223726 . , - ; ; �� ,, �,
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� � CaUNG`TL FILE NO.--��-'
� FINAL ORDER . � � .
By ' r
File No. �57��
In the Matter of .co�t�e�ructing a public �ewer in 8os� Av�au� Eraa a poiat 125 feee ,
more or less waat of Germain Stree� to Ha�+elwood �Cr�et _ = � .
' ,� ' - " � .
� � . � 'y
' - under Prelimina,ry Order 2214qA approved Ja�i»a�r�15., 1965
t . �
h Intermediary Order � a�pproved �
A public hearing having been had upon'the above improvement upon due notice,, and the Council
� having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered
the same; therefore, be it - �
RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im-
provement ta be made by the said C'ity is � `
� to construct a public ,s�w�z in Rosa Avenue frbo� a point 125 feet more os less�iaext.
of Germ.siu Str�et to fla��lwood Stx@e� . - .
� " , - _ .
f - _ .
and the Council hereby ordera said improvement to be made. �
RESOI.VED FURTIi�R,'That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and
directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for` -
� approval; that upon said approval, the pro�er city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro-
ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. .
- � - - � � . �N 11965
COUNG'II�MEN ' Adopted by the Counci -
' Yeas ' " � °
�alglisfl Nays \ . , . - .����
1-lollan� Approve �UN 1 ' ` �
Loss , .`. . -
� � Nlereditl3 . - � .
peterso�i. Tn Favor
�-�Stn- - , � � C 1n9 3Vlayor
,..�+;.�et� ,
s�o:s:°i�?:e::°�:t:_i��g��; . A �����
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° �;�8�de�i. , Ptis�s�u JUN 5 1965
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GEORGE M.SHEPARD C�I T Y O F S-AY�I N T �PAi�J` e M ��� I ��-`
� STREET AND HIGHWAY � ,. -M=� �{�Y+ ��y 3 �(�ry� ENGIN6ff
.ENGINEERING COORDINATOR '.::�,•�.. "P"" a� 6���. t� M w' 4 i�,
'"'��,,�, - ,�,,,�;�,�Qapital of Minnesota _:��y��'�" � �R^"�'��TES-r�R
., :__ a.�`""'�" -t� 'w ����-�_ ^SU INT�ENDENT�' A ATION_,-�.
y, ,M�'�ti� '"��-� DEPARTMENT�OF�UBCIC' +ORKS,;,��^ ,�;. ;;�_�, , � �'�
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, � �r. .,,, „4„r��� _ 234�,Ci_f;�,�Hall-&�Court House.�51�02- � � r ,����
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�7�, ��' +„�i� � �MILTON ROS,��,' � 'J � � � � ���� e ��
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�. � Commissionery--� �� '
� � "*9:���-.�'w�w�'�s��'�~� BEHRENS'0`tsrr,tisr�. � 1 � l 1 �.
�b C1 _ - _ WIL�'IAM P._ . _ - • - , , ' t � -
x� ,s,.�,^ ,......,.-. ,� r�` Dep�°Commiss o�`o'e��"� �� � L ' _
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o,,.. . 1
February 19, 1965
flon. James J. Dalglish
Commissioner of Finance �����
City of Saint Paul
Dear Sir: Y
I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construc-
tion of a public sewer in ROSS AVENLTE from Germain Street to Hazelwood Street
under Preliminary Order C. F. 221499, approved January 15, 1965.
It is the intention of the Department of Public Works to include
this proposed sewer project in the grading and resurfacing contract for Ross
Avenue from Hazelwood Street to Germain Street.
Estimated Construction Cost $4,481.00
Engineering 10% 448.10 �
Inspection 2% 89.62
Finance Dept. Charges 86.40
Assessmenta 5,105.12
Assessable Frontage 550 ft.
Coat per front foot 9.30 �
rs very truly,
. � t �
C.�/. �-C�.iL..eir�
ohn A. DesLauriers ���
JAD/jd Sewer Engineer
� �.�'Z2����251s�j• B
�, � Deputy Commissioner
Eugene V. Avery, Chief En ��cyMil Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works
� FE�s�
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February 19, 1 q 65
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St . Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre—
liminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 221499
approved January 15, 1965 relative to
Construct public sewer in ROSS AVENUE from Germain Street to Hazelwood Street
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby
1, The estimated cost thereof is $� 5,105.12
2. A plan� profile etch of said improvement is hereto attac
and made a �� he�eof 6�j� �
3, Initiated ^ �eC om�iss3w er of Public Works
.._. �►C �1Vr c..�
.n �D � �
4, Improvemen i s�,�Id�e��or `°' on peti ti on '�
lcr,��'�1`�v—'��; �L
��` y ,�c<, MI N �`�'
d�b g �g� By�'
Deputy Commissioner
Commi ssi oner of Public Works
'* .� ,� ' • -1
�� . .- � z 3 7-��
T0: James J. Dalglish, Commissioner of Finance
FR�lMs J. William Dononan, �sst. Valuation �ngineer
D�LTE: May 3, 1965
� � SUBJECTs Gradfng of Ross Avenue bet�reen Hazel�rood and Germafn
' S'�reets and constructing a sewer required to serve
� abt�tting frnntages.
