223700 � �0OIt16IHAL TO f.ITY CLERK �j,�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ""'�� ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUN IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED aY � COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, that the proper officers of the City of Saint Paul axe hereby authorized and directed to enter into Maintenance Agreement No.�1102 with the State of Minnesota relating to the mai.ntenance of certai.n trunk highways within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul, a copy of which Agreement is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A", and made a part hereof by reference. r F ` I �. R ' I C� -- � . . MAY 2$ 1965 COLTNCILI�N � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �- �Y 2 g 196� Holland � pproved 19— Loss Tn Favor � Meredith , � Petetson �� �yOr Rosen � �g$�t • { �+C Mr. i esideat, Vavoulis 'P,{IBLISHED JuN Jr �9V�7 ions e-es ' .. .,�, , t � . � ! . � DUrLIWTEI TG�rRINT[R �� f CITY OF ST. PAUL F���� NO ��� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED�Y COMMISSIONER DA� - ItESOLVED, that the proper officers of �he City of Saint Paul axe heroby authorized and directed to enter into Aiaintenance Agreement No. 1102 with the State of Minnesota relati.ng to the maintenance of certain truck highways within the corgorate limits of the City of Saint Paul, a copy of which Agraement is attached � hereto, marked Exhib3t "A", and made a part hereof by reference. � MaY 2 g 1'�5 , I COIJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas; Nays � �� MAY 2$ � ' Holland �= Approv�l 19— Los s Tn Favo1' Meredith Peterson MsyOr r��gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis io�t e-as I �� � . , _, , , , . �_; A`.a.�n��ance A�re��ent �?oo ].ZA2 P�� '�G'3521'�.�t3 A�Y'3G'�'t��, �38�Yr70@�E $,�'1� $'�3'�O O� �`L'�.2�32��0'�& 8l� �����0 1!3 �'i3.v� O� S�'i o �LL�. 1- 1 - �'r.�� �.2� .S�',• ,�c.l.L2. • AGR � E �!� EN � , TIiIS A� � � IEP�i', �C�9 S.T�, t'h�',(,'..r�E� �3,`1'�'.O Y3� FZ23L�. �L'�'•S7E3�T1� '�Yl� S�',8'�@ OS P � ne�a��, �c�ir.� b� ar.d �?a..�ot�;b �.�� Co�.�s�.o�8..�° t�� ��ra�, hero3.ns��er �^e�^er�ad �co as iche "S��e"� �� t�o ��.�� af St. T3auZ,; 2�e�oir�a.�'ter re�erred �o a� �C�t� "i��a�.cip�,33.t�t'►a Z�7�'I`PT�SSL�'Tii: �t�F�'tt'C.AS p�sn�.a,..�� to M�x�QSO�� St�s��,or� �t�s, 1959,� C�.apte� 53Q — H,T. rI�. 33, A��icl� IT, S�c��o� 3�, 'LF'10 �''�'�'.�.G3 t�83�..�"E� '�i0 C3�1'�B� �'T�O 812 8�'C�II'F, s'�]��� � t0 �I3� r��+'Ge�iCa wf t�t�c � � - ����rs vT3.�h�, �H� cc�z'p�'2$0 13�tS o$ �'�a 3•`���.��n�].it�r �oa� �Mo �� End �on�a.��.a�s ��e?�e�t� sn� �'o��h. l��d, TI�FOTtE, �`HE PARTT�S DO AC.� A�S T�'OL�,C3;S1S: � . ,I �nQ �'a�.c3�.1.3�q tr3.1�1. ��g �ho f�.�ca� q�r o�' �gG6�,`:J�,y- i, 19b� thru. J'une 30, ��bb, m�,�nfc4,�.n ic3�ose par�i�:�.� o�' �hQ ��'►asak h�h:ti�a.� �rithi�. �he �o�rato . �t� Qf �h� P�unic�.�I.i.�;� �r�t�.c��,��� c���cr3��3 as Zollc�is, to��.t: Trunk Highti� YtTO. 5 �`=�ti ��":���.x:i.*�; �.Z�� ��.o� of �:��,.�� h�,��t�ra� dc�����ed �.21 'oC2C` i...:^F�3�'L�i Se,�$@ FI��'.�;�*� �ir�3,?''�',�,Z?�'�. Y`QCG�S RS ContAcs? �i::�ryc� �'oe 6�7? b��i.��,�s�;; �� �dhoo�e�� A^��,i�Q • . �.r!d z�J�:��, Sc-�c���h S•��c��; •��±�z:co no��o�,a�; o� ble:t 5c�,rc���a S�£u�� to R�� S���c�; �Iie�acQ o� R�rr��r S��oct �to Szxo?,�x± iL��o�; �Y�er�c on Si.�r�.n 5'cr�c� �a `��cl��,�?ac� S�rco�c; t�?c�cc o�. �.xcl�n�a itr�a'� to Ke�.l.o� P����v��d; ��i�.�cc� ��. I�e1to;� B�ulc�a�d �o a�. �atc� S'crc��; �n�:� •�ha �03?c,t�in„ 0 0 5d} �es c�.ti�.ich { 3� d�.v�.de4� 2?s��ru�r cte�:l�;r,2��d. � f,l2e I�`.�sanc,ota S-�,�o I HiU?�r�.�.y D���,.�.���zu�rt �accs�•c�� �,� Caia'cro3 Sec��o� T1o, 62�.$ bCg3Ylri7._n� 2'r �:T4�,?^.?. S�k�3�L �.a?r1 Y��.3.oi� Botil.e�.�,�; thenca cn Iie�o� Bat,r���rax�ct �o Bro�ti•r�� Sf;r�°eQ� a�c3 �he:t� t�r�r,��t3s�....o o�...o....a.o........o.ob.21�. A"��..es ` � r � �/��7— „ f� i/ X / ,� f , ��arak �Ii.��y-�a� r3�r 1� 1't�.� �ollact*ir.� �.53 �.I.�� a� trtmk ha.���y , . , �,�s3�+��e^1 i.ri ��aQ i�3,nne�o'�� 5�,t� Hi�ir•.•ra� . � I�ap�i•���a� ro��a�dt� �a Cos�t�aZ" S�o��an T3o. • b�7 b��3�z�� �� ��� �Y�s•�h 3:xa�ci�.l�.�y . T..�.t� ��r�, Lc�-r3n��o� pvenuQ; ichor_ce �outh an � Ir?�;tCiz3 A$�.t?0 t� Ct3m.o 13O7z1.ov3.r'da '�Z7EY]CO • . . ,• _ . , , . .•, ,, , sou��heast on Cor� Bpu7..ez�.:^3 ta Co� t�vcr��o; t,�'}.f.'i.C� C3�^.�'L d�:? Cd�1tb �'�9e:12LtC3 'GO I�7.C(3 S'�Z'G'G'�; ,� . . . . � , .� , . . bc�;�TiT23.Fl,.r'', ��;a3.g2 �t I�n�.�rero-?ty Avc�num �� P��� A�rea�Q; tha�aco e�a�� on Un3.��rs�.t� Averuo , • , • . , , �o J�cl�an�5trt�a�� 4Hc�.co ao�,+'ct3���t an Ja�lc�on S-t�c�t to '�e�ith S�reo��# �hor_ce nr.rth� , • . � � . � �� oxa Tc�'�� S���et �o Bro,�;dti�y; th�.+�co saut�z— � �. . r-,,�y; o� �3ro�c���aa.�r t� Fe3�o� Ecu3.ev�..�d; thEnc� • nt�f��s� a�i Ka�.�.o� 73t�u].ati�rd to PFOU.�:Ia , Hc�u�.cv��; tfie�zc� �ou�h�w�t t�n P�.�ia.�.ds Bou3.EVas�. ' , , . , ,to,�chQ scnt��3���e�� �3.Si� af x'L�r�.A�es2ue.......5.53 r��s . , �'rurLk H�I���a�t;Nn. ].2� , .TI�e��a7.�,cs**,�.a�� �r�l �.�� -a�' t�ua�.k h3.��.� , , (a� t�rhic.��$.2� �].es �.s'�.rr?c��3'h�.�hi:�.�) ' , .. , � . � . � � , , , c�csir�n��v�. �.n �ho 2�xc�o•i.� S��e H3��:•��r , . �bg�.rt�^a.