06-143Council F51e # � `� � � Green Sheet # 3029453 L Presented by i Preliminary Piat for Dale Street Townhomes � . 3 WHEREAS, Greater Frogtown CDC, Zoning Fi{e # 05-194-413 has submitted for City Councif a approval of the attached Preliminary Plat for 16 residential lots and 2 outlots, at 608, 611, and 613 5 Blair Ave. and 609 Lafond Ave., east side of Dale, between Lafond and Van Buren; and 6 WHEREAS, the appropriate City departments have reviewed the Preliminary Plat and found, � subject to the recommended conditions, that it meets the requirements of Chapter 69 of the Zoning 8 Code; and 9 WHEREAS, notice of pubfic hearing before the City Council was duly published in the official to newspaper of the City on January 5, 2006, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected ii property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the subject property; and 1z WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on the proposed subdivision on January 18, 13 2006, at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having 14 considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the Preliminary Plat; is NOW, THEREFORE BE 1T RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves the 16 attached Preliminary Plat for Dale Street Townhomes for 16 residential lots and 2 outlots, subject to 1� the following conditions: 18 1. That the project receives the other necessary zoning approvals (site plan approval and 19 rezoning to TN2); 20 2. zi 3. That the alley right-of-way that is a part of the platted area is vacated by the City Council; That the survey is corrected as required by the Department of Public Works; 2z 4. This approval shall not constitute acceptance of the subdivision by the city, but shall be z3 deemed an expression of approval of the design submitted on the preliminary plat as a guide to 24 the preparation of the final subdivision plat; and 25 5. For a period of one (1) year following preliminary approval, unless the city and the subdivider 26 agree otherwise, no change in the comprehensive plan or other official controls shall affect the z� use, density, lot sizes, lots, layout, dedication or platting required or permitted by the approved 2s application. 29 Requested by Deparhnent of: Bostrom � � Thune Adopted by Council: Date RESOLUTION NT PAUL, MINNESOTA ✓ ✓ 3 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary " BY� l/Ir� "+ii.� i.v� Approve y y : Date��� By: � Form Approved by City Attomey B P. �✓t✓�•_ �-zs_o� Form Ap �ed Ma r for �ss'o Co cil By: �► o� ��" Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 0�-145 i Departrnentloffice/council: � Date Initiated: PE -P��,�g&�oom,��e�opm�� ',�� Green Sheet NO: 3029453 Confact Person & Phone: � ' Patricia James � � 266-6639 : ,, Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): ; ConfrectType: RE�2ESOLUiION � ' Assign Num6er For Routing Order � Total#ofSignaWrePages�(ClipAllLocationsforSignafure) i '._.,__...____`_._ Deoartrnent SentToPerson InitiallDate 0 �lanoine&EcanomicDeveloo PatriciaJames � ` Yf � 1 �RI n' &E micDevei ' Di eeto 1T Sdiertle 2 � Attomev I (Srv Attoruev � 3 'Mavor's Office ! MavodAssistant 4 Council I C5ri Councl 5 Cih Clerk I G7N Clerk 6 lannin & Emnomic Develo Patricia James Approve resolution memorializing City Council action to approve a Preliminary Plat for Dale Street Townhomes (16 residential lots and 2 outlots) (Z.F. OS-194-413). Public hearing held January 18, 2006. itlations� Approw (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee CiHI Service Commission rersonai serv�ce convaccs must Answerme ronowmg Vuesnons: i. Has this personlfirtn e�er wodced under a coMract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this persoNfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Greater Frogtown CDC has applied for Preliminary Plat approval for Dale Street Townhomes for 16 residential lots and 2 outlots property located at 608, 611, and 613 Blair Ave. and 609 Lafo�d Ave., East side of Dale, between Lafond and Van Buren. Advantages IfApproved: City Council intent is finalized. DisadvantageslfApproved: None �����y'f�Asn� FL�O�p r� v'c P f ���?