223665 . .. ���� ORf6AA:AL TO CITY CLERK �2 � . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENGL NO =` FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � �RESENTED RY COMMISSIONE DATF �HEREAS, by Council File No. 213775� approved July 9, 1963, all or parts of the following streets in Battle Creek Heights Plat 2 were vacated� to-wit: Tews Avenue Kim Place� Pedersen Street� Maley Place� Faricy Street� Oak �awn Drive� Dane Street and Fay l�venue; and " � WHEREAS, by Council File No. 221017� approved December 10� 1964, Rounds Avenue in Battle Creek Heights Plat 2� between the west line of McKnight�oad a.nd the east line of Winthrop Street� was vacated; and � �TI3EREAS� by Couneil File No. 223172� approved April 28, , 1965� so much of the public school site created by dedication , by the filing and acceptance of Battle �reek Heights Plat 2� i lying within the confines of Lots 10�" through 13� Block 21� Battle Creek Heights Plat 3� was vacated; and � � v WHEREAS� all of said vacations were expressly made subject to the reservations expressed in Ordinance No. 3394, as a.mended� now Chapter 228 in the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS� the City Council is in receipt of written Certificates � of Intended Non-Use of such reserved rights� easements and other ` claims by all affected City departments and publie service cor- porations; now� therefore� be it � , RESOLVED� That the City of Saint Paul� for itself.'and for � � those persons for whom it has� pursuant to Section 228.04(c) of said Code, reserved easements� rights and other claim.s in said - � vacated property for the�nstallation,maintenance and operation of any sewer� water-� gas or'�e�e'ctrical main� pipe or conduit of p ublic instrumentality, does-heTeby waive and disclaim as �o said vacated property all such righ��� easements and other claims arising by virtue and only by virtue of the provisions of said Section 228.04(c) . ` • .�OR[1� AP.P.�11F1� . _ - -• ' / ri�c�l�tlJ� � �°" "� Y 2 61965 COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council MA 19— Yeas . Nays Dalglish � �,61965 Holland roved MA 19— Loss I!'SVUY + Meredith l d%'� Pete rs on V MAyor � A g81I13t • Rosen . Mr. President, Vavoulis �pI�BLISHED i�l�1 � 9 ��v� I1oM E-69 . � " ' I � . , ; �2���� OUTLIC�IT[TO MINTlR . CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�NCa NO � OFFICE OF THE CITI( CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �ESENTED �Y COMMISSIONE� DATF WHEREA�� bg Council File No. 213775� approw�d Jul.y g� 1g63� all or part� of th� following :tr�ets in Bdttle Cr�ek H�ightffi Pldt 2 x�r� �+aaat�d, to-wits �AV� Av�nue Ki� Plaos, P�der�en Strset, M41e�r Place� Faricy 3tr��t� Oak L�r�wn Dr�.v�� Dane Stre�t and Fay Avenu�; and WH$REAS� by CouaQil File No. 22101�� approv�d D�c�b�r 10� 1964, Rounds-�Av�nue in Battl• Cr�Ak Hei�hts Plat 2, b�tw��n ths w��t line of McKn�.�h� Roaci and th• •aat 13a� of Winthrop Strs�t, waa vaaated; and WbT�EAS� by �oun.cil Filo No. 223172� app�ov�d April 28 1965, so much of the publio aahool sit• cr�at�d by d�dica►t�on by ths Pil�.ny� and aoaeptano• of Battle �r��k �ei�h�� Plat 2� ` lying tiri.thin ths oont'�nos of Lot� 10 thro�h i3, Blook 21, Battle Crsek Hsights Plat 3� Wa� vaoated; aad WgEREAS� s�.l of aaid vao�►tion� v�re ezpre�aly nnds aub�eot � to the resmrvat3ons e=pr��a�d 3n Ordin�nce No. 3�9�+, a� eua�nded� nox Chapter 228 in the Smint P�.ul I�egi�lstiv Cade; and WHEREA3 th� Cit�r Counail i� i.n rsa�ipt ot' j,iritten C�rti�icsts� o� Int�ndsd �1on-IIm• 02' s�ch r�a�rved rights� e�sem�n�� and other al�i.�� by xll �feoted City departm�nt� �►nd publia �srvica cor- porations; no�, the��fo=e� be �t RE�OL'VED� Th�t the City ot' �aint Pa�l� Scr it�e�3f'�nd �or those persons for �hom it hs�s� pur�uant �o Seat3on ?�28.04(c) o�' aaid Coda� re�erv�d eaa�en�a� �ighta and other clai.a� in ffisid vac��ed property for �he inat�llation naint�nance and op�ration of' �ny �ower� t�rater� ga�a or �1�c�rica� �ain� pipe or Qoncluit of publia instrumsntality� do�� h�r�by wai�ve and disal�3.� a� to ��id vaaated propert� all such rights, •ss�menta and other alaima ari�in� by virtu�a and only by virtue ot the prov:.aion$ of said Sectioa 228.�?4fo). Mk�'�� � � 19g5 COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays 61965 Dalglish yIAY 2 Holland Approl/� 19— Loss jn Favor I� Meredith Peterson � MByOr g8inst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e-