�t �i�c�� �,� �o��r�l Scct�it�n I+Io. 6�45 ` � � ;.� . .' , � , . be�;�.n.�� �i� U».iva���.t� Avonue. a�.,� P�r�t Av�ru�; the�a� t���� on U_�tra.ra3.t� A�r�za��x� �o thQ t�Tes� � . i � . � . ) � S1t,C{a,6�i�.�.�4ST �Si:Lt.l,�•���.1��r.���i���a�A.o��.UJ��� ���.� .,, , T�n3� H�-�a�� No�.�.9 The foL'�.dt�a�,� 2.1�8 i�3.ca� o? ��� t�.�;h�:�,y . r�osa��eci � �thv �'��ra���`�s. S�.ta H3;hz•1��'Deva�t�2� � , , . ,. . . . , , ,sr�Cords �s Con��.^a�..S�c�ian P1�. ,621,3 be�3.r..�s�, �� ' �Lhe ��oz�� 1�izzr�i.c�.�3�3.�� I�.r,33.�CS �r_d Rice Si,rE�; � . . • ., , � .. � , tk��r_�c� ,r�a�,�� �za. �?3.c� St�ea� to t�i.tre��i��r �ivan�o; � z�r.� �12e '.�a�o��r?*�; 0.6U m'L�.a ox'` �r�c �a.�r��:�.y . cl�s3.�r.�,�e�. 3.n vI2� P`�n�wo�t� S4�'�e H�..�;:ay Do���.s�.€� � m�corti� �o Cc�r�Wol 5ec��.cn �do. 6�33 ��yin�ai.�� a� I;�h�,h S��e��; �i,.ric� A�3ic�r3� Stre�; �h�s+„co on . At��•tv�^�� S�r�e� �� �•��� Sc�rer��t� S��°ee�; �Ii��e o� , � • , . � , '�:est S�vwn�h �t�a��� �o ��e� S�x����; a.r?�€ L�?e g"o�.3.�7r�+:�, �.�� s�e3 n� t�.ua.�'h�,���•�p des3���� �.n . . � � , cY�e t�.r��2esC� 5-���c3 H��,z:�.y D�,�-���rs� ?�ecof�ls �s - �i(�!3?i;x`'0� s��`'r,��13 r��o 6�3 b�^-.,,.+'�'r.��.�I� �3.'�r �lG'ti��SBi��31�i� � ' • � S��ee� �?�d S�ih Avenzic; th�zc�3 an �th Avenu� �� tho St�u�h T{�icin���y �.ts.o.....o......�5.60 Y�3.os �rur�c �iigl�-,ry Pdo. 53, i'he �e��!�:�;�.r�� �i.30 �e� o� �a�.�k h�r�:rn:�.y.(o� �rh3.c� �`� 0�.7 ��.?.e �.: d�.�ri�ed hii�-�'•,��� e�e�3�r�tc-� � �tlao L�+ry a1.�IVVC}U� �+�lN{JO H��;tiaT:�,,� ���..���E �ecc3�1� as � Ca�z��°a? SCC�;�o�► �1n. 6�5 b��;�i.n� �� PT��th gf�.n�.c3.�Zi�y Li�:.�.•�; an�. Sr�elLn� Avcmze; L�e�?ca • �out� c�n �??�?1�*�„ AtiTe�.ue �a ?,,o�a�ra��. �v�u3; '���`�cQ ��t an ?��z��rc.�.l f�ve.�x�e td �7�t S�r�et�s�h 5tx����,. e6.2'1' ��il.es � y � � . . , . . , . . , , . r � � T1•w�k Highc�a�r ATo. �52 ihe fo13.aY•ri� 2.75 mi�es o� trunk high�c•ray - ciesi�te-d in �Ch.e Piin�►asota State Hi�inaa,� � ' ' ' ' ' ' : ' Dc�part�o�� recorc�� �s Control Section I3o. 623.7 , • , • bo�iflning at tl�o South �aani.oigality I3m3.ts and • • • . � Robe�t St�c�t; �ther.cv �.or�h and northt�rest on � ' • .• � • Robert•Street �o Univez�aity Aventiv........2.75 P4i.Zes . , . ,, � . , , 'i'runk H�gh�'aaY�No• 56� .Tho fo1l�Fing 1.37 miZes of trnznk hi�hrray d�si�,mated. . " � , � ' . • • � 3n the l�nnesota S�a�Q Highvra,y Dopartm�nt rocorda a� , �, , � � • Control Sec-�ion�No. .6219 bc�innin; at �ho South � ' � '. • . ., Nunicipali�y L�ts an�. Concord S�roe�; thenco north— � ' ' • • ; � �wes�E on° Co�co�d Streest to, Robert S�reet; and tho � , � �� • . ,• fo]lorfrir� 2.75 m3.l�s of �Trunlc Hi�aVray (of t�ahich 0.12 ' . ' ' . , . . . � mil.Q 3s div3.ded,highway)�designated. in the NJ�nnesota • .' , � - , ,°. . • Stato I�IighzJ�� Dapa,x�t�nt x�ecord.s as Control section , . : �. � � � rro, b23i�be�in�i.ng at Conco-rd and Robert Streot; � � � . � ' • � • � � �, � �honce, x�ortht�es•� on;Co�co�d Street to �labasha Streot; . • • , ' �• ' � . �hor�ea i�.o�''i.hwQat on ti�Taba�h�. Street to Kellogg , , , �� . � .. � .Boul�ard; 'cfie�ce �res� on go12o� Boulavard -co , , . '. ' . � • ' . � ' St: Pet�r St��a�; the*�ce nortlarsest on St. Peter '� . • . , , . . .,Si,reot to ��7cst� 3'enth_Sti�eat; thence �ou�h=rres� Qn ' - ,' . ' , ,. • • , � ��Je�t. Tenth Stre�� ,to Ricc� S�roet; th��co r�o�''�YT:?E3'hi a.nd � , . � . • , , noz�I��o�. RicQ S�rEQ� �o ur�versity Avenue; also �' . , ,; , , be,gia+�inJ �z?�� �,� KeLo�g Bo�.e�rard a�d ��abasha S�ree�; . , ; � , � , thoncQ con�Cinuix�; �orthtiJe��arl� on ��7a�sha S�reet to . , � . ' , Ten�h S�ree•�; ther_ce con�3.�uin� sou-thrrester?� on Terith • , � � .� �t��et;, �o S�. �Q�er S'crcet...........�..?1✓ I�ii.]_es � . , , , . . t . . , � ,. �'�.nk Hi$hwa� fio. 61 !he fo?Io:ai.ng 2.�� ra?�.ea of trunk hi�hsray (o� t�,rh3.ch � . � • , . � , ` 0.37 �le is div3dad h�.,3��ra�) dosignated in the . � . � � , ���eso•�.�. S�te Hi�h�-s.y Depa,r��ont record� as Cont�ol � � ' �: S�ction P;o. 6221 be�ixir�s�; t�.t �-qounds Bo�evard a.�d � � Ke�..logg Bot?vva�d; ti�e:�ce nor�hurest on I�io�ands Bo�al.evard ' • � � • � � • '�o East Se�e:.1�h S�rEO�; thonco northeast� on Eas� Scven�h � , ; St�oo$ to Ar��,�Q Streot; thence no�h on Ap°ca.de S��eot . • , ' , • to Na�h P�i�:x�3.cip�.Zit9 Irir���. ............3.32 M-�.los Trzmk Hi�,ht�,ray' l�fo. ,232 Tho �'o3la�rr.�s�;',3.02 mi.les o� �rt�k �i.gh�•ra.y desigr±�tcd ' in �Che PSirnesota St�.�Q IIi�Y�,ra,y Depa,?�;en� records �as ' ' . i,� ' � � ' Coni:rol SWctior_ Pdo,. 52..,�9 be�inning a� tho +�st� , P1un9.cina.l3.�� L�.r,�iic3 �o� East 3�'�-�.nehaha Av�ue; icher_ce � ' , , . . wes�E on East NL�.�►n�I.aha Avenuo �o E�s� Seven�h S�;reet; � �her_c� �oL�h:�os•� on East Seventh Street �co Arcade , � .. S�reet; an.d. cha fo7lcrr�� 9.01� �].es of ts�v�lz higl�a�ra.9 � � deaigr.�,�ed itz i:he r�zeso�.�. S��,te Iiight,�.p Dap�x�iaent • ' rc�a�d� a� Con�?^o3. Sectio� No. ;6225 beginni�� at ' , � I�oga:tido Bou?ev��a and Ea,st S�venth S�reet; �Y!er_ce souich— ' � •' � gye�t� o� East Seven�h SLreet to S3b1�� Street; ,�Cher_ce � ' " ' • ' • ��ost �ai Sibl�y S�!��e� �o �3.g�l�h S�;reet; �ne�co south— ' • t�rcat o� Ei���h S•�rect �o Pdira�h S�rQO��;, thence t:*ost on ' Ninth St�oe� Lo 5��3.t �.