�'� � � �i§J� Disativantages If Not Approved: City Council action will no[ be completed. � iotal Amount of TrensaMion: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: ���6��Q AcfN'Ay Number: ,s�.. ,-�+���. ���? i l l�� January 19, 2006 12:03 PM Page 1 PRELIMINAR Y PLAT: n �- �� 7 DALE STREET TOWNHOMES � 1�J E ]6a1t4 "�^ P M ia„a�n6 a xou. q9 t�va��Eb�m�� � y ��aim ei'ne! m�v a S�]M X Tmmf�b a FWR p�II Xxt Pmmy 6en�y Llmawla NOTM�IR 19RN20E v..mV¢ 'JA,512F I � I � ( I � I � I ' _ J` I ' F �� W' `3 � � � @ [� G R� AI : ll:��l i � .: � I ,"• j I J .. Y ... I ... . t�� � 5��,2`.r .. I _ � I LAPOND AVENUE c� R. �r-¢.m { �w'w. �«r�x w�::xo.�P v rw.e. ama fe1�a15e F�NG Se&Sh.M �i: lr •%I %=r I 1.. I :�: I f� I I � I . �_J_-L � � � Ki � - � � �, <<� � 4 ; �: �_ , � I _ ' ima � € ..t{�`: •':E; J A j •'� �5 f � IOi�'e � �.1� Q�'�F. (ee rt. adi-pF-wl.Mj LEGAL DESCRZPIZON lXE E15i i8 fEEi W Lpi f6. LOT t] .WO LOT 1& BLCLK 2 MIQIEL'S SUB�IN90X Of BLCG( 4 STNSCN5 DMSNµ PMISEY W Wf1Y, MINNE°AT/.. AND L015 tJ. 14� lXE EASlIB FEEt Cf LOl5f3. IB M'� LOlS Il ANO 19. BLCGI( I. MIG16�5 9JBDIN90N OF BLOCK 5 SPNSON'S OM90H. RA4SY CWNtt. MINNESOiA PH .EP]IT IDHING CUSSFlGTCN MP 91E 0➢6FES 80B h 811 BWF AYSNIIE. $AINi PW4 MN 55f0.i 608 IX�N� pVEHUE SVNi PAI11. MN SS10J BA95 OF �PRWGS: pAVSEY CWNIY COpipINp1E MfrM. NP➢&5. iOTAL PRCF£qiY qFEA ]5.89&B 50. FT. / 0.8194 AGRES TAPo StIBpCNR fA0.YT MINIMUM 10 fEET - MRtlMI1M 4S fEEi REhi MINIMIIM IS fFFi scaic � mnb o�Hem M ��� f 10.10+6 L� ��W9m m�M � �vm�vuID�e.alySxw M m ��n Wmia A# DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT V � /� ( � � Tony Schertler, Interim Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Christopfier B. Coiemaq Mayor January 4, 2006 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research O�ce Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: 25 W Founh Street Snini Paul, MN 55102 Te[ephone: 651-266-6700 Facsimiie: 651-228-3220 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, January 18, 2006, for the following zoning case. Zoning File Number: File Name: Address: Purpose: 05-194-413 Greater Frogtown CDC (Dale Street Townhomes) 608-613 Blair Ave and 609 Lafond, east side of Dale, between Lafond and Van Buren Preliminary Plat for Dale Street Townhomes for 16 residential lots and 2 outlots. City staff have reviewed the preliminary plat and recommend approvai subject to revisions to the final plat. I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Montgomery's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda fior the January 11, 2006, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 651-266-6639 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �� Patricia James City Planner - �,,.,..,,...�,� . ...:._.� i �� .. .._ � . �t�� � � ��flJ cc: File #: 05-194-413 ApplicanUAppellant: Greater Frogtown CDC, Jill Hendricksen Paul Dubruiel i NOTIL`E OF PUBLIC �+'s�+�C� Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Allan Torstenson AA-ADA-EEO Employer 1he Saint Paul C1ty Co�mci�wiR-eondiict a public hearing on Wednesday, January 18, 2006 at 5:30 PM in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Bonlevard, St. Paui, MN, to can- sider the application oF Greater F7ogtown CDC for a�PrelimiFiary Plat for Dale Sheet Townhomes for 16 residential lots and 2 ouflots at 608-613 Blair Avenue and 609 Iafond Avenue (east side of Dale Street �between Lafond and Van Buren Avenues} (Zoning N�le 05-194-413) � Dated: January 5,�2006 MARY ERICKSON - . AssisYant City Covnca Secretary . . (JanuaiY 9) � —__= 81: PADL LEGAL IEDGER xaea�= 22108643 '- . . DEPARTMENT OF PLANIVING & ���/ �� � ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ,,,_ ,_„ - Tony Scherlle>, Interim Directo> ci� �F' S�r pA� 25 W. Fourth Street _ - Telepkone: 651-266fi700 Christopher B. Co[eman, Mayor SaintP¢ul, MN55102 FncstmiZe. 