223703 f I OR�INAL TO CITY CLEWK 23,�03� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE DATF �� 28s �65 1 � RESOLVBD� That th�e Camaf�l hereby conceirs in the award of the Contract Co�mittee ther�for and hereby arrarda contraat for furnishing tro� tie� to ti�e ae requiredy the service� a! 8lectricians ior the li[id�y Stadimr for period"o! one yaar from da�te o� City Comptroller$e acunter�igaataro on contxac�f to BOND TIESO SL�CTRIC C014�ANY: INC, in accordance with Ctty epecificstiona aad ths Forael Bid #].263 of said Bond-Tieso ffiectric Ccnpan��Inc. at tl� follawiag hoarl� rat�at , , Straight Tiss - a 6�56 ' � Tio�e and on�-ha�.! - 9�35 Doubis Ti�e 12.15 seech bid boing tha lowest and said Bond-Tieeo Blectria Co�tpanyt Inc� being e , � reasonabl� and rslieble bidder� the Corporation Comeaei ia h�r�by @iroct�d to draw np the proper !ar� of contract theretor and�e praper Citq o�tiaiale herob� � aro aerthorized ta eaceante eaia contract on beholf ot the Citq of St� g^ani� Foreal Bid �1283� _ � � MAY28 � COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays .;y N{AY 2 81965 Holland -• / prove 19_ Loss �� . Tn Favor Meredith X Peterson V MByor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED �qy 2 q 1q�� ,, iont e-as ,� +. _ ,� i � . � ��3'�03 DUrLICATE TO MtINT[R y CITY OF ST. PAUL oouHCa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO. i COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IRESENTED tY �31 ��, ,��S COMMISSIONE� DAT� RSSOLY�D� Tlset th� Couaoil h�r+�by concurs ia the awerd o� th� Contract Committe� thet��tor aad i�reby ��rda contraot !or �trtnlehing troed ti�re to tie� a�s reqte3rad� the ser�►icea ot El�c�rioiene !or the Id3.d�y �tadi�a inr p�riod o� on� year irnm dat� e� Citq Eo�ptroller$e countor�igna��cir� on contract� to 80t�ID TI�O �L�IC � CO"r�ANY, I2iE� ia �ocordenoe *►it� Cttq �p�citications and the �'orm�l Hid �].285 ot I, eaid Bond-Tiesa 8iecsts�io �Co�pax�.q�Inc� at the foilowing houriy ratQe: � Btraight Tire - #6,55 Ti.�e aard one-halt - 9�35 �oub�o Time 12t15 euch bid baing the lo�eet and sa�d �ond�Tioaa �otric Coaq�ny�, Iao. being a � I I reae�oneble and r�ii�blo �iictder� the Corporation Couns�l i� h�reby directed to � draw up the praper ior�x ot �oxstraot there�or andil� proper City otliciale h�reby ` are authori�d to eaeaut� �id ooatraat oa behalt o! tha Citq o4 St� Fr�ul„ ' ` I Formal �id �1288� I � � MAY ��� �� I COUNCILA�N � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ) Y 2 g 1965 p.�. �����8� � Holland Appro�� 19— Loss Tn FSVOP Meredith Peterson �ByOr � �881I1St Rosen ', Mr. President, Vavoulis I ioss sas I �