223210 \ �1 C�€JNCIL `$iLE NO. - , ',\ �
�� � �- � ��32�0
,`� ' BY . -
In the matter of
Openi ng, wideni ng and extend,i ng ARLINGTON AUENUE from .Sylvan S.treet to Jackson Street by �
conde�ining=and taking=the foll-owi g_descr_i;b�d-par=ceTs�of 1and�:�=s ` -- ''�""'^'J�`�''�~-" �.�^��
A1'1 that porti•on of�B1 ock H;�Sqo.1i ne:`PTat �Numbe"r_:2;�-{1 yi ng;so�i t�herl y� of a sf rai ght 1 i ne �.�'��
cor�mehci n.g-a.t a poi�nt* on���the west�;:l a,n�e;of�sai d ��l_ock H;--1.:26 -feet,nor-th of. the "southwest • ���t
�cor�er�of, s.�i d S1 ock `H, �extend�_ng..thence i_n :an.,easterl.y _di recti on to a:poi nt- on the east ��`
�line of said ,s'lock H,, 2,�35.:feet• northwestea�,Ly�of the sou:fheas;t=�corner`'o`f said�'B1`ock"H.`'r�
Al l those�p.Q�ti ori�.-of��L,'ots 8;tliroighr�6;i�n�`l�usi ve, a11T i n Bl ock 1�,��Gurney,r#Par�,�,�1 yi ng
�southe�l�y�ro�f�'fa�stra�i gfitl�'a1-a;ne'=�commen,ca r�g-�at.�a�poi rSf;Ton��f�he=eas�t�•1 i=ne--of 81�ock B�� �oo �!i ne
Plat Number 2, 6.18 feet nortFiwes,ter,ly of the southeast corner of�said Block;B, extendi ng I
� �• t.• � ' L4��-J� , . � ��":f �- 1`"i7
thence��f�t'�"a�ri.�l�asfe��l-y��i r-ect:i�on•�to-a�rpesirnt�n-�the�I'e"a`s��l i�nesof-•L-ot-8,-�8,37•f-ee��north-��of
the southeast corner of said Lot S. rlg1"'' . I
� �- 11'� t.� ��.- � � a � �. �` L�"` ,�4V" 1 �r' c '7 ^ S, IC`,� �1.8 ��� �L`,l 4„'.� �
Al 1 those p,o�.ti ons� ofd�ot=s"�"8�'Fi�°ou�gli'�'I�J�� iancl�usi�T.'e, a�1� �n�Bl o�k 1�3, 6Ge�ey P-ark 1 yi-ng�g
, southerl'y'�dfl a���s�Fei.�'�i�t���l•ti�ne�comrf�enc��h"��af-��a9 p3i�nt�on��Fie� we'st�-��l�i�nef'o1fYLco�B�l�7;�=9;;1�9�fee't I
north tofi�-�he'�sou`,tihwest corner of sai d Lot 17, extend i ng thence i n an easter 1 y di recti on to
_ 'a poi-nt on the east line of Lot 8, 12.83 feet north of the southeast corner of said Lot 8. �
A11 of those`�tpoTi��'ilo.ns33ofl�Lo�'s'��2� �fh o'�gfi��l �F��i`-it^c�l'�"s�i7ve;��at�'-1' �i�n��6•1 o''ck'��r4;xGu"r�nejr� P'a^r''�c;f l y`i ng '
� �F . I
� southe'i-�l-y�of-�a ts�t�'ma��"gFf�Y T:i'n*e�="c3?ninenc�i�ng°� at a poi nt on the west 1 i ne of Lot 1 l , 13.66 feet
+ [ior_t.h,�of the�sou�Hwes!t�corner�rof�said�"Loti l�,l:;f=extend�i'ngyth�ericefi°n'a°nfeasferl�y"�`di=r`ecfi'on'�
' to�a_.po,in� on.�th.e',_eastrl9ne:.of;Lot�;2,`:•1>7:30;f.eet,`nocth'�of3thie'southeast corner of said Lot
� 2 i - :t':��!i '�.r.l �,^t't � � 'a^_ * ��1 1�1 1'�G . : L �'i��L'�3a� r i'f`. . '�r."'_. ' i : .�.t.� .t,�l� ��4 �' ' �
� Al so�b.y_��condemni�ng iand��taki�ng anteasement foc'�street' purposes �on'and -ecross �al-1` tHose'°`;? • �
port;i_ons#of�Blocks�E.� and�;B.;.�i_n:S:oo;.Cine_Pla�t��Number:2;:and+`vacated'Gu"r"ney Street��ar;l,r"a�s� �+
� des,c,'r�i;6ed�tielo�+rG.,Corgmenci,ng�at the:'so.utfiwest corner• of�:.B�loakr6,.�thence'.2:85� feet=northwesterly
� on]therrvest��rl°i�ne�,of�.saad�BlockFE,�t,hence ea�sfer.ly�on�a�sfr�ai.�ht' tine�to•ar'poi'rit�on�th'e"�east � �.
