223646 '�� r; - �,,, �.�. .. , ��c,i��.ia`�" �
� �
: - � . By _ ;
' File No. S7728 `
. - t �
' In the Matter of conatructing and/or reconstructing the sidewalk on both sides of �-
. . - � .
Tatum Street from Taylor Avenue to Hewitt Avenue and by doing all o.ther work which .
.� . -
is necessary and incidental to caaplete said improvement
' under Preliminary Order - �22263� approved March 24, 1965 .
The Council of the G`ity of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of F`inance .
upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: • .
1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, aud the said improvement -��
is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. •
2. That the nature of the improvement which the Cauncil recommencLs is
„ ��
to tonstruct and/or reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Tatum Street from � -. `�=.
' .�_ ;
Taylor Avenue to Hewitt Avenue. and by doing all other work which is necesaary and
' incidental to complete said improvement, except where good and sufficient sidewalks •
now exist �'
. t
' with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 3.25 per. 1 i n, f t. for 5' wide wa lk
3.8U per. lin. ft. for 6' wide walk
Resolved Further, 'I`hat a public hearing be had on said improvement on the �4 rh day:of
- June, 1965 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber af the Court
House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of� Finance give notice of
said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by th� Char.ter, stating the time and place af
hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. �
� . � MAY 2 519��,
Adopted by the Counc�l •. -
Yea � ays _ - ��,��=
� Holtant# APpro - MAY 2 5 19��''."'
Iheredith --
. Peterson Tn Favor
� Rosen Mayor,
�gainst ,. , _ ,, , ., .
�UBLISHED MAY 2 � 19� �
6-68 2M 8�. R-1 '
r '
.tt, •
,%��j . _
. : Y
Opening, widening and extending Jackson Street to a width of 100 feet from
Ninth Street to Tenth Street by condemning and taking for street purposes, the ' ,�
following described parcels of laad in the City of Saint Paul: The Westerlq 44 .�
feet of Lot 1, in Hoyt's Subdivision of Morrison's Block of Hoye's Addition to
Saint Paul; the Westerly 44 feet of that part of Lot 2, in Soyt's Subdiviaion qf .
" Morrison's Block of Hoyt's Addition to Saint Paul described as follows: Beginning
at the �Southwesterly corner of said Lot 2; thence Northerly along Westerly line
of said Lot 1 foot - 3-3/4 inches; thence Eaeterly. l3� feet to Easterly line of _
_ = said Lot 2, thence Southerly along Ea�at-_e�-�y�l#ne-�of�.said�Lot,�1`,foot-"�= 4-7/8 '" �� �� `�'�
^ `�� inches to �the Southerly line of said Lot 2; thence along Southerly line of said
` • Lot 2, Westerly 130 feet to the Southwesterlq corner of said Lot 2; the place of
beginning, being a parceZ of land adjoining said Lot 1; the Westerly 44 feet of
that part of Lot 13, Auditor's Subdivision No. 24, Saint Paul, Minnesota, described
' as follows: Beginning at a point on the Westerly line of said Lot 13, 83.93 feet
Northerly of Southwesterly corner of said Lot Z3; thence Northerly along Westerly
line of said Lot, 1.56 feet; thence Easterly 76 feet to a point 85.32 feet North-
erly of Southerly line of said Lot 13; thence Southerly parallel with Westerly
line of said Lot 13, 1.33 feet; thence Westerly 76 feet to the place of beginning,
being a parcel of land a�d3oining South line of Lot 1 of Hoyt's Subdivision of
� " Morrison's-�Block of Hoyt's Addition to Saint Paul. •
. !, :
Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for the purpoae of enabling the
Citq or its Agenta to enter thereon to wreck .the entire building occupying the
. premises located at 496-502 Jackson Street on the`�following described parce�ls of
" '._ land in the CiCy of Saint Paul:
" .; ,Lot 1 in Hoyt's Subdiviaion of Morrison's Block of Hoyt's Addition to Saint
' Paul except the Westerly 44 feet th�ereof; that part of Lot 2 in Hoyt's Sub-
. , � divieion of Morrison's Addition to Saint�Paul described as follows; Begin-
. ° ning aC the Southwesterly corner of said Lot 2; thence Northerly along West-
erly li.ne of said Lot, l foot - 3-3/4 inches; thence Easterly 130 feet to the
-��•°•Easteriy line of said Lot 2; thence Southerly along said Essterly line 1 foot
x -:. . .
• °�4-7/8 inches to the Southerly line of said Lot 2; thence Westerly along 8aid
'. .��s .. . :..:Southerly line 130 feet to the Southmes.ter.lq corner of said Lot 2, the place
.• �„_ -
�� { T� of ytiegi:nning .except,_the Westerly':44_ feet thereof; that part. of Lot 13, Audi- �--� � -
- �" tor's�Subdivision No. 24,- Saint Paul, Minneeota, described as follows: Be�- �
ginning at a point on the Westerly liae of said Lot 13, 83.93 feet Northerly �
� � ' of Southwesterly corner of said Lot 13; thence Northerly along Wes�erly line
of said Lot 13, 1.56 feet; thence Basterly 76 feet to a point.85.32 feet
Northerly of Southerly line of said Lot 13; �thence Southerly parallel with
' Westerly line of said Lot 13, 1.33 feet; thence Westerly 76 feet to p2ace of
I , beginning, except the Westerly 44 feet' thereof, being a parcel of land ad-
, . joining Che South line of Lot 1 of Hoyt's Subdivision of Morrison's Block of
� , Hoyt's AddiCion ho Saint Paul.
� . _
� That part of Lot 12, Auditor's Subdivision No. 24, Saint Paul, Minnesbta,
� � . described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Westerly line of Lo� 12,
' 83.99 feet Northerly from the Southwesterly corner thereof; thence Northerly
along Westerly line of said Lot 12, 1.33 feet; thence Ea�terly 51 feet to a
poiat 85.19 feet Northerly from Southerly line of eaid Lot 12; thence Southerly .
; ," parallel with Westexly line of said Lot 12, a distance of 1.18 feet; thence '
Westerly 51 feet to the place of beginning, being a parcel of land ad3oining
� the Southerly line of Lot 1, Hoyt's Subdivision of Morrison's Block of Hoyt's ��
�� t Addition to Saint� Paul. • ��
i4 � .
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