Both of these orders come before the Council on the petitions of
three abutting property owners. The original estimates of the
costs on these pro,jects were' based on our usual formulas for
assessing corrier lots and reducing the assessable frontages for
lots which�are substantially belov the proposed street grade.
These formUl.as res�].ted in the folloWin� estimated rates per assess-
able foot: ,
Crrading - �17.00
Se�aer - � 9•3�
The four cosners ia this block have been developed so as to face
Hazelwood and Germain Streets, an.d the outstanding s�otices restil.ted
ia protests from these owners that they were being assessecl exces-
sively for the development in the central area of the block which
req�ires considerable cut aad fi11 to provide a usable street grade.
The ground con�onrs in this area are vnusually erratic and, in gen-
eral, conld be described as a gradnaZ rise commencing at HazelWOOd
Street and ending in a knoll �rhich is approxima.tely 12 feet above
the grade of Hazelwood, and then dropping abruptly to a grade about
10 feet beloW the grade of Hazelwood and 25 feet below the grade of
Germain �treet. Interior lo�s, represen�ing about 340 feet of
frontage, will be approximately 1!� feet be1oW the grade of future
Ross Street.
The proposed grading would consist of removing the present rise in
grade and the knoll ar�d using the material to fill the valley sec-
tion. This, of course, would result in a cut approxima�ing 12 feet
in the knoll section of the present terrain. .$.fter further study
of the problem and viewing the area in question, I �rould recommend
a depart�re from the nsual formulas for assessing. improvements of
this type and that the following formu].as agply:
1. that the corner lots �hose loc�g sides abut the pro_
posed improveme�t be assessed �0� of the actual front-
age instead of the usual formula of 50;� of the actual
frontage, restricted to a depth of 125 feet;
� �� 3
� - ; 7� 6
rRay 26,�965
Grege Beckett
St. Paul Fublic ��orks Dept.
City Hall
St. Paul, P•_innesota
Dear Sir:
I Yrithdraw as petitioner for the grading and surfacing of and ir,-
, �, �
stallatiori of sewer in Roes Avenue between Hazelwood Street and Ger�ain
t . ' .
. �i�,���y�.'.'� � ,/��z���C /� h ����
. 3 6
' ` �� �� ,
� � :
�:ay ��, i 9 E5
Grege Beckett ,
St. Paul Ptitblic ;�orks Dep�.
City Yall
. St. Paul, P•:in�esota
Be�r Sir:
Because of the high construct�.on cost and other reasons, we the
undersigned rroperty owners on Ross Avenue request the City at the public
rehearing now scheduled #'or June 1 , 19E5, to disapprove the grading and
surf�cing of and installation of setiaer in Ross Avenue between Ger�rain
Street and Hazels•rood Stre��t. - ' .
`�' � ��� .��.�?� ��%� .� ���-�.
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_ 2 _ ` - . -_ -. . " - - . � ,
r�ay 3, 1965 � _
2. that where the sewer abuts the corner lot, said corner
lots be assessed a maximum of �75.00, without restric-
tion as to the depth of the lot;
3. that all other lots and parcels of land abutting only
- on Ross Street be asse.ssed oa the basis of their ftil.l
frontage with no allowance given because of the pro_
pertyts el�rration being beloW the grade of t.he future
Ross Street.
These fot�tulas wonld result in the folloHing estimated rates per
assessable foot:
- Grading - ��1l�.25
� Szwer - � 7•28
The revised formulas are saggested onl� because botY� of �hese orders
are unique aad present development problems. The petitioners are
the o�rners of practically all of the low-lying lots and should recog-
nize that the primary benefit is to the low-lyi�g properties.
In order that the property owners may be advised as to the basis on
which the hearir�q is held, I wot�l.d fnrther recommend that these mat-
ters and the hearing on the slope easements be laid over to the lst � '- '
day of Jvne, 1965, vith new notices to be sent to the property owners.
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