� l;i_ne3�oft9�lock�B'i,+6-o,l'8�f.ee�r.n'orthwes�ter�l�,y�.of,�.tlieris�outhea's?t c'orner�of: saici361;ock�,B;�Gthenc�e' j
sou�theaster, 1�7�tg�;�tMefsoutheast�:�orner,yofi'�sai"d� B�1:ockcB;_�thence�w�sterxt'y tocthe"'poi:nt'of:���
Ib.egi�Enni rig_.a�x +�;�"i��r�yL�:;-rc`i�t-� "�o G �a�;� " ,,:: t±i;1 �.�st�'t i•�r. :ir •t o#_ ''3= #�.,3 i ;�.:_: n�;'�h ufi �;
Al:so�condemo�:.ng�.anc��*taki ngian.�E�sement i n �the;land necessary for sl opes, cuts and �fi 1 is, and i�
, t'empo,c;a�y_ Eo�ns:truatt�,on�e+aseme'nts.,5��a�1,lli-ncl'uding�tlie r:i:gh,t�'ofi�r�emoveb of�rl�at'eral'�s�3ppor.t from `
. . .,
� su.bj:ec:t't l�ancl' or �remei;i�de�ither_eof'eo�casi aned� by fc�ons-truc�t:i on,work.tiot�Fi wi thi n�aod �kiP-5c�� - ,
' o,r�ou.tsi de;�of�the�s.treetUb�oun'dary,al i�ries�fo_r:1t�h.e�nr��.��;;r��`r►�iv�r.g- Ci�.;;ti.I:t�'F�.+�. nv�t�y?� fr':�r� ='
r o.s�,.��re::��b2oc���o''ss�}���uc��; o�I�pr.�`��1CL�:i,�Q�6-�e���Fit� ��e�;�#�=st�r� t�� ri,�ttt � �.h t�, `�
L� �a� L euA � u �'� a r�ud�j s
�� 9�y�i4,:��'ei� i'�iti F �'�' �U�GO/itl61.:���9�CtF�EitA1. ����.��'l�'t+u��l��:� G�� `i`li3 �X�'-S` '1�� �j��R� ��� '
����"� s �bu����}�d�N ,�ir;�Nti��':� � �y - 5s�: a u ,�, �co�b �.e �U f�
� rt� �• -�r r� �, �{ �
� ��w.�i�iWata�, b��r��'�'��i�b�L��A���ztij��l.��a�o�grlp�,���i:.4Q. _„����:iT� � �pMU61.2E�,o�� i °��K�ii� �o�
� � �r� M C ?�*!�Qy�Q�i�f��g�$i �E�- � ���c ;�cr�°c� c R. r��� r.^ �
u. g . o�.�sP��? r��`�rs�tib�ob��`� � �' � �1'. '���9u � ��s�.� ��:on� �'u�a �I��'i.s�o� �
�.���d ���i��rt,��r.- �;r' �;��n� ;iG��l���t?.�ib�u��ro�,;.tsni?s],���:.*f�Q�lf�.�►.iah�``"'�i�9MC�z� g� .
