223677 � �23��� ORIGIHALh�iO CITY CLEWK � � � CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO _- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE DAT� WHEREAS, a final order authorizing the grading and surfaci.ng of Cook Avenue fram Dale Street to Kent Street, has been approved by the City Council on March 20, 1965, Council File No. 222444; and 6VHEREAS, at the public heaxing which was held on the above , ' improvement on March 16, 1965, prior to the passage of the final order, t � � ' Mr. Charles Mullery appeared on behalf of A+�llery Paper Packages, Inc., Saint Paul Terminal Warehouse Company, Inc., John Wood, Inc. and Union Brass and Metal Manufacturing Company, Inc., indicating that these companies had. agreed to pay $2,000.00 towaxd the cost of said improvement � in order to i.nduce the City Council to approv.e said final order; now, .Y ` - - ./�� • , therefore, be it . � i - � RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to accept fram the above mentioned companies an advance .• paymant of �2,000.00 which is to be credited to the permanent improvement revolving fund and applied against the cost of said improve�ent. FO M P ��ation C nse � � �,.s �J COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � ��' '� � Dalglish Holland pproved 19_ Loss � Favor ' Meredith � J �� Peterson J , �yOr A � Rosen g$�t �g�� Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED MAY 2 9 ;, ions e-ds f DUrLICA�TO rRIHT[R A^^���.y CIT,Y OF ST. PAUL couNCU a e a � � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO �'' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORt�! �ESENTED{Y COMMISSIONE� DATF tVI-IEREAS, a final order authorizing the grading and surfacing of Cook Avenue from Dale Street to Kent Street, has been approved. by the City Council on March 20, 1965, Cauncil File No. 222444; and i'JHEREAS, at the public hearing �rhich was held on the above improvement on March 16, 1965, prior to the pa.ssage of the final order, Mr. Charles Mullery appeared on behalf of I�9ullexy Paper Packages, Inc., Saint Paul Terminal Warehouse Company, Inc., John Wood, Inc. and Union I Brass and Metal P3anufacturing Company, Inc., indicating that these companies had agreed to pay $2,000.00 toward the cost of said improvement in order to induce the City Council to approve said final order; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to accept from the above mentioned companies an advance payment of $2,000.00 which is to be credited to �he permanent iiaprovement revolving fund and applied against the cost of said improveu�ent. x �s � I' COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Counci 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish • - � �� � V Holland ApprovPd 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � �yOr A g'8in9t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� aas