�renue; -�her_ce soutYn�rest a� ' Su..�ni� l�ver_ue �o P:ar�sha.11 Avenuo; -�he�ca �rflst on ��sha11. Aver��:e to �he 6�os� 1��n3cip�,l.3.ty Limi�s; also beu�nin.� a�C Su�i� A�enus an.a Z�,r3ha11 Aver_uQ; thenco SOt�LI1L�r�s� • � on Sum�iit Ave=_�ze to Dayton Averte; thanca taQ��; on �.g-ton , Avenue to Vic�o:ci� S�ree�; �tY�e�ce �orth on F�ctoria. , S�rvet; to T_`$r�I�ll Aven�.o; elso be�irniY►; �t iche �u.�ction •� of Kellog� Bot.ii.4vard, 5umt,�j.� Ave3?ue and D�o�. Ava;��ze; • . thence soL�heastorly on Ke]1o� Bon].evard to ��d�s� Fiftih �— 3 — , � y � �.'x6Ea�?t FI:�.eI?c�„y Il'a� �..2 (Ca�,��.�a�e�) , . . . . . S�r�af;; �3�cncQ sou�h�a�orl.� ari �le�t f�'ift�Z , Stre� f�,o W�s•� S�r�n�th S��roe�t; the�co nor�h— , ' �,eter.�r o:� '+rd��� �c3v�En.th ��r�o� �n� Ta,�t Sov�nth s���;�� �o sib?�y streot...o....�....12006 i�.3.es �r�nk Hig�tt�r�y Ncs. 2� TY�e fo�?�;�� 0.75 zn�es of �rza..�lc h�ght�y , ' • �, c�o�3.�.��cc1 �xa �ize P'•.,�x�dso�a St.a�e fli�a.�,�,y � . � D�p�tment x�cor�� �.s Contral Sec�cion Noo 621�2 . ' }���i nn�`n�n �� -�Iia�If��o-ca kv�rlue a�p�c�a.ch � • ' � T_�aax3..k i•Ii.;i�:�r�.� Noo 2�0; 'the�co �outh or� • . . � . . Tx�u�ak I �'l�ra.� No. 2b0 ta LTx�.ver��.�� Av�tiuo...04.75 �iZc� . � , . . Gr�r}d To�a.]...........,��.e...56.27 P�s � I� � " ' _ �.e ���2i�en�sac�s �a be porfor��l #� tYse P�u�.c�.�a.�.�.�� ozi �he a�oresa�.d t�'_�t h�,il�ray� n??a17. caz?�.i�t of i:'�o �a3.�.�5�b-in,�: � � . , , �tz) ��:i,..ni:,�z�ir3 �G�2e a�'o�es�.id ��43.c�rB o.i .�x�n� h�.ght�u� so as to kecp the � ��a��h �,a�d �n �� �►�la�i� �'o:�• t�!� �,�;a�� �f �ra�'fac r�d. �°eo �rc+�, a�.7. a�tnu��4�o�� �..*� �, - ' �an�� �o ��•���"�.c o 3'�,�.� �a?d ar�sa.n�er.�tce s�ti�7. i�cltad.� a7�. ������'� �►��v���ivc� �a�a���.�cc Lo prt�3�vc; th� ��c�,c3ba1 in �t� ps�eser_t �.o� . , � e�:�.�Zt��., ?.sic'!�t13.r� b�z� r_o� ���;c�3 •�o nro�b� �z� ti�� cracls ac�.Z�.ng of �ha s�arfaca . � r��to��ut�or� o� Lti�.��r oper.,�s, �.r.d �Z3: ��ce3��r ��c�a3n� af th� road�ec�. � .. �b) Kean t�a afo?�o��ie3 pflx�io� o� �t_�'� �„3.�k�:� �°��ar.,�b�r �c�� �3� �. . ` c3'�...� � �ce, ��aa:r, �nd. dob�� 8�.? ���:h� oa." �?�a �e�r 2x��; iiri;�e�e:lfo 'pro�ea° �r.�.ing o� �i.�!da?�i� �f�aan r_ecessa.r�r. - . . . , (c� Pcrfor� �. r�c�cc3�ary mo��ai..n� a�` �tv���ut3.o� t.r�th3xs t�a r�i;h� oc trt�� . 2��.�s t»t �� ba r��ed on �ht� �f�re�s�.� �or�Cior� o� yrunJlt h3�h:3a� �a keep them , � pre��n��le cand.i.�io�e . �. (d) �`�.in�..�a:,� �����f�c canic�°c� dr�vry�es a�2� �3�1s, n�d x��ce �d �.rov3.c�a s cY� ��;�t:�;� �m?^i�r�� � �Q �trig3.r�;� �� ,�wy� bo �.e�ess�- a� �he afo���a��: pox�t3ons o � t�u�s �.��Y;:�,;�, exce�v �?�� �he S�tc� tir�.lt �la.c�, =nc,�t].Z �.nk ��,3,�x �� a��!.3. timc� s �,b�� �.de sigzs, ��.rn� s3�s �.r� rQ�.tt� r,��k��•s �dr '�hc� �u.�.�nco o�' t��ffic on ��#�� ts�axa.k ha.�h�t�y�, {�) Furri.�h e:ti �bor, m��c�i��, gti�p33�s, �ao?s, at.� oth�r ite�n� . n „�as� �'o�° th� perso�ance r�� all �nc� �.a�- o� tY�e ��ork pr�.d� �or in ichis ��-.��c��nt. . � � _ _ i . . _ . �. � ��� - ?'hv a�orQS��c� t;�ur1{ i�.�ir:�;� �k��,].7. bv �o3x�t],p i�pec-�ed ne_Wio�3.c�,p, ' �ar.� at 3ca.s� qv�tar3�Y, 'trY tha Dis��ict Er_�eo�, �r �the A�ea F:a�n�ex�xy.ce Ln�i.n,ee�, oi� �heir authori�c3 rc�pr�st,.��a�tive a� �r �na Y�vsvs:icip�3.�.ty�s rf.�3n�an�a.ca �,r�xie�:� to �evi�r thQ �adeq�^.c� �f �h� ir�,3.nte..�i.cc Frorl� t�rhich has been pe�.�fos°a�ed, ' , .. , , . . , , . � . , . .�. . , . . . . , .. . , • T�, hc�•rov�r, s�,Z3 .r_ot' bQ the 6t�3�.��,tic�z o� the �•�.inic3p�33.'c� under �h3.s � .� - , , , , �eeraent �o do ar.� z,ro�k t,��.oh slr,��. car..��et of �-�r�ordir�:ry �.inton�nco, • . . , . 1et�er��:��sp co�tru.c��bn, c�� re�or�Lruc�ion. In �ho e�rent �t�,t tho S•�ato shavld� . �e��c� �he p��u�i.c�pa�.ty �a do ai�y �uch t�ai°k �he p��ies �c•ri.7.Z er:te� 3.rito a sepa.xtate �' �ec���t �he�o�or. . � ,� � . . . � . , , � Q . , . , � , , , . • . A�.1. �ater3.a?s use3 b� th� F•��.c�i���- � thQ parfa_�nco o� tha trcmk . , " �e_reundcr sh�3]. cor.fo��a �cr �he ?�ec�ui.�e�ent� o� the l�i�r����o�2. Dep�.�sr.�az� of High�ra�rs. 1 peci�.c�.�ia�zs �o� Hi�v-�.� Con..��riuc���c�n cl�.�ed �ur��.^� 1, 19b1�, �,nd all �rulx�nts a.�d �.*�ple�eo�t� �G�ere�o. tt�T The St,a.te �TLL. �a,y to tho i��a3.��;�Ii�� t�o sw�. o� �'I3r�e �'hov.�� Do31,a�s ��3,()00} per m�.e �'t� thc3 f�.sc,2�. 3r � b�' 196Ey io� �I�c� �e��o-r�+2ce of` t.he tiror� � 3.abor and �he f'��ni�h�g o� ��c�xs�.1s as he�e�.nbe�"arQ se� �'orth on �he �rzank h1„h��a,ye herc�jnbe�or� p��.c�,..rly ae� ,�a��. F�ae��.o�.�3 �,i1.es ar_c3 fx°a.e�ciona]. �on�hs, � anY, tr�_.33. be u.s� ita ecamut�.nU 'cho a�'t�.ta p��.h$a ur.,der i;his a�ree�~r��. Pa�ere�a un_�or �h� agre�mer_� sh�.11 be rc�c�� c�� � q�.:.�e�3.� b�,�is �r� �s soon �f'�er �h� x�espectivo c���e� o�' Oc�o��.� �., J�2��* 1, Apr3.3 1 �nd J�y '± 2.s ��r be possible, u�� the su�saor� 't� tho �i�.c��1��� �a ��Ze 5�,�,t� o� a do�aiie� �o�� �aa.�rs3.s Ls�ing i��1 labfl�, �.t�r�,l �rid Eq�.ps.-ze.n� u�ect d.urin� '��'!<3 �''GC'Z° E:�if� 8 CC'x''G1f3.C�'L'E �t �r?pZiea�e, ap��c��?�. � �he Arc� �•�.�^.�.n�te�-anee �r.,�ir:cer o� the Si:a.�e, cc;..��r.�``�rinU �ha.