a� � � � � � 1�
�-�a o . �f � � �t •- ��:.��F.k�a :�,t-�'--�t-s�°'_., r _� Sa
Qlt6����'1,1� 1 � i�-'�-�°R `�-" cT"4���;'�: ���t4"r'# rh �
`A`lso�•'by``co'n'demn.i.ngp'andlt�ak:i;ng.�an�{ea.sement; f.or �treet,rpurposes.' onv�end- across� al�l ;tF�ose ..f- �
t r .-.�. . ..,� L• s
,� porti�ons`�'a.fs'Bl ocks�cE �and��B;� i"n�$oo� Li ne Pl at Number 2, and vacated Gurney Street al 1 as
, ��d'e'sc`r-i�li"ed :bel�ow�srt� Cofnmenci ng at��ctM��so;u,thi�es:t.�tco,r�r�er�,z;o;f ��l oek•:_E, ;t�h�er�,ce�;2�785��,feet;�o�r.thwesterl y
•`oria�t��ie"'�3�s�t� l�i netro.ficsaidl`b1:ock=:`£;tt.he�ncexteastert:y� on:a.`str.a_i�ghb�::.l i r�e- t�oy�a ;poi nt��oJn •--E�he: east
j� �l:irne`� of�B�l�ock5i6;�'6:1'� f:ee�:;�brtthwes:ter:lty:, o.f�yth,e:ts,qu:t;heast„co,�-ner�.of?sai�d;;`B-t,o#ck�•;&,��tk�ence,;�;
.��'so�lt±heasfier'<l�j�.to�=t'he�'�soU�heas�t� co,rn"e'i-.of +"s;a�� r$Jko;ck tB;; �thert.ce�;�wes�t�_rl;y,�to:}tlZer po�;i;nt bof� Q�
! �'b`egi=nni�ng:':'� p��"t�or�� o� �at� � k!t��uc�n 1�, �s►elus�v��- �fi �n �;t�'� �4� �'�:�Pn�j� Fatn. lping
��`i41-s*o`��co'r�e�ni=ng�fand�ctaki�,rsg��rrce�s-ement; i.n° t,he;�l�an�! ;necessa�Ys�fo.r js_t opes���cu�t;s� an�d ff,i 1�1 s,� and
!'rtemp'br-a�ryd��oris��:�'uz��ta'on cea3`emen.t:s,5rai1�.:1 ri,n�cl;ud; ng:�.theJ;ri,gh_ty�of��remova� wofs�la�e�-alt��upp�or�t fram.�..
I�s��abTecti'1`an'd� o`r:�"rema.itnd'er;;th.-e're,o_fc occas;i�n2d=cby,: �onstr�.�,c;ti�om wor,,�e�bot�;, w�,thi n� and �be;y�orLd�,� .i
�ar outside of the street boundary, lines for the grading and paving of ARLINGTON AVENUE from
�2'i�ce �S;tr.eet`�t�ofiJacks�on ~S;t'reet;�;as_�w.el:l�;as re,ond,emn._i,�� �and��acqui_r�i n�g;�the,;;ri„ght�w�h;ch,��sbal l I
flie=i'n?��:hey�na:f`u�r�e.Cof�: an:cea"sement��,�to�es-t_atil;i�s.h �th���gra'c�,e;an�,d �;to�4a;,l;,t;er,�th,e,yex.i•s�ti�r�g �g;r�ade? i n i
I �sa-i:d°�Ar.la ng.t'dn:AAvenue.�whi=chj c,ond.�mna.�i�on;tiat�d acqui si ti;on;,s�h, ,a•1 1��;�c�cl�ude. theu taki ng ,o;f�a 1.1`��£��� i
;�ri gkit;'tic:l��a.ir�;��oi- Gi:nt:ere'st�iof,�f-aLi;u,tti:ng,rprQperit.y,��owners� i�rti�a�,yy•g�ade;�,heretofrorely,exi,:st�i;ng �yn,,t I
2siai:d �A''r.l�i ng`'ton��v!eriue;�.antl tpr.�ovi,di.ng���therefor,,;and;;.aut_h,�or,i zi,r�g-�the,�es�;t�b�l i�shree_nt,rof�;grac�e '
;`a"nd-�cF►_ange'of �exi's�t=i ng�i�r'ade.t�i m::a�ccord:a-nee�sw:i th cDr,awiyng:�No�.,,�939�:P_av�`ng;�,dr,awer�,�l�,� dated ;
�N�ovember�-.19, �.l 964;.�on, fi 1 e� i�n the Department of Publ i c Works; and further, provi di ng therefor
� �'and� aZt�laor-i�zi-ng,��whereFyappropr.�-a;te,,��awards_FFt�o?c.qmpe,nsa-te;aab.ut�,i�ng;;owne;s�for; a.l,l; t,a{�i�ng, or;� , f�
damagi ng of pri vate"property �resul:ti'ng �:tn•s'�7bj,ect proper.ti es Yand i ncorpor,;ati;,ng al 1 such � , ..
