223256 , . , . . � S,l opes �232�� • G-1732 Council �Yle No......................._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT � and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theunderaignedhereby proposesthemakingof thefollowingpublioimprovement by the City of 8aint Paul,via,: Condemnin� and takin�__an _easement in the land necessary for the slopes, _cuts and fills, includ- ......._.._. ........-- -- -------- --- -- •-•--•---... ...------------------....-----... ing riaht__of removal of lateral support__from.sub1ect_..land or remainder thereof occasioned by -------------•-••-------------•---•-----•-------- - -•-•-------•------------------._......-----............_...........------ exc�vatLi,ons,_thereof or,.construction:of slopes,�__i_n_,the_,gradi_ng__and_.surfacing__with._,bituminous .............. -- - material FA�:CON AVENUE from Winthrop__Street to McKnight_._Road�_______________ -----------------•-------..........._....-----•-------------••-• ----- ----- --------••----------.... ____...._.._. Dated thie....4th.............day of----Max-------•--•----.......---...---.......-•------------•----•---•-•-- 65 , � �1 ...�...�.�.....�......�..�.......�.....���.........�.�.��.....�..�...........���..�.�..��.�..�.�.�.. CiOl1IIC1�AII. w PRELIMINARY ORDER. a WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for _the slopes, cuts and fills, includ- ..............•---...--- --•-•---.._. .._........-------..._...____..-------------------- ...._._.__..............---•--•---.........--------------._._-- ing ri_qht__of__removal__of__lateral support__from subiect__1_and or remainder thereof occasioned by ------ ------------•--- --- ------•.......................•-•----•-•----------••--•--.._..._...------ excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the �rading and surf.acing with _bituminous -------------------•-•.._..------•-•--------•--•----•-•------•._.�_...-•-•-----•--•---- •-••-•--- material FALCON AUENUE from �linthrop Street to McKni�ht Road: _ _ _ _ __ � __ _ _ ...............•--•------...•---•---...........•-•--•-----..........------------•-•---•----...-------•----•---- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul......................._...____._.._......_.._._........_..._._.............._.,._._ therefore, be it � RFSOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Public Worka be and is hereby orderad and directed: _ 1. To investigate the neceseity for, or deairability of, the maldng of eaid improvement. 2. To inveatigate the nature, extent and eatimated coet of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. 4. To state whe�ther or not eaid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the ���ioner of F�nance. , � MAY Adopted by the Council._._._..--•----------•---•--------•-----------------•----------------•----- � . Y�e� MAY � 4 � Councilman Dalglish ' �''�'�� Hol land Approved............... ... Loss • _��. ,�� Meredith �— �. � Peterson , � :.F _r f �' Roaen .._..°-°--- --._..».----- ---'._.....-°----_•-'-_--.._._.._._._.__..._._.___ ' M$. PRF79IDEfNT V8VOL11�8 Mayor. �'.;f :: . � � � ��4 . � 196'S� � ' "� . Pl16LISHED MAY 8 :� -�. ,� t.k � � �' • ��! � �'�3,u •j � 1 ��• »