� alI � �rork has b�ca do:�e c��r� tho p�xi�i for ;�rl�a?c..H �.ym�r�:� 3.s �o ba �c2a, i� :�uLl. corLOr�rI.t� �-itla �h�s a�c��wnt� � . — 5 — . � iho 2�in3c��L.��r m�.y �3al�p blaek s�3.d Y�3.��n�aays w1�h3n �.�s co�pora�Q l�m ts a�t such. ti�es Ss i�� becomc3� ��c�s�a,r�r �`o±� the porformance oY t�.o ��v3.ces un8e.� this agre�ant, ar_d in cwaes of '�c��erac� t�ahe�e� 3t is �cquirec�., s.uo�, h�.gYr:�y� �y be whallp bloc?tQd. arzd tho p�,�s��e o� tra�?"ic �he,r�on pr�vexztod by �he 2��a,r.icip�3.3t�r. At s�a t3ne, hoz�o�r�.r, ehaZl f.hQ 2�.C�.p�?r3,��- eoritinuo �a obs�tx+uet �he f'rea �,.^.s�age oY tiaf�ic on s�3.d 123�hcr��rs �`or � lt�n;�r p@riod o� t�sne ���an is re�.saz�,b�y required for � , r rc��.� tkao necessary rep�s t�te�.9ea�. �ha 3��u�3.ci.pa7��� � �,3so clos� �o t�3vel suc3� a����ts at such ���s �s,3t 3.� n�cessa�r f� the rep�ar or 3.ns�.ztZa�,ion o�' �:�.ter or N �.ir3, ,�lectria a� tc�,�phox?� cab�.cs, o� s��rc�^a, but c�,;cept in. e��aordi�� �er�cn�ies, tl2e t':ut�.cipa,�.i�� s�3�. �'ix��t ��vo ��e Cor_�i.ssian�r of �i�:a� teri (10) d��s f ti�rritten not�.ce �nd obt�in a pe���� l�e�'aro ca��cir�; or a3?�,ri� thQ c�t�,�nc�an.�t a� such i*+.�t�,'!3ation or rc�.irs o �Icr:�r�eH, th.� 3az..*�.c3�3�.��►- sh.�.11 no� ca�se or'cio� � � o� ���ol h�I�sa�s tirl�.3.ch 3.s �o be �.a.�i�zi��l. hereunder t;o be elo:�cd to -���z"3.c for a � F � aoals oth�° �2�aa, �ho�o abosre :e� �or��Z and a�. �o �ve�t; fa� a �3.� 3.on;er tY�� shaL1 . � be. �ecassa.ry. Iri �ho evcxx� o�' ��±� ta-fz'? bloc'� v� cic�i�g r�f axr�p s�.ch ��k h36hrtr�pss •�Yt� ���1n�.e3r,aL#�� sha,Zt �rcnr3.dv �. �ui�abla do�aur duri.� such �3.�. V'I .T�'.� . Upon a ch.an�e �� Lhe rou�� d� �a�.d h..1L;I�s,�a�p v*_° a.� �u�s�3�ution of a M�a - fxte for ar� �.�o�a d�sc�ibc�t, ox� ir�n ar�y t�,.��,�;i�� t�rh.�.��vevor �'rcm �Yte prcaesi'c 3ocatio� o� sa,id h�gh��r�y�s � the �S�^.�a, fi�he•T•��.c3p�,L.t� sha17. m��.r_�aa.n �he nE-r hi�.�,raps 3.�t a�corc�.nco ���Y� �hi s '�.�c�ne� d�r�r!� ��ch g�:~�o� o� suba�i�ution ar..d sha3? ba �.d thex�eFOre the a:���z.� to wY3ieh it 3.s e.���t].c�ct �n �.ccorcLxce t•rith �hQ terr.as of this a�e�ne�t, �o bc c�e�erm�-� aed• by- f3�-rzn,� tha �;3c,3.�� o� �Che n�•r :�ou�e �� p�Yin�; fo� �'ur�en�r�ce t'���ero�o �h� �u..� of ^hre� �I�ov����ci Dol��°s (�3,�a'3) pe2° �►�7.e f�r such �e.���i, inc��� x'��.ctior�s �IzereoP, �'ar� tne.�3.sca� �ea.� a� �966 arui p�°ox°atec� � a cor�; �to ��n�h.� o� usee �hc•uld �� perr'�4�.on o� t�z� �,bove de�cribec� h3.�,�rrJay� b� ��Z�ca.tcd bp the Sta�e, and, the p��oserc Yo:a^�aon rovc..�^�c �o the l��ieipa�.t�, �hQ l��u�i.ci�3ity zr-3�. r�irata�r�. tY�.a� por�i�.on �.� its sole e,.�.�cn�o. — 6 — � � � ��y .�/• , • � � �pa�z t�� ��ai7.ure c7Y" �he �St�3.C�.t��.�.i:�� t.o pvr�oz� �x�' o� �he work r.a.� �r43n ��ar the �erhnts o� ��.a.s a,��9c�?�io��, �thari �ha Co°�.s�ionar of H����3� ��.� do �Y2� p0I`�Qs'`� �3tiC�I Wfl?"�£ t7'�',C8L2�o it �o ba c?+�n� and ��rfor�ed, arbd my re�t�,� frr�r� , , �� :a�:.�oy� th�n �I�� �a �ne� Pfunie�.�a�.3.t� u.�.c�c�►� �I33.s a�e�.en�,..or th.er�.Picer beec�� . d��, t� auc�1 aWount .t�,s ia �rpquircd. for 'c�ia co�alot�on o� such t�ra�k, p�ovl.cled, hc�rre�er, t��t ��..�.s ��.r���r�� sh�Zl. no� ba cor_��xNae3 �c� re�►3ny,ui�h �r �i�h�s o� ac�3an t,rhich my �cdrue �.n b���,].P o�` �h� S�r�tQ �s ���3.�:st �ch� ���r�.3.ci�.l.z.t� �or �r breach tif a�-taera�.�a�t • - . . , . • � �,� �. . • � • . . � . , ' ' � � , , � I�, � f`�zr�ner• ur.,+�G'Y'�'`�GO�. �',�'!�� t3.�.]. }3GY'3GY�3 'U!a?'I:i.� o� s�ch hi�r�ys �re . � - . . � . �...�laye�� of tho r:a�.c3.�aZ3��r t�� o�` tY�d p'�rsi��.s r���.� � �a�z•�a.� ��Ia�e� b� �he � � S��e, prov�d�d, ho�rr�v�r,� t��� th�� c`?a,�d sha?1•�?o� �.�p� �a per�or� �lo�yed • �dire��L7,�r ��r ��e Iii.�rc�r�,�r �ep�.r�z;��.t. A�1 �ar.�;.�a��� �nd a���.�� a�ad� b�r� �ho � • �,� P� ci�.Z3�g,z��3.�h�zhir� �.rt�?�s ior th� ��o�.Rfo�.nce o�' an�r taork.ta be c�a�Q under ��t ��z�.ent sha.�.3. b� s�abjec�t to ��� i,o�sr� �f' �:�,i.s �.���::�� �nd co�rplp t�3th a�.1. ' St ��� T.�.�:� �.d rea�i.°e�.��4� re2�.tin� �o co�is��c�3.on �2�1. �r2,3nter.anco cc5r.t��c�,s, ' • , 33.� 1aa.�.i�,r the �,y�:.�?'c o� �.bor �ates ir'rtic�� a.�c ��i� o�' �hQ I�zboi• F�av3siorvs �orr�.�p �:C?uacd. � f.,�e p�:.roposal� �'or s�.ch con�r�wcts, � cvny o�' zJhicla is attache3 �o �ch.is . ���m.en�, 4�d a a?.�.t�a �a �h..�'t e�fec� sH.�1.1 be �.r.��ed 3.n �,11 t�uch corr��acts, • . � � , . . ; , . � . • • . .. � ' � , , , . , . , . .. . � . � , ._ � . ., . . � 7 _ . . . , . . � J�' • � . , � ' • � 1 � � � - . t�l� g��t3as c�� €;g,��Q, g�b3,ng �o �ho conLx�az�y h�re�.n nat�ri�h�f;�zd�n�a u�a� �I�a Ca�ss3or�� of Hi�'�;r� o�." �ha 5��.�e n� g�nA�o�F�,,� �s�tl:ez� • � , in �.�.s �.r+.�i�r3,du�. os° o��ic�l �a�a.c5.ty;sh�1.�. �ot bo �ors ' ,• � •• . " . . . . . , , • . . ona7�,� respans3.b?� or l�,bi� in r�„� ���� �o �ha nl�.�ici�.�.t,y gor �ix�; ��a.im; d�-�,. ��t�.on, OY' C£�ilE3G'S O� a.C�lOffi . , , , , , , , , o�' r•.r.� k�n� ar c�..��zc��r t3riaing' tsu�c og ox► by� �,Ws� o€ �IYe ex�c�t��.on of �his a�ra�a� �r �ho �e�?.3.�Qn� pca��'�rr�co �:� �o��.o�i6� a�` i:he �>>c��k �nc2 3rnrn�rov�ont� pxavida3 forl � „ . , , • �r�3.r� or ari��ng out �Y �r con•t��e� le� � �}�Q t;u.