��compensati on:to rwhi�.ch an a6ufti.ng .owner_ me,y° 6e �or;.-become ;en.ti�l,ed,.;i f; any., :i nt,o:.FaPsi�ngl e .f
�'award s.wi th_r`espect;to: eacli�.pa'r_c'el 'of a.birt.ti ng -�rop.e�ty�. _ � . _ „-_, ��' : �+ ? • , -, _� - 'r�- #
ice reet o� ac son t.reet;..as� we as .con emning �an acquiring t e ric� .'_w_ �c sva` � _ _�r
;be�•i n tne �nature of'an easem�nt .to,;establ�i sh -the gr_ad��and to"a 1 t_er the�exi,s�ti�ng .gracte_i�n��� -' �, '
"sa�cJ Arl i ngton.AvenuE 'Whi'ch� condemna�ti:on, and��a�qui-si ti on �s'h�9 i_ i ricl ude= the "taki ng�of �11�. ' ` -'
`ri ght,`c 1 aim,- o�:i�terest_ �of`abutti,-ng;�prope`r'ty��owners i n -any grade: he�et.ofQ're Existi ng:,.i n : �
sai d Ar�a i.ngton-A�;venu�; -a:nc�� providi ng.�the'refor and� �uthor�zi ng'�the,. establ i_shment-.of�.�g.r�de;�-i �>'�'-;,
'and .�hange of exa_sti ng �grade i n accordattce wi th ,Drawi rig N6. �939,- pavi ng `dray�e.� �.12;.;da-te�.��=' -
November. 19,� 1;964r-on.fi l�_•i n the Department� of� Public'Works�; ind;further,��providirig t�ierefor '
and authori zi ng;�,where''appropri ate; �awa`rds to compensate, abu�tti�g_ owners�for'al�l: taki�g��or , _
,:�lemagi ng of� pri vate,'property resul ti�� to s,u'bject, pi-operti es �a�na• i ncorpo"r�ti ng °al,l suc�;'� = -,�� -
compensati.on�to`uvhTGh an�abu-tt'i ng�owvrier: may°'be �o� bec�ome enti tled`;.'i f� any,`,.i.ntQ a :si,ngle �,- -
award :,wi;th ,respect to each_ aarcel .of abutti na�orooertv. _._:: .y' .. . " - . - " _� _ :. . _ ' ..
r * �. ��.
�- . . -r �� y��,f
January 14, lq 65
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St . Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works , having had under consideration the pre—
liminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 22079$ �'
approved_ November 24, 19 64 relative to
... ,... . . . _. . .._..._.. .. ........ ........ . . ... ._.. .. ._ .�—::- -...:..— wj ,,�, �
� 0 en widar s►rcf ext�nd ►l3tLINCTON ,AVE11iT$ f� S Ivan Stre�t to„Jack�oA Stra�C b 'f+rCt ;� '�`;.
P . y Y... :
condemning nnd"ta�irg -th� �ollo�e�ing ds�arSbed pnrc�ls o� lnad�t t' 4= '
• �'a•` � ' �1►,-•�- r �
4 •. . . . �`_ �-n�+�. -�..�`�r •4 . • .. . rl��, �
All Lhat portion""�of Block'�8� 8ao Lina �'lat �tumbar 2;`'���ing;soutl�erly of a strai�ht lins . • .
coaunencing at a point.���an..tha wa�t lin� 'oP said Bloc� g� 1:2Y6 �eet north o!� the south`+tot � � �
cornnr of �nid Block F1. sxtandiag thes�ce in un esat�rly dir�ction ta a poiat on ths sast� i `
line of said t H 2.85 ts�t northwesLariy oP tb� soutbsut •¢ornsr of •aid Block H. =� '
� ,B/e �►+� .... . . ... . , . . .......� - �
.� . � ''•r
� All thosa portiona of Lota 8 tbru lb, inclu��ive. all in Bloak lZ. Ourn�q Perk. lyin� ;• �� a
� aoutherly of n �traight lin� cosa�nencing at a poiut om tha eut lis�s of Block B� Soo '
� Line P'lat D6umbes Y. 6.18 f�et northweatarlq o! Chs sauthaast corn�r ot° said Dlock B� --- �� ,
� �xtending th�ce in an �astarlq direction to n point ou Ch� oast lina ot Lot 8. 8.37
;, feet north ot thQ ac�utheeat cors�er of•aaid�Lot 8. � � � ��-'• �•� ,
� ,'•All those porLiono oF Lota 8� thru 17;' inclu�ive; all 'it� Block 1�. Qiirn�q Yark. lyin� • '�
' southorly of a atraight lir�s c�en�ing at a point on ttu �vest lina oY Lat 17, 9.19 • .' -
i" foet north of the gouth�s�t aornor of onid Lat 17. extendin� thenca in an •asterly. �
� direction to a point on,tba oa�t li�p ot Lot 8;',12.83 �aat:nortL ot ths southQas¢ ° ,
• corner og said Lot 8. ` ��;
� . .., �, , . . . .. . ,, � . . . . , . � • .
