.....4�h...........day of...MaY...........................................•--.....-•-----........... 61.`...
-----•................................. _ . .. .. . ...................--------.........
WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:
Condemning__and..taki_ng.._an__easement in the_.land_necessary__for_.the slopes�._cuts__and fills�_includ-
------•--.. ._...-•---------•-•--•- ---......_. ----------------�..
ing riqht_of_removal of lateral support_from subiect _land_or._remainder thereof, _occasioned by
--------••................................... . ... _
excavati ons thereof or constructi on of sl opes_.i n__the qradi ng and._surf�ci nq .wi th__bi_tumi nous
._---------•---•-----•..............................•------...---_.......----- -- - --....•--_•••-•-•- -•-...._.._...... - -•-----------
material.__EAST_IJINONA..STREET from Brown A_v_enu_�..to..�ndrew.Streett_________________________________________,._.__,.____,_.__
having been preeented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.........................................................................._.___..___
therefore, be it � - �- -
� - RESOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Public Worke be and ia hereby ordered and direoted: •
� 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid improvement.
2. To inveatigate the nature, extent and eatimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof.
3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement.
4. To state whether or not said improvement ia asked for on the petition of three or more owners.
.. b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattera to�the Commiesioner of Ftinance.
Adopted by the Counoil.--•------•----------------_-------._...--�QY-----�..���_.__.
Councilman Dalglish - , MaY 4 '�63�
HollandApproved-------------- -------------------...._._.........._._...------...___
Loss •
Roaen ----------- ----------- -- �-- ------------------•------ ...._.�__._____.___
Mx. PaBSin�rrr Vavoulis Mayor.
3000 7-b4
� �- � PUBLISHED MAY 8 19�
. �.