223698 ! � ._ ;RIGINAL TO CITY CLHWK 223�g� • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY � � COMMISSIONE DA� �3/ �8� ��g RBSOLVED� Tt�t �he Council hereby concnrs in the recomiendstion of the Contract Committee theretor and herQbq re�ects the bid reaeivad for s�abbing and replaciag of undergronnd condaits and conductors tor City o� 8t� Faal�e �ne�ental Street Lightiag Sqstem ia �lood ar�as !or ths reeson that price bid is eaceseive� IrtPorsel Hid ll�8310 , MAY 2$ �� COITNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Yg_ Y'eas Nays `H�H�_", . �pY `�,� �� Holland . p�roved 19— Loss � � ,, Tn Favor � ��.L(,� Meredith Peterson � Mayor Rosen A gain3t Iv�. President, Vavoulis pUBLISNED JUN 5 �9�J � iont e-as DUrLIWTC TO MINT[R �`��(� r CITY OF ST. PAUL FOfNCIL NO `� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � IRESENTED�Y COMMISSIONE� DA7�,��?f�� 1S1R!� ,fr , I RRi�OLVSDt That tls� Cotmcii b�reby cflneurs in th� reooaoiend�tfon of tha Contraic� ! , Co�mitte� ther�tor mnd hsr�bq re�acts the bid r�ived tor srrebbiug aad r�p].�cing ot und�rgramd t�on8uits and coadctatcrs *or City flf St, p�nl�s Qrn�ental �3tr�� Light�.ng sqst�m fn flbod �rees !or the raason that priov bid ia e�oaos�ive. Yaf�r�i Hid �8310 MA� 2.819�5 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Y las Nays � I ��� MAY 2 8 1965 � Holland Approv� 19_ Loss Tn FSVOT Meredith Peterson � �qOr Rosen Aga�t Mr. President, Vavoulis ions a.