,� ,,
All of those,portions of Lots Z thtu�li,� inclusive. all in Block 14� Gurney�Park� lqing ,
aouthsr2y of a atre�igbt line aomm�ncing :at a point an tha'�at line of Lot I1, .13.66 fast � .
Aorth of t�o �outhw�eL �carnor af ia1cl,Lot 11. extandin� theAar ir sn aastsrly d�r�ctiop �
to � point on tha �aa�t lin4 at 1.ot 2. 17.30 fe�t north of tba southQast cora�r o! •�id . ,
' Lot 2. , ' , , ' ., , • , ..,�� , 1;. - � .,._ • . � , ' . ? . • , . - .
.,. °;� .
.. .z : , .. _ . . . , . . . , .
, .' . Alao by condemnin� and taking an,oasement for atreet purpoa�c on �ad.n�ross nll • ,� �
� � those por�ions a$ Bloclw � and H. in goQ Lina I'lat I�umber 2. and vacated Curney Str�et � ` �'
� • ell aa dQacribc�d belows Commenaiag at the southwca�t corner of Block'E, thenc� 2.85 fs�t ' �
; northwec��rly on the we�t line of aaid $lock 8, thence east�rly on a ��atrnigbt lina to a '
; point on th� eact line o� Block B� 6.18 fQat northws�terly of tha sauthn�►st corner of , �:���
' ' eaid Block B� thence Fou�heasterly�ta tho �out�aa�C _cornar of �sid Slock B,, ChQ�cs ' - . ' .-
' w��taxly �o the point of beginniag. � ' ' ' ' " ' '�' ` ' � ' � � " '
� � . . . , . � ' � - � � � • • • r ; f ,.. ,� • ,. � , z
Also condemnin� and taking ari e4s�ment in ,the land nea�as�ry for alopea� cuts and y ��
, fills nnd temporary cons�retction easem�nts� all including th� rtght o� .z�+e�oval of lateral -
cupport from �ub ject land or .remainder thersof occae��ne�d .by conatruc�tion �,rork both �ithin ; �
� end beyond or ate��id� o� the streat bou�dary 1lnam� for th� grading �nd'paving af ARLIPtGTOp
AVEtNF fram &ice .Street to JeakBOn SCreot� aa, well ea aondamning ead�acquiring th� right �,
� which ahall b� in the neturs o£ an �es�m�nt to satablish the gredQ and to elter the �xist• '
, ing grade f.n �aid Arlington' Avemi�� �wbirh•ao�demna�tion and acquiaition �1�11 includ• tha �� ��
taking of all rigbr, alaim. or interest of abutting property o�inera i� any grndQ herato- ;
fore exist�.ng in ,��id Arlin$tan Avenuez and provi8ing tb�reFore wad �►uthorizing the �
u tebliebment of grnde and chenge of �e►xisting gsado in acoaxdancs With nraving No. 939� . -
pavin� drst�r 12� dat�d povember 19. 1964� on f il� in th� Dap�rtmant of 1'ub11a iJorka; ' ,
. and. furthor, providia� thereforn end �nthori�ing, �ofi�r�•apgsopriats. avards to car�u�sat� °
. 8but��!n� oweoro for 411 takim� or dameging ot pxivaCa prop�rty'.r�sul�i�� to aub�sat .,
proporzie� end incorpor�tit�g �ll����uch companoetiots to vhiab'�r� abutting �o`nisr �aaq be o= ; .�
�beco�a �ntitl�d. i# aaq� ia�o,'a sian�l�'�w►nrd,witb �esy�ct �to �aoL par�l� e� �buttin� '
t . , ., . �, � ,t ,
proparty. a�•,, *� •'�1tJ, i-�•,�. .�^, �i ,+ _ , 'f 'fP,.�'Y i.s!'�.;�:`{:� `,+�i., ,i • ,.
- � � . .. . ._. . . \' . .