223264 Slopes .
� G-1631 r �2�4
Counoil File No..�a� _
and �
_—Theundersignedhereby proposeathemakingofthefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.:
Condemni ng_and�t,aki-Flg-.an-•�as��ment=i:n�the l�and -Flecessary,-for_._theyslo es �o,ts�and�:�
...fi°•}1•s;.,�irrc�irdT.�n -�r'i_ 1�`�bf':�e7rloi7a�1__'o°f _=qrt"f ................qM.......P.:._,��.�.....�e..ai.n ,-
,.,,.�.J � �Ta`tera.l+�supp ,rom su.bj ect �1=an�-o,r•,: r m der,
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ana�surfaci ng wi te��rlexcavati ons--tFie eof;�tj�,:�,gnst.r,�.c�.i.oC�,,,g£r.S_1'opes--.i.n...t.he-g�•ada�tig•
thereof ..:o_ c s'9n
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h bi tumi nous materi al IVY �V�t U from� 9ur�r Street to Desoto 5treef,
._DESO.T.O.,.SI13.EE-T._,f..r_om..,Br-a�•ner-d-�Avenwe••to•��Ivy-Avenue;••-CtARK'"`STREE�1'�'�`rohi"B'r'ai ne'r"d��Avenue
to Hyacinth Avenue and HYACINTH AVENUE fr�om Desoto Street to Arkwrig,ht Street!
Dated this....:.4tti..�.......day of-•---M�y----=----•........... ......................................... _b5 _`
...�.....�.....�...�..................�� ... .. ..... ............................'.."....��'
WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:
- --z= — — — —
__C,onc�,�m�in�..and„taking„an.,easement i,�_,the,,,�and,,�necessary for�the_sl.o�es��,..cats�a.nd �_
. t... _.,,ti..........
fi •1_1 s-;�.i-n�l.udi ng ri�ght• of`removal�.'o.f`�lat�ral�-=support' fr.om.subj ect. 1-and or remei�der •
�th er eo.f�;-�oc casi�oried�•-by-�exc a.v�a t i�or�s¢••t}t�e r-eo f•�•or:•{•co ns�-ru c t��on--af�-s-l�opes::_i-n�-.the`yg.r.a.d�ng
and Rsk�faci ng,'wi th bi tum�nqus_.meteri a.t:-T1fY AllENUE from°Bur.c .S.treet-�tos.�e�dto�Str,eet,
'�DE'5��7'0 �S7f���T"'from�Brai'�n�ercl°�lveriue�'o?�I'v""y._�Avenue;"'CL"R'IZK;��STRtET'"f'r`ofi"BYailSei`i�"'Ra'enu�
o._KXa�i;�t,h"�.�Ye[1Ue..a_nd..:FjY�.CINT�i��I�NUE.'from,�esoto=Street to Arkwright &treet. _
having been`•p�eaented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ._............._.........._._._. ...._..__..._.�.-.__._...._.__....._:..
�`he�efore, be it _ - . __ _. _._ .- � _�- --- -' _ - . - _�
RESOLVED, That the Commisaioner of Public Worke be and is hereby ordered and directed: '
1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the maldng of eaid improvement.
2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total aost thereof.
3. To furnieh a plan, profile or aketch of said improvement.
4. To state whether or not eQid improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more owners.
b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to t�h��¢.�mmiesioner of Finance.
, �A� o
Adoptedby the CounciL...................:..............................•--••---..._.............
Y�es � .
Councilman Dalgliah MA`( 4�
Ho11 and Approved.................................•-••--------........---......_.............
Loss •
Rosen . ------------------ ----- ----!���:..�.�_._��.��..._......�._.............
� M$. P$EISiDIDNT Vavoulis Mayor. �
3000 7-b4
� � � Pl16lISHE1l MAY 8 196� ,