�ci�-�]�.t� for �ha par�`dx�rice og '. . �..� o� ��ie work proTr�.a��,gor here;�, � • • . . , � . � . , , , . , . ; . . , . , , ., • �� T7:e �.�i,.c3p�{��,` a�,��s �;� �,�rc �...��.��s't�I2e S�te, i�3 �urila�-ees, a.�:i i.ts � .�� . ; . C�.3sioner o� �Ia�Y��.�.�s �r�a� �..� �,� a?..�. �.� 1 � : ' • . .. . � -„ , . . , , } , , _ - � , � � , . , , . . �"���:��t��.� ou� oY &r� d�r,�ge� �c�s�t3� ,• � , ,, � . . �, . . . , , g �`�'a� r,_ �3.�a�� ico �os�.� ��� tho ne�3.�.genca of �Y��c� I�����a�;.t� or ita• . � _?a�Vys, cazr�r�.c�d�°s o�► stpbec���*�.c�or€c, ��Srs �S�iox�a.ce t�f th3.s a��ee�n�,'arid tY!a . �+ . , �m�k prcr�r:i.c?ed ��ar h�r��xt. . � . .� , ` ' �. , � � XI� , � " � � . . . „ , ,, , , ', . . . � agre���Z�i, ah�. no� bQ ct�ta��cx� �,s � rc�..�qt��hsRen� by �he , , :, �..' �� ,, s3o�e� o� H�.�t�r�?�a af a�r pc�rc�.r� o' , � ` , � � . ' , ._. : • , � co3z'�r��, he �r k�.�o o�r� �he hc���befarc� � .. � ., , . • . �s�sca•�.b�t s�r�ee��� o� h7�r��� � .. , . , � . .Nt �d�T�,�SS i;��c;Gx �ha Si�;�c� �.�? •�Iac ��t�2�cs��,?��y �,q�e e�.used t�!�se g��scx!�G �o b� 'C?XE,'Cl?'GGfI, I� �',�367.3° 8'�8nE3ti^,'t�.1lL C1�'F': � • •� ' • . . , , . . . s.C�S o , , . � . — $ _ . • � � � �JJ/ . ', ', • ' Caun�c�.�3�ne�: , - CI�'3' 6F ST. PAU.L, City Car��o�raLez° . • � , . . P��o-r � , _ , , , , . , , , � . , A�tt�s ' . � � • , ' , � . , � , . ,' � , • .� , , . . . � : • . , , . . . . , . , . � . , , • , • , _ . . . . . , . . . , • . , C��cy� Gle�k • ,' ' . . . � Co��s3oner r�� P�.bl�.c t�7oz�ks , � . • � . ,•, . , Ap� v� a� to For� �.nd Txecu��.o*� b�� � , • . , , � , , , . . � � . , � , ' . . , 1 , , / A�,icc� � ' . : • ' � • • �cx°noratia� Coun:��. � • . , , . . , ' , . , • ,, . • • � ' . • . - • � . . � . �Ok�M APP- �'� � . . (S-'�AL� . � , � .t -� . -�— . . , %4'sst. Corporatioh ��in�e1� � � � ' • ' ' • . . l��j�ro�d: ' ' � , wil� .�L� OF �i�'t�SQTA _ , � ' � ' Da-�ce ' ' ' ' C��ef �:t�3.neer . . ' • . . , . , . D��.?�4r�n� o���I�.�:�,ys, 3J . .. � • . Cc�issi.o�eY°.o� Hi�:��ra..�s Re�o�.e�aded �'or Arpr���.l: ' I)a.ta . � , , ��.str�ct ��:L�e� • . . I3�J' ' � . . • . . . , � . i��•••�Li1+i�LtLliCi J�LLLI��LLL • Ap c�e�� aa '�o I'ox��. anc� i��sut3�i. b�: ' � ' . Spc��:�? k,�ia�t�.nt l�ttorr.�y G�ner�l • . � , , . . , � . , , _ � ` � . _: � �' . NON-INTERSTATE - REV. .IANUARY 18, 1965 � SPECIAL PROVISIONS DIVI510 N A A-1 GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS . he State o MinnesoW, Department of Highways "Standard Specifications for Highway Construct(on," dated January l, 1964, and all p�ovisions of the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways, "Required Provisions for Non-interstate Trunk Highway ProJects", dated De- cemner l, 1964 , a copy of which is attached hereto, shall apply on this Contrac►, except as modif(ed or altered in the following Special Pro- vislons. A-2 LABOR PROVISIONS In a ition to t e R equired Provisions for N on-Interstate ProJects", the following provlsions shall apply to all laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors on the work embraced by the Contract. f The Contractor shall have coples of these Labor Provisions on file at his lacal)ob headquarters and shall post a notice, approved by the Engineer, in a consptcuous place at the site of the work, informing his employees that these provisions are available for their inspection. Copi�s of these provisions can be secured from the State without charge. A-2A NONDISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT � During e per ortnance o t is contract, t e contractor agrees as follows: (1) 7he contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color or national ongm. The Contractor will'take affirtnative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employ ees are treated�uring employment with- out regard to their race, creed, color or national origin. Such act(on shall Include, but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or UansFer; recruitment or recruitment advertisfng; layoff or tertnination;rates of pay or other forms of compensation;and selection for Uain- ing including apprenticeship. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, not(ces to be;provided setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. ( (2) The contractor will, fn all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the conUactor, sWte that all qualified applicants wili receive consideration for employment wlthout regard to race, creed,color or national origin. (3) The contractor will send to each labor unlon or representative or worker with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other�contract or understanding, a notice tobe provided advising the said labor union or worker's,representative of the contractor's commitments imder this section, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. f (4) The contractor will comply with all provfsfons of Executive Order No. 10925 of March 6, 1961, as amended by Executive Order 11114 of June 22, 1963, and of the rules regulat(ons and relevant orders of the PresidenNs Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity created thereby. (5) The contractor will fumish all infortnation and reports requfred by Executive Order 10925 