223250 , �� ����50 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEWK � . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rR�reu nr COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings is authorized to enter ugon the premises � described as Lot 10� Block 29� Subdivision of Blocks 28 & 29 in Brown and Ramseys Addition to Saint Paul� according to the - recorded plat thereof in the office of the Register of Deeds - of Ramsey County� Minnesota� also known as 496 (or 498) Omaha Street� and wreck and remove the one story frame dwelling and garage thereon, and to do any and all things therein necessary for the protection of life� limb and adjoining property. °Y/ 'i�sst. CorPo�tion Counsel MAY 4 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �A� �} d`.j'�' Dalglish Holland roved 19— Loss � Favor _ Meredith � ' Peterson v MaYor A gaiII3t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis pUgLISHED MAY 8 ��� ion� e�s �23250 DIXLICATG TO rRINT[R �, ' CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�NCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IRESENTED�Y COMMISSIONE� DA� RESOLVED� That the Commiss3oner of Parks and Reare��ion and Publie Huildings is �u�horized to enter ugon the premises described as Lot 10� BZoak 29� Subdivision of Blocks 28 & 29 1n Brown and Ramsays Addition �o Saint Pau1.� according to the recorded plat thereof in the office of the I�egister of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota� also knoWn as 496 (or 498) Omaha Street� and wreck and remove the one story frame dwelling and gsrage thereons and to do ar�y and all things therein necessary for the protection of life� limb and ad�oining property. MAY 4 i9Q5 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Opp�V � �� � �Iflf�i f Dalglish ` Holland Approv� 19— Loss , Tn Favor Meredith Peterson (� �ByOr A$'81IISt Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ioni e-as . �- � I . � ` CITY OF SAINT PAUI� ����� . . %''"�"'°'� r Capital of Minnesota _,; � :�' � . � .R � � � -,� ,,,., � , � _ � ��. : ' �5_^� - t' .�,� � �� �`OF�_ � � I�C S��` �..: '� � ' „ i _ .' Mq�4 � --:!�"x—�t�.°�'eLr .y ? �,... ;�i�,s �I � 118�l�j ' _ �-_ 5 C11y`= a��� 1��'' _�`�r � "`_ 'n„�`-�- - _�•� -�' x-.a'�.� _ `, �_ ' ..sA�.LtY_'� , s � A ��� w ,� � .±�r., '� .�'.� `` � � _ �� r� x ' r � �`2`�� t , •';":'` " ,:Y,f, , ,rl"�: .,.; � •�i — --'�,,� �,:c,�,�•� , '��" '1 -- BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 April 29, 1965 Hon. Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: Under date of March 31, 1965, a printed copy of Council File No. 222488 was mailed to " Leo L. and Florence Baker, 1848 Ivanway, Saint Paul CC: Thelma Steinmueller, 1724 Yorkshire St. ' which resolution directed the repair or wrecking and removal of the one~ story frame�dwelling and garage Q„�,.�n ,�.ot 10, Block 29, Sub�Blocks 28 a�el 2;�'Stinson, Brown,� Ramsey��ddi- tion to Saint, Paul, also known as 496 (or 498) Omaha Street, as published in the official paper. No appeal has been filed with this office for a rehearing of the condemnation proceedings and the structures have not been repaired or removed. Please proceed with the condemna- tion action, which will authorize the Commissioner of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings to enter upon the prop-- • erty and wreck and remove the structures thereon, and to do any and all things therein necessary for the protection of life, limb, and adjoining propert . Y s ru , Robert L. mes , CI TY ARCHI TECT A d �'� �`U , 3