651428-3220 January 11, 2006 � Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research OfFce Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File #: OS-194-413 File Name: Greater Frogtown CDC (Dale Street Townhomes) Address: 608, 617, 613 Bfair Ave, 609 Lafond, east side of Dale, between Lafond and Van Buren Purpose: Preliminary Plat for Dale Street Townhomes for 16 residential lots and 2 outlots. Citv Council Hearinq: Staff Recommendatio�: District Council: Staff Assigned: Approve with conditions District 7 supports fhe townhouse development Patricia James, 651-266-6639 Attachments: Staff Report packet � cc: Zoning File 05-194-413 Applicant: Greater Frogtown CDC City Council Members District Council: 7 Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm Allan Torstenson Peter Warner January 18, 2006 5:30 p.m.. City Council Chambers AA-ADA-EEO Employer SUBDIVISION STAFF REPORT D � � 1. FILE NAME: Greater Frogtown CDC (Dale Street Townhomes) FILE # OS-194-413 2. APPLICANT: Greater Frogtown Community Development Corp. HEARING DATE: January 18, 2006 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Preliminary Plat 4. LOCATION: 608-613 Blair Ave, 609 Lafond, east side of Dale, befiveen Lafond and Van Buren 5. PIN & LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 362923220161, 362923220164, 362923220218, 362923220133, 362923220134, 362923220135, 362923220220; MICHEL'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 4, STINSON`S DIVISION, LOTS 13-18 BLK 1 and LOTS 16-18 BLK 2 6. PLANNING DISTRICT: 7 7. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §69.301; §69.406 8. STAFF REPORT DATE: January 11, 2006 9. �A i t t�ECEIVED: October 25, 2005 PRESENTZONING: R4 BY: Patricia James A. PURPOSE: Preliminary Plat for Daie Streef Townhomes for 16 residential lots and 2 outlots. B. PARCEL SIZE: Dale between Lafond and Blair: 262.9 ft. (Dale) x 86 ft. (Lafond including �/z new alley) = 22,609.4 sq. ft. Dale between Blair and alley so. of Van Buren: 131.4 ft. (Dale including �/Z alley) x 96 ft. (Blair) = 12,614.4 sq. ft. Totai area is 35,223.8 sq. ft. C. EXISTING LAND USE: vacant land, single family and duplex residential D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: low density residential (R4) East: low density residentiai (R4) South: vacant, low density residential (R4) West: mixed commercial and residential (62) E. ZONING CODE CITATION: §69.301 states that platting is required when a subdivision (1) creates � five or more lots or parcels each of which is 2'/2 acres or less in size, or (2) requires paved streets, alleys and other public improvements, or (3) is previously unplatted land. §69.406 provides criteria for review of subdivision applications. These criteria are covered below under "Required Findings." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: A rezoning application is a companion to this piat (Z.F. 05-193-681). A parking variance has been approved by the Planning Commission (Z.F. 05-194-363). An alley vacation is also being requested. . G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: District 7 supports this project. H. REQUIRED FINDINGS: § 69.4�6 of the Zoning Code requires that afl of fhe foilowing findings shatl be made prior to approval of a subdivision: 3. � � All the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are complied with. City staff have reviewed the proposed plat and have determined that ali applicable provisions of city codes can be met. The Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection (LIEP) notes that the project requires a rezoning and a parking variance. The Department of Public Works notes some required changes to the survey and that an alley vacation 'rs necessary. Upon approval of the preliminary plat, the applicant has one year in which to submit the final plat. The proposed subdivision will not be detrimental fo the present and potential surrounding land uses. This finding is satisfied. The proposed plat is consistent with the surrounding residential land uses, and wili not be detrimental to present and future use of surrounding land. The a�ea surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and compatibility with fhe proposed subdivision. This finding is satisfied. The area surrounding the proposed piat is already developed and compatible with the proposed plat. The subdivision is in conformance with fhe comprehensive plan. The subdivision is in conformance with Policy 5.2 of the Housing chapter of the Comprehensive Plan, which states: "Promote good design solutions for housing thaf ... complements existing Saint Paui neighborhoods, designs that use the smaller deveiopment sifes creatively... ." The FILE # OS-194-413 Subdivision Staff Report Page 2 Transportation chapter classifies Dale Street as an "A" minor arteriai and as a secondary transit � corridor (2015 Functional Classification map and Proposed Transit Corridor map). 5. The subdivisron preserves and incorporates the site's impoitant exrsting natura( features whenever possib(e. This finding is satisfied. The site is in a fulfy-developed part of St. Paui with no remaining natural features. 6. A!1 land intended for building sites can be used safely without endangering residents by peril from floods, erosion, continuousiy high wafer table, severe soil condifions or other menace. This finding is satisfied. The site is a flaf, fully developed area with no flooding, erosion, high water table or soii condition probiems. 7. The subdivision can be economically served with pub/ic facilities and services. This finding is safisfied. The subdivision can be economicafly served wifh public facifities and services from surrounding streets. 8. §69.402, Preliminary plat - Procedures states: Defermination of the city counci! sha!l be by resolution. Approval shall not constitute acceptance of the subdivision by the crty, but shall be deemed an expression of approval of the design submifted on the preliminary plat as a guide to the preparation of the frnal subdivision plat. lf fhe preliminary p/af is not approved, the reasons for such action sha!( be recorded in fhe proceedings of the council and transmifted to the subdivider. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on required findings 1 through 7, staff recommends approval of the preliminary piat as an expression of approval of the design and as a guide to the preparation of the final subdivision plat for Dale Street Townhomes subjecf to the following conditions: 1. The project receives other necessary zoning approvals (site plan approval and rezoning to TN2). � 2. The aliey right-of-way that is a part of the platted area is vacated by the Cify Council. 3. The survey is corrected as required by the Department of Public Works. Attachments: Application Preliminary Piat Site Location Maps �� r� u � � PRE'�,I.i�fI�V�.�Y P�,AT� DAL� ST1�E�`?' TD �11�I��1�ES ��� 36SS14 ��; �M�y�x��rt+ w.� � bA:fra ssq� �.�i¢� a �al� vn'�RCwY LwnR � uSA�c te2x2a vqs:iF ' I I I I I I I � I � I � _J I _ � I � o,. wms m I ...c `� I � F 4� a�, � T s � ~ qi � I ::r I :' I :.: I �. I I I I 1 � � � � �_I':i�� Rm � �� Kt�� ' I�., i. � �., i:�� � ::: i $ .... i = �° ,,`" ` ait A � I w*s ' � e!�T�Iv � BLA7R �VENUE m *- -. n I _ I .._.. �' z � ,. rt}: I � t e„ ' 9 �. -; ` � � w. � I 3 � � .;:;:I'' �• :I; a.. 1 � ` " .._ � • I I I s�ocK ��'� I rl - ;I I _ ,.: �''_:;•,r. d 0 wn � � � I r.; �II�= l �e �:� � : __ _ �.s , _ �,o � �-1:.'�°>: � �„ i t { �,'„ � � LAFOND AVENUE t��*.�r-m-w.» � � �xw�.xw �m.�i�"u°"1a"r cw�o: u•am°:=iia a �«. caima satznca Dl� �l LECAL DESCRIPTfON iME USt I6 fE£T � �Oi 16, LOT iJ µ0 �OT 1& BLOIX 3. MIMR'S SUBOINAW OF BL0.^K O SlX5GV5 DiVI510N� RNASET COW, tt, MINX60i�. ANP LOl51J. 14. ME FASI I6 fF£!pF LO15 l5. 18 INO LOIS Il M'0 18. BLOLK 1. MIGl1EL'S $V9DINSON G£ BL0.'K � STNSOX'S pIV90N. RAVffT MINNE�OTA rrrc�Hr zmnxc amm�cnnaa ixz 5TC 0➢OR64 BOB @ 811 6WC qYENUE S�W: P4VL NN 55i6] aos urcMp ,r�ivuc v,x, aMn, .., ss,m BA95 CF ffqRIN6: RAV�T CWNiY CANNINAtE SlSiEM� NMh3. iOi.1L FRCPERtt NKP: J5,89fi.B W R. / 0.8194 AOiES YNp $E{BpCKS FlSGNT MINMIM 10 f¢i - MptlMl➢A E fFF! REAR AMNIMVM 15 FFFL �Q DEPARTMENT OF PLANNI[JG & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Tony Scker[Zer, Interim Direttor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor January 4, 2006 Greater Frogtown CDC Attn: Jill Hendricksen 689 N. Dale Sf. Saint Paui, MN 55103 25 P✓uSFourtFe Strezt SaintPaul, MN55702 � Telephone: 65I-266-670D Facsimite: 651-228-3220 FZE: Zoning Fite # 05-994-443, Greafer Frogtown CDC (Dale Streef Townhomes) Dear Ms. Hendricksen: On Ocfober 25, 2005, you submitted an application for a Preliminary Plat for Dale Street Townhomes for 16 residential lots and 2 ouflots at 608-693 Blair Ave and 609 Lafond, east side of Dale between Lafond and Van Buren. City sfaff fiave reviewed the preliminary plat and have ident+fed the following issues: PED Zoning: The property must be rezoned to TN2 and a parking variance approved (Variances approved on December 2, 2005, and rezoning pending) Office of License; inspecfions, and Environmental Protection (LIEP): Project receives approval of rezoning, variances, and site pfan review. DeparEment of Public Works: 1. Need uniform right-of-way width for Dale Street. 2. Monuments at Section and Quarter corners not identified correctiy. 3. Ait public right-of-way within the proposed plat area must be vacated. 4. No delayed sfaking allowed. See Sec. 67.6Q0(fl. Based on these comments, sfaff wili recommend approvai of the preliminary piat subject to the following condition(s): 1. The project receives the necessary zoning approvals. 2. The alley right-of-way that is a part of the platted area is vacated by the City Council. 3. The survey is corrected as required by the department of Public Works. A pubfic hearing on fhe preliminary pfat has been scheduled for January 18, 2006. City Council approval of the pretiminary piat does not consfitute acceptance of the subdivision by the city, but is an expression of approval of the design submitted on fhe preliminary piat as a guide to the preparation of the finai subdivision plat. � � AA-ADA-EEO EMPLOYER Zoning File # OS-194-413 Preliminary Plat Letfer Page: 2 6�-f�3 If the City Councii approves the preliminary plaf on January 18, 2006, you have one year in � which fo submif the final plat. Final plat submiffal requires submitiing 10 full - sized copies of the revised inal piaf and one copy of the final piai reduced to 8%z X 11 to fhe Zoning Desk, 1400 City Hall Annex. Final piat approval wiil be by resolution o� the City Councii, bui no additionai pubiic hearing is required. I� you have iurther questions, please contact me at 65i-266-663� or by e-mail at patricia.james@ci.sipaui.mn.us. Si , erely, �— ����� Pa�ricia James Ci'ty Pianner cc: Zoning File # 05-� 94-413 Greater Frogtown CDC (Dale Street Townhomes) District 7 i � � � � � . . . CITiZEN PARt.ICIP�lTIOP� P:�AP{NINC DISTRICrS ' 1 .SUNRAY=B�T7LECREEK�HTGHWOOD � 2.GREATER EAST �IDE � � . 3.41E5T SIDE� I ' 4:DAYTON'� BLUFP : . . i . 5: RAYNE-PHkl.Et�. ��_. .� RTH EN�D •.- ' 7.. OMAS=DALE � SUMMIT-UN?�IERSF.TY ' (� I - I �. COF(b : SEVENTH. . /�� � g / �/ ,� ' � tJ 1 1.HRMLINE-MIDWAY . . . ! 12. ST. . ANTitQt�Y _ - . � 13.MERRIAM PK:-LEkIA��TON HAMLINE . " _ . : 14 ..GROV'cLAND�MACALfSTER � . • � - .� � • . 1 �. HIGHlANO :• � .. . 96:SUMM?T HICL� - _ - � 17. DQW�YtQWN . . . '. � . � . .. � . � r ... . . . , .: � . . � . . ' . . l .. . ' � . ' CITIZEN PARTIC?PATFpH DIS R'iC7S � � ....... ....:,., i' � ---- e _�_--- F � ��—=�:::::_- . ., :_ � ���� ._ �i I ���� I��� . 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