223684 � Aie^-J{/�'0A f ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �/._lA ��{,.� CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�N�a �'���M'� A OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO ���'�� �1�� COUNCIL OLUTION—G NERAL FORM . �RESENTED EY �4 2`�. 1965 COMMISSIONE DATF RESOL�'ED: That licenses applied for by the fo1lo��ing persons at the addresses stated, be �nd the' sameare hereby granted. Hubert N. Thurmes 1150 F. 7th Restaurant App.1332New01c]Loc, w n Clgarette u n u o i,i . Fanny Farmer Candy Shops, Inc. 40`� �abasha Confectionery " _ 1401" Ne I' r I ; E. TnT. Klammer �Ritter Beautv Enterprises, Inc. 468 Waba"sha Vend.Mach.Loca." 1692" Oli" Compact Coffee Sern. �Hilex Co. 149 S. Robert Vend.Mach.Tjoca. " 1784" New" James H. Williams 348 108th gve.AlE I�ipls.Foods NlP.D6�T " 1'?93" Old" u n lv�1567 u l,��n ti n Kemp's Ice Cream Co., Tnc. 7 Rovalston Ave. Mpls. 3v#1569-1571.(Ice Cream) �� 1932n ,� ,� Norris Creameres, Inc. 2824� S. Emerson Mpls. 1V,�1572 (Milk Plt.)" 194�4" " " Park c:o-op Oil Assn. 2277 Como Cigarette i° �003" New" Donald Francis Olson 1992 Jefferson Mtr.Veh.Dr. " 200�+" Old" Vernon Ratliff, Jr. 783 E. Rose " " 2008" " " � Brian �i. Duk'resne 600 Laurel �' " 2054"" r s � MAY 2 7 �� COLINCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays MAY ��719� .-��,�"__ Holland Appx'oved 19— Loss � Tn Favor f �� Meredith . � Pete rs on � MaYor A gainst '�`�— 19�� �. President, �aoo,��s PUBLISHED MAY 2 9 �o� � �