06-172Council File # � ��Z. Green Sheet # 3029756 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by A Resolution Adopting an Out-of-State Travel Policy for Elected Officials � 3 Whereas, Minnesota Statutes 471.66 requires a local policy prescribing the conditions for travel outside 4 the State by elected officials; 6 Whereas, conditions that must be specified include: 7 When trauel outside the state is appropriate; 9 2. Applicable expense limits; 10 3. Procedures for approval of the trauel; 11 4. Public inspection of the policy must be allowed upon request; 12 5. Annual review of the policy is required; and, 13 6. Subsequent changes to the policy must be made by a recorded vote. 14 15 Whereas, the Saint Paul City Council strongly encourages elected officials to be active participants in 16 state, regional, and national associations that advocate on behalf of local government interests; and 17 18 Whereas, the Saint Paul City Council recognizes the value of civic and non-profit organizations 19 coordinating visits to other communities and regional centers; and 20 21 Whereas, the Saint Paul Citv Council acknowledges that there are other ublic purposes that may require 22 travel outside the State bv elected officials; and 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Whereas, the Saint Paul City Council has a long history and tradition of allocating money for the travel related purposes; and Whereas, the elected officials in Saint Paul have a history of appropriately managing travel budgets for legitimate public purposes; and Whereas, this policy is in direct response to a legislative mandate; Whereas, Attachxnent A contains the proposed policy for elected official out-of-state travel; Whereas, Attachment A will become part of the City Employment Policies on the Human Resources website; Now, therefore be it resolved that the City will adhere to the conditions specified above and does make Attachment A part of the City Employment Policies on the Human Resources website. 0(�- i�Z 43 44 Benanav Bostrom Thune Adopted by Council: Date ✓ Adoption Certified by C cil Secretary BY� �/G�Lfl�1C/��iZ_ Approve��. Date 3 6 �� By: 45 Requested by Depaztrnent of: � Form Approved by City Attomey By: Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: . _.... — . txa- ��Z Attachment A Revised Draft 3/1/06 ELECTED OFFICIAL OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL POLICY Pumose: The City of Saint Paul recognizes that there needs to be public �urpose for City paid travel outside the State bv its elected officials -��° °++:~~°° ~°��:- � ,°'.,° � �-~ '-�•,°';„� �,.' �� fi�e-state-for attendance at workshops, conferences, events, and other assignments. This policy sets forth the conditions under which out-of-state travel will be aip . d for =°�m�� by the City. General Guidelines When the event, workshop, conference or assigunent is submitted for approval, �st�ie uYYy ,oa ;., ..,,. ., o w...wo �:.. r,,....,.:i .,, ., �:,. � ........:. ...oe+:.,,. ,...,, ... .... an estimate must be included �� °��°� of the travel cost ^F*o�. In the case of the Mavor, approval shall be handled bv the Chief of Staff; and, the Director of Council Operations shall handle approval for the Citv Council. Approval is to be obtained in advance of travel and, for an unusual circumstance, apnroval mav be obtained after travel has occurced. In evaluating the ���* ��-�a*� travel request, the �'������' •°�" ���°�a°- *'^° f l � following will be considered: • Whether the elected official will be receiving training on issues relevant to the city or to his or her role as an elected official *'�� "�°°^- �r �° ���•����' �°�'-�-; • Whether the elected official will be meeting and networking with other elected officials from around the country to exchange ideas on topics of relevance to the City ar on the official roles of local elected officials. • Whether the elected official will be viewing a city facility or function that is similar in nature to one that is currenUy operating at, or under consideration by the City where the purpose for the trip is to study the facility or function to bring back ideas for #�ie consideration ^F'"° ���bv the Citv. • Whether the elected official has been specifically assigned'�- *�'.:��� to visit another city far the purpose of establishing a goodwill relationship such as a "sister-city" relationship. � �xn,�.t,,,...t,o vie,.+e,t ,.c�,,:,.t w.... wee« ,. ,.:r�:,...ii., ., ,.,,,.a �.�, .t,e r�,.....,.;t .,. fe�f;F. ,... 1.01...1F..1'�1.,. ,.:+...,� tl.e TT«;+,,,7 C`f,.�o.. /�........o,... ,.« s.. ..tl.e«..,;..,.....00+ .,:+1. F ,7e,...7 ..C�,.;..1.. ,.,.. 1.,.1..,7f..F+l.,, ,.:+., • Whether the city has sufficient funding auailable in the budget to pay the cost of the trip. 2. No reimbursements will be made for attendance at events sponsored by or affiliated with political parties. 3. The City Council reserves the rieht to approve out-of-state travel requests for elected officials on a case-by-case basis when warranted bv special conditions. This review will take place at a City Council meetine. 4. The city may make payments in advance for airfare, lodging and registration.i€ o,.:�,...n., ........,.. oa w. .w .. ..........:i r�.t,e._.n..o ..n .....,...,....,. ..,:n �.e ...,.a,. ,... ...i ...................... �we vie,.+„a ,.Fr,,.:..i 5. The City will reimburse for transportation, lodging, meals, registration, and incidental costs using the same procedures, limitations and guidelines outlined in the city's policy for out-of-state travel by city employees. � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � co -c�� Contact Person & Phone: Margare[ Egan 2fi6-&564 MLLStBE Of1 L'OU11C1{ Ag011 07-MAR-06 ContractType: RE-RESOLUTION o� mro�a: ��� �, Assign by�Date): Number For Routing Order Q(p - � ) Z Green Sheet NO: 3029786 0 IC neil I I 1 aeocil e [ ' r 2 3 4 5 ToFal # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Action Reques@d: Amending Coimcil File q06-29 allowing the Mayor's Chief of Staff and the Director of Council Opentions to approve requests for out- of-state travel by elected officials. Recommendatia�s: Appio�e (A) or F Planning Canmission CB Committae Ciwl Ser.ice Commission 1. Has this persorJfirtn e�er vmflced under a contract forthis departmerrt? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn e�er 6een a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any cwre�rt city employee? Yes Pb Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and atlach !o green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunily (Who, Wkat, When, Where, Why): 'Che original resolution specified that the City Council would consider items at a'City Council meeting. AdvanWges IFApproved: Disativantages NApproved: DisadvantageslfNotApproved: Total Amount of T2nsaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: �Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: February 22, 20061:56 PM Page 1