223739 ORIQINAL TO CITY CLEWK 223►�39 � � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ' FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COU IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � � �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE DAT� WHEREAS, �oun.cil File No. 125633, Ordina.nee No. 8359, approved April 2� 1942 and now incorporated into �he St. Paul Legislative �ode as Chapter 231, �rovides� a.mong other things, for the payment of the cost of the maintenance of in.tereeptor sewers and pumping�s�ations from-�Yie proceeds of sewer rentals; and ,� .l�' � - "� . � WHEREA�, ��Council File No. 136409, approved A2ay 14, 1g46, provides for the establishment of a special fund to be �own as the- Intereeptor.�ewer Maintenance Ftln.d, to be f inanced from sewer rentals as anthorized in said Ordinan.ce No. 8359; �d � WHEREAS, in the preparation of the 1965 budget, after discussions with the accountan.t in the Publie Works �epartment, it was the deciaion of the budget staff that this activity is properly a budget item and should be trea�ed in this ma.n.n.er, and� accordingly� it was ineluded as an. aativity in the Public Works Department� financed from- sewer rentals; and WHEREAS� in. consequence of the foregoing� the terms� provisions and conditions of t�e aforesaid Resolution� C. F. No. 136409, approved May 14� 19�-6� are no longer necessary or appropriate, now, therefore, be it RE�OLVED� That the Resolution of the Coun.cil� Council File No. 136409, approved May 14� 1946, and all of the terms� provisions and conditions thereof� are hereby rescinded. . � . E'ORM APPROVED r Ass�.�Corporati�o Counsel JUN 1 � COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��n' � q � Dalglish �1� 1 Holland ( Appro 19— Loss _ � Tn FAVOr � � Meredith ) � Peterson �L'f!I!g �y�r A gainst -&:,v^ca ..� � ����� PU$LISHED JUN 5 1965 Ml�.Vice Prasiderit (Rosen� � ions e-ds DUrl.i�l1T[TO rRINT[R 223��g �. CITY OF ST. PAUL FO�UNCIL NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORt�! FRESENTED �Y COMMISSIONE� DATF wHEREA�, Coun.Qil File No. 12�633, Ordiz�noe xo. _8359, �.pproved April 2, 1942 and now in.corporated into the St. Paul L�gi�lativ� Cod� as Chapter 231� provid�s� �mong other thingss for �he payment oi' the cost of the m�intenance of intsrc�ptor �ewer� and pumping stations from the proceeds of sewer r�ntal�; s�nd WH£REA�S� Council FYle No. 136409, approved May 14� 1946, provides for the est�blishment of a special fund to be known �s th� Interc�ptor Sewer Maintenanc� �.ind� to be fin�nc�d from gewer r�ntals as authoriz�d in said Ordinan,ce No. 8359; �nd WHEREAS in the preparation o� the 1965 budg�t� aft�r disQUSSions with �he a�countant in the Public Works Department� it �►ras the deaision ot' the budget staff that this activity is properly a budget item and should be treated in this man.ner, and� acaordingly� it was inaluded as an aativity 3n the Publia Works Departm�ent� financ�d from sewer rentals; and WHEREAS, in vonsequenc• of the for�going the terms, provisions and aonditions of the aforesaid Resolut�on� C. F. No. 136409� approved May 14, 1946, ar• no longer neoessary or appropriate, now� theret'ore� be it RESOLVED� That the Resolution of the Council� Council File No. 136409, approved May 14� 1946, and all of the t�rm�� prov3s�ons and conditions thereof� are hereby r�soinded, JUN 11965 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �UN �- �`�'� Dalglish Holland Approve� 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Pete rs on � MAyOr —R�� A 881nst .�'eE��4r�"ai�a���°� Mr,�J�ce President (Rosen) io�s aas