06-154Return copy to: (BJE) Council �71e # O S PW/Technical Services — Real Estate 1000 C7itp Hall Annex Green Sheet # ����(o�`1j �� RESOLUTION , CITY OF SAINT PAtJL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred to Committee: Date WHEREAS, On December 1, 2005, the Parks and Recreation Division of the City of Saint Paul ("Parks") requested the assistance of The Conservation Fund ("TCF") to acquire three contiguous parcels in ihe Highwood neighborhood of the City of Saint Paul, commonly refened to as "Henry Park" and shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, "Henry Park" is part of the City's strategic plan to add land to the city park system, and is a criucal part of the National Great River Park Plan that Pazks is developing for land in the City of Saint Paul near the Mississippi River; and WHEREAS, the TCF has successfully negotiated purchase options to acquire "Henry Park," and that upon exercise of those opuons TCF intends to purchase the property for subsequent sale to the City, in accordance with the following conditions: 1. The City would purchase the interest of TCF at a price not to exceed the fair market value, subjectto: a. the availability of acquisition funding and other usual purchase contract terms; and b. approval of any necessary subsequent agreements by the Mayor and City Council. 2. Upon purchase of "Henry Park" from TCF, the City would reimburse TCF for its direct costs of acquiring and holding the property, including tases, appraisals, environmental audits, closing costs, and interest @ 5% annually. The City also would pay TCF an administrauve fee of 4% of the purchase price; 3. The City would provide for management of the property during TCF's interim ownership and would patrol the property regulazly; 4. The City would ask TCF to consider holding the property for a period of up to 24 months in the event that City funding is not immediately availabie and additional time is needed to assemble the funding. After that period, the City would allow TCF to take measures to recoup its costs, including seiling the property privately; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul supports the efforts of TCF to acquire "Henry Park" on behalf of the City; and expresses the City's willingness and intent to work in partnership with TCF to subsequenfly purchase "Henry Park" in accordance with the above-mentioned conditions. council �le # Green Sheet # 0�-IS� 3 � Page 2 Requested by Depamnent of: Adopted by Council: Date � Adopuon Certified by Council Secretary By: /� Approved b� or: Date Z�/ — By: „ G:�Real EstateWqwsit�ons�E3enry Park�Counci7ResolutionDRAFT2 020706.doc Parks and Recreation B�: �f!�-�� ��,,��..�D Director Form Approved by City : � for Submission to Council � Green SheeE Green SheeE Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartrnerWofficelcouncD: Datelnitiated: �� � ( �� PR -���aR��,�, o�_FE� Green Sheet NO: 3029648 ConfacE Person & Pfione_ Bob Bierscheid 2665400 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Contract Type: RERESOLUf70N . ' uePartmenc aeni�a rerson 0 s d ecreation Assign 1 d ecmation De u�e tDirecYor Numbu 2 ' Atturnev Fof 3 or's � Mavor/Assistant Routing Order 4 undl 5 Clerk Cit� Qerk Total # of Signalure Pages _(Clip AII Locations for Signaturej Approval of a resolution expressing the City's intent to work with The Consezvafioa Fund to acquire properry in the Highwood neighbozhood for subsequent use as city park land Alannirg Commission CIB Committee GY�i Service Commission the Following Questions: 1. Has this persoNfirtn etier worked under a coMract for this tlepartment? Yes No 2. Has Mis personlfircn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this person/firm possess a skill not nwmally possessed by arry curtent city empioyee? Yes No Explain a!1 yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Inkiating Problem, lssues, OppoRuniEy (Who, What, When, Where, The City has the opportunity to acquire 11+ acres of wooded property in the Highwood azea of St. Paul for futvre use as pazk land, and [he current owners aze motivated to se1L The City doesn't have available funds for the pnrchase, and is seeking the funding from the 2006 Le;islature, The Conservation Fund is willing to acquire the property now and hold it for the Gity unti] the funding is secured. The City would then purchase the groperty from The Conseivation Fund. AdvantageslfApproved: The City wi11 be abie to secuxe pioperty for futare users of city pazk land ro enjoy. DisadvanWiles If Approved: The City would be commit6ng to incusing some costs (e.g., appraisal, env'uonmental testing, maintenance) even if the legislative funding is not securec3 and the City is unable to purchase the property. DisadvantapeslfNotApproved: The opportunity to acquire the pzoperry may be lost, as the sellers aze mofivated to sell to The Conservation Fund now. A delay could jeopazdize the purchase. Total Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Finaneeal lntarenation: (Explain) CosVRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. Febnrary 7, 2006 3:26 PM Page 1 ���i� E�ibit "A" Proposed "Henry Park" , . � t � ���.����� , 1 � .; ��. �_ a �S � �'�{ � ` �\ \ W� /� �� -.,�--`�`�,�/� J, t �/� . . — , . , i . ,. �. � , . , \ ,,` . . ,' ........... .—^ . . . .__. �_....._......._..�..—; ; , �� � ., - �- �.% �_ ;� . A� � ��� -� y ,., � ��= �, � ;, •. ; � .. \ Y v f .. ._, -,. � -,' , , ,, �, i ` , < -,' � _. � � .� � � r � � : _ , � ____ ' � _' . ✓' !+� .� .. � \ . ��. J � .• y�.,� _` ` _ � � '� -.zs� fti � ) t � � � /A, �'�. � � � � � �� . � - �S � l. y / : /�' ° �.. =�-, � � �;-. 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