of March 6, 1961, as amended by Executive Order 11114 of June 22, 1963, and by the rules, regulations and orders of the said Committee, or pursuant thereto, and will pertnit acce`ss to his books, records and accounts by the Bureau of Public Roads and the Committee for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with,such rules, regulations and orders. � (6) In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the �nondiscrimination clauses of tfris contract or with any of the said rules, re- gulations or orders, this contract may be cancelled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part and the contractor may be declared ineligible for further Govemment contracts or federelly assisted construction contracts in accordance with procedure authorized In Executive Order No. 10925 of March 6, 1961, as amended by Executive Order 11114 of June 22, 1963, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as p�ovided in the�aid Executfve Order or by rule, regulatfori or order of the Presldent's Committee an Equal Employment Opportunity, or as other- wise�provided by law. (7) The contractor will include the provisions of paragraphs(1)through(7)in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations or orders of the Presldent's Commlttee on Equal Employment Opportunity lssued pursuant to section 303 of Executive Order 10925 of March 6, 1961, as amended by Executive Order 11114 of June 22, 1963, so that such provislons wlll be binding upon each sub- contr`actor or vendar. The contractor wlll take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the Bureau of Publlc Roads may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions Including sanctions for noncomplfance: Provlded however,That In the event a contractor becomes' � involved in, or is threatened wtth, litlgatfon with a subcontractor or vendor as a result o s�ucF�irectlon�y the Bureau, the contractor may request the United SWtes to enter Into such litigation to protect the Interests of the United SWtes, 1 � A-26 LABOR INFORMATION � In e se ection o a or, the Contractor may avall himself of the services of the Minnesota State Employment Servlce. A-2C MINIMUM WAGE RATES e mtnimum our y rates of wages required to be paid the various laborers and mechanics employed by contractars and subcontractors on tt1e work embraced by the contract shall be in accardance wfth the following schedule. However, In the event that at any time during the Ilfe of the�ontrect, any agreement between any labor union and any branch of the Assocfated Generel Cont�actors of Mlnnesota provides�for a mfnlmum wage greater than that shown in the schedule, che minlmum wage to be paid by the Contractor shall be the rate provided In that agreement. Coples of s�ch wage agreements will be on file at the offfce of the Department of Highways In St. Paul. i During the period from the time an hourly employee Is required to report for duty at the slte of the work untll such tfine that he is rer leased or permitted to leave the s(te of the work, no deductfon shall be made from his tlme for any delays of less than 30 consecutive minutes. � In the event the Contractor employs apprentice workmen under the occupatfonal train(ng program of the SWte of Mlnnesota, Department of Education, or under the Diviston of Voluncary Apprenticeship of the State of Minnesota, Department of Labor and Industry, or under the Veterans Traintng Program of the U.S. Veterans Administration, he may pay wages to such apprentice workmen at hourly rates approved by the approprlate govemmental agency regardless of the mintmum hourly rates specified in the Schedule of Wage Rates W be pald to any classificatlon of labor. A-1 . . _ .- - . �w �_. � J Area 1 and 2 December 1, 1964 SCHEDULE OF WAGE RATES Except as otherwise provided in Division A of the Special Provisfons the minimum hourly rates of wages required to be paid the various laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors on the construction work embraced by the contract shail +e in accordance with the following schedule: I HIGHWAY LABORERS CLASSIFICATIONS f � CLASS LABOR POSITION TITLE RATE -1� Uns i e La orers , $�66 U Laborer,Wrecking and Demolition 3.60 I Bituminous raker, floater and utility man 4.05 U Bituminous tamper_ , 3.90 U Bituminous batchertnan(Stationary Plant) 3.70 , U Blacksmith helper • 3.70 U Boltom man(sewer, water or gas trench) 3.65 U Bottom man(sewer, water or gas trench)(More than 8' ft. below starting level of manual work) 3.85 I Brick or block paving setter 4.025 U Bricklayer tender . 3.70 I Cement gun operator(1'/x inch and over) 3.95 U Cement handler(bulk or bag) 3.70 U Cement coverman(batch trucks) 3.70 I Chain saw man ' 3.70 I Concrete mixer operator(1 bag capacity) 3.70 U Concrete shoveler, tamper and puddler(paving) � 3.70 I Concrete vibrator operator 3.70 U Concrete batcherman(Proportioning Plant) 3.70 U Concrete longitudinal floaUnan(Manual Bullfloat on paving) 3.70 I Conduit layers(without wiring) 3.70 I Chipping hammer operatar ' 3.70 1 Curb setter(stone or precast concrete) 3.70 U Dumper(wagon, truck, etc.) 3.70 U Dump man 3.70 U Dump man(paverXdumping batch trucks at mixer) 3.70 I Drill runner(heavy, including chum drill) . 3.70 U Flagman 3.60 U Fortnsetter(municipal type curb and sidewalk) 3.70 U Formsetter(pavement) � 3.70 U Hydrant and valve setter 3.70 I Jackhammer man and paving buster 3.75 I Joint ffller(concrete pavement) 3.70 ! Kettleman(bituminous or lead) 3.70 U Mortar mixers 3.73 U Pipe Handler(water, gas cast Iron) 3.75 I Pipe layer(sewer,water or gas) 3.90 U Pipe Derrlckman(Uipod, manual) 3.75 S Powderman ' 4.275 U Powder Monkey 3.60 U Refnforced Steel laborer 3.60 U Reinforced steel setter(pavement) 3.60 I Sand cushion and bed maker 3.90 U Service connection maker(water or gas) 3.70 I Power Buggy Operator 3.60 S Nozzleman(Gunite) 4.00 1 Joint Sawer - 3.70 U Carpenter Tender 3.60 U Squeegeeman(bituminous, brick or block pavement) 3.70 U Stabilizing batcherman(stationary plant) 3.70 U Stone mason tender 3.70 • U Tunnel man(air pressure) 4.275 ' I Tunnel Miner 4.275 U Tunnel Laborer(atmospheric pressure) 3.85 U Watchman 3.30 U Winch Handler(manual) 3.60 U Underground Laborers 3.85 I Cofferdam Work 3.85 U Tunnel work 3.85 U Underpinning work 3.85 I Caisson Work - 3.85 . U Other work more than 8 feet below starting level of manual work 3.85 U Open Ditch work 3.85 All Highway Laborers not listed in the above schedule shall be classified in accordance with definitions given in Section V of the"Required Provislons", and the minimum rates of wages for such laborers shall be as follows. SKILLED LABOR 4.275 INTERMEDIATE GRADE LABOR 3.90 UNSKILLED LABOR 3.60 A-2 � i � �. . � - : _ t � - � Area 1 and 2 December 1, 1964 • EQUIPMENT OPERATORS CLASSIFICATIONS CLASS LABOR POSITION TITLE RATE �- Air ompressor perator $��'j , S Asphalt, bituminous Stabilizer Plant Operator 4,2g • S 6ackFiller Operator 4.25 i Batch Plant Operetor(Concrete) , 3.70 5 Bftuminous Spreader and Finishing Operetor(Power) 4,2g I Bituminous Spreader and Bituminous Finishing MacFiine Operator(h�elper)(power) 3.70 S Boom Truck Operator(Power operated Boom) • 4.25 I Brakeman or Switchman 3.70 S Cableway Operator 4.50 S Concrete Mixer Operator, on job site over 14S 4.25 S Concrete Mixer, Stationary Plant Operetor, over 34E 4.50 I Concrete Mixer Operator, on Job site 14S& under 3,q$ I Conveyor Operator 3.70 I Concrete Distributor and Spreader Operator, Finishing Machine, LongiWdinal Float Operator, Joint Machine Operetor and Spray Operator 3,g7 I Concrete Saw Operator(Multiple Blade)(Power Operated) 3.87 S Crushing Plant Operator(Gravel and Stone)or Gravel Washing, Crushing and Screening Plant Operator 4.28 I Curb Machine Operator 3,g7 S Denick(Guy and Stiffleg)(Power)(Skids or Stationary) 4.50 S Dope Machine Operator(Pipellne) 4,28 I Dredge Deck Hand 3.60 S Dredge Operator or Engineer, Dredge Operator(Power)and Engineer 4.50 S Drill Rigs, Heavy Duty Rotary or Chum or Cable Drill 4.25 S Euclid Loader Operator 4.50 S Engineer in charge of plant requiring first class license 4.25 I Fireman or Tank Car Heater operator 3.70 I Fine Grade Operator � -3,87 S Fork Lift or Lumber Stacker(for construction job site) 4.25 S Fork Lift or Straddle Carrier Operator 4.25 I Form Trench Digger(Power) 3,87 I Front End Loader Operator(under 30 h.p. rubber tlred) 3.98 S Front End Loader Operator, all types, 30 h.p. and over 4,2g ' S Grader or Motor Patrol, Finishing, Earth Work and Bituminous 4,3g I Grader Operator(Motor Patrol) � 4.05 I Gravel Screening Plant Operator(Portable not Crushing or Washfng) 3.60 I Gunite Operator Gunall 3.98 S Elevating Grader Operator 4.38 I Lead Greaser on Grease Truck(v�here no mechanic is employed) 3.85 I Greaser(Truck and Trector) 3.60 � S Hoist Engineer(Power) 4,2g I Launchman(Tankerman or Pilot License) • 4.25 I Leverman 3.60 S Loader Operator(Barber Green or simllar type) 3.98 • S Locomotive, All Types 4.25 , S Locomotive Crane Operetor 4.50 S Master Mechanic: The inclusion of the classification of master mechanlc in this agreement does not mean that a Master Mechanic must be employed, but if employed, that he shall prefortn manual work 4.50 I Mechanical Space Heater(Temporary Heat) 3.60 � S Mixer(Paving)Concrete Paving Operator Road 4.50 I Oilers(Power Shovel, Crane, Dragline) 3.60 S Paving Breaker or Tamping Machine Operator(Power Driven)(Mighty-Mite or similar type) 4.25 S Mole Operator, including Power Supply 4.50 S Mucking Machine(Including Mucking Operations(Conway or similar type) 4.50 S Power Actuated Augers& Boring Machlnes Operator 3.98 I Power Actuated Jacks Operator 3,g7 S Power Actuated HorizonWl Boring Machines over 6" Operator 4.25 S Pick-up Sweeper, not including Tennant or similar types 4.25 S Pipeline Wrapping Cleaning or Bending Machine Operator 4,2g S Power Shovels and/or other equipment with shovel type controls, 3 cu.yds. Mfg. rated Capacity and over 4.76 S Power Shovels and/or other equipment with shovel type controls, up to 3 cu.yds. Mfg. rated capacity 4.50 S Power Plant Engineer, 100 K.W.H. and over: When an operating Engineer is in charge of crushing or blacktop plants and generating plants are used in conjunction with the operation of these plants, no power plant engineer shall be required 4.25 S PugmillOperator 4,28 I Pump Operator 3,87 ' S Pumperete Operator 4.38 S Refrigeration Plant Engineer 4.50 S Tandem Scraper 4.50 S Scraper Operetor Struck Capacity 32 cu.yds. &over 4.35 I Roller Operator, Self-Propelled roller for compaction including sWbilized base 3.82 I Roller Operator, Self-Propelled, rubber tired, for compaction, including stabilized base 3.70 S Roller Operator, up to and lncluding 6 tons for bituminous finishing and/or wearing courses 3.98 5 Roller Operator, over 6 tons for b(tuminous finishing and/or wearing courses 4.28 S Rubber Tired Farm Tractor, Back Hoe Attachment 4.28 S Sheep Foot Roller(Self-Propelled)(3 drum and over) - 4.28 I Shouldering Machine Operator(Power)(Apsco ar similar type) . 3.87 A-3 , r d � I w .. r- ' . � •^ , � W , Area 1 and 2 January 25, 1965 , kEQUIPMENT OPERA70R5 CLASSIFICATIONS (Continued) CLASS LABOR POSITION TITLE RATE �S Slip Form Operator(Power Driven)(Pavfng) $� � �S Stump Ch}pper Operator 3•87 . S Tie Tamper and Ballast Machine Operator , 4.25 5 Tractor Operator--Boom Type 4.50 I Tractor Operator, D2, TD6 or similar h.p.with powertakeoff � 3.98 I Self-Propelled Chip Spreader Operator(Flaherty or similar) ' 3.87 S Self-Propelled Traveling Soil Stabilizer 4.35 I Self-Propelled Vibrating Packer Operator(Pad Type)(35 h.p. and over) 3.70 S Tractor Operator, over D2, TD6 or simflar h.p. with power take-off 4.28 S Tractor Operator, 50 h.p. or less wlthout powPr take-off 3.63 I •Tractor Operator, over 50 h.p.without power Wkeroff 4.28 S Trenching Machine Operator(Sewer,Water, Gas) , 4.28 S Truck Crene Operator . 4.50 I Truck Crane Oiler 3.70 S Tugboat Operator--100 h.p. and over 4.50 S Tumapull Operator(or similar type) 4.28 S Mechanfc or Welder 4.28 S Well Point Installation, Dismantling or Repair Mechanic 4.28 S Two or more Pumps, Compressors or Welding Machines 4.28 All Equipment Operators not listed in the above schedule shall be classified (n accordance with definitions given in Section V of the "Required Provisions", and the minimum rates of wages for such operators shall be as follows: SKILLED LABOR 3.98 INTERMEDIATE GRADE LABOR 4.28 • TRUCK DRIVER CLASSIFICATIONS CLASS LABOR POSITION TITLE RATE I Bituminous Distributor Driver ��� U Bituminous Distributor Spray Operator(Rear End Ofler) 3.65 • I Bituminous Distributor Driver(one man operation) 3.85 I Boom and "A" Frame Driver 3.70 I Dumpman 3.55 I Dumpster Operator(no H.P. Limit) 3.80 1 Greaser and truck serviceman 3.55 I Mechanical Broom Driver 3.70 I Pilot Car Driver 3.55 • I Ready-Mix Driver(Mixer capacity up to and incl. 4 Cu.Yds.) 3.55 � I Ready-Mix Driver(Mixer capacity over 4 Cu.Yd, up to and including 6 Cu.Yds. 3.70 I Ready-Mtx Driver(Mixer capacity over 6 Cu.Yds.) 3.80 � I Self-Propelled Packer Operator 3.70 U Tank Truck Helper(Gas, Oil, Road Oil and Water) 3.45 lf Teamster or Stableman 3.45 I Tractor Operator(Wheel type used for any purpose) 3.55 I Truck Driver(up to and including 6 Cu.Yds. box water level) 3.55 I Truck Drlver(over 6 cu.yds. up to and including 8 Cu.Yds. box water level) , 3.70 I Truck Drlver(over 8 Cu.Yds. up to and including 12 Cu.Yds. box water level) 3.80 I Truck Driver(over 12 Cu.Yds. up to and including 16 Cu.Yds. box water level) 3.90 I Truck Driver(over 16 Cu.Yds. box water level) 4.00 I Truck Drfver(hauling machinery for contractor's own use including operation of hand or power operated winches) 3.70 I Truck Mechanic(in cases where an operating engineer mechanic is not employed) 3.70 I Truck Welder � 3.70 All drivers not covered by the above classifications(including equ(pment with hand or power operated winches)shall be paid at least the following rates, depending on the number of axles on the unit. Single axle or 2 axle unit . 3.55 Tandem axle or 3 axle unit 3.70 Four axle unit • 3.80 � Five axle unit 3.90 For each additional axle, 10�1 per hour • All Truck Drivers not Ilsted in the above schedule shall be classfied in accordance wlth def(nittons given in Section V of the "Required Provisfons", and the minimum rates of wages for such truck drivers shall be as follows: . INTERMEDIATE GRADE LABOR ; 3.55 UNSKILLED LABOR 3.45 A-4 �� 1 1v �a - ,, . __ ` � ` y i � , Area 1 and 2 January 25, 1g65 SPECIAL CRAFTS CLASSIFICATIONS , � Basic Fringe Benefits Payments Hourly Heavy-Hiah�vav Construction: Rates H&W Penstons Vacatfon App. Rt. Others Carpenters 4.18 .15 .10 Piledrivertnen . 4.18 • .15 .10 Cement masons 4.30 .15 Electricians(Anoka, Carver, Hennepin & Scott) 4.25 4'/0 3%-a 7 1/2% Elect�ictans(Dakota, Ramsey,&Wash.) 4.24 6.119Y•b i'/.-b 6.681%b 1.2'/.-b . Irortworkers: , Ironworkers, Structurai& Reinforcing 4.25 .15 . Painters: Painters, brush • 3.95-c .15 ' Palnters, structural steel 4.20 .15 (Anoka, Hennepin, Carver& Scott) � ,4noka, brush • .3.80 ,15 .15 .Ol Anoka, structural steel , 4.05 ,15 .15 .Ol (Ramsey, Dakota, &Washtngton) FOOTNOTES a. Include 1%to N.E.B:F. h. Based on 4.10 per hour. c. Includes$.12 employees contributlon , W Vacation Fund. d. Includes 3.15 employee contribut(on to Vacat(on Fund. All Special Crafts not ilsted (n the above schedule shall be classified in accordance with definitions given in Sectfon V of the"Required Provislons", and the minimum rates of wages for such special craks shaii be as follows: SKILLED LABOR $3